under fire

Chapter 187 Enemies are everywhere

Chapter 187 Enemies are everywhere

The canyons lie across, the mountains are majestic, majestic and steep, stretching endlessly, like a dragon that sees the head but does not see the end.

Looking from the top of the mountain, there are lofty mountains and mountains, thousands of peaks competing for beauty, and thousands of ravines competing for wonder;
Looking down, there is a sense of high mountains and man-made peaks;
Looking up, the two walls are facing each other, or feel that the two walls are within reach; looking up, the majestic Taihang, the sky is deep and deep.

In particular, there are bluestones or yellowstones, and the mountains and boulders are bare, without soil coverage, but they are covered with greenery. The simple and green cypresses are squeezed out of the cliff rocks, and they are stubborn and tenacious.

In the valley, there is a long, narrow, light red, curved belt that separates the sky from the hilltops.Then, the long band slowly expanded, like a red cloud, like a red plum, the light red glowed brightly, unfolding continuously under the sky, lifting the twilight above the head, and making the sky red.

Behind a company of security forces, followed by a small team of devils, a team of nearly 200 people, mighty, sparsely meandering in the winding valley.

In the early days, they entered most of the mountains and surrounded the entire mountain area of ​​the Eighth Route Headquarters, and achieved great results. In order to keep it secret, the security forces were all on the periphery and did not participate in the sweep. Enables vigilantes to conduct perimeter searches.

There are messy footprints everywhere on the roads and trails in the mountains. After entering the mountain together with the security forces, the devils searched for traces on the mountain roads with few footprints. The team walked for another day, but there was nothing to gain. The magnificent scenery here is no longer in the mood to appreciate.

With the security forces accompanying them, the team's search speed was naturally greatly reduced, and the devils following behind were not in a hurry.

The devils followed the security forces, listlessly, and advanced along the planned route. According to the plan, they had to climb over the hill in front. According to the hunter who led the way, there was a village over there, the planned campsite.

After turning a corner, the mountain road in the valley began to turn to the mountain ridge. The zigzag road led the security forces to climb up the mountain ridge with their feet like lead.

The security army team also released leading soldiers, but there were a lot of people, walking in front of the security army one platoon.

The one leading the way at the front is an Orion!Under the temptation of bayonet forcing food, he had to lead the way for the devils.

"Boss, climb up the mountain ridge in front of you, and there is a village not far north!"

"What kind of road did you lead, I searched several villages, but I didn't find a single road, let alone a single commoner! I think you are a bit like a spy!"

"I'm wronged, boss, how do I know that I haven't met a single commoner all the way in this mountain?"

"Go ahead, don't talk nonsense, it's really weird, isn't it? Bazhen went underground!"

"Boss, isn't it a good thing that you haven't found the Eight Routes?"

"If you want to talk more, Zhao Laoer, you take us wandering around in the mountains, do you think I don't know?"

"Hey, don't tell me, you can't find it anymore. The princes behind don't seem to have much food. I think maybe they have to go back home?"

"Uh, don't make small plans, kid, and lead your way with peace of mind, if you didn't often go to the city to sell prey, this good thing wouldn't be your turn.

"Huh? Can this be considered a good thing? If the Eighth Route Army finds out, maybe my ancestral grave will have to be dug up."

"Hmph, why didn't you think that your ancestors' graves would be dug up when you received the food?"

"Isn't that forced by you?"

The leading platoon leader of the Security Force looked up at the top of the mountain, silently calculating in his heart, feeling that the distance to the top of the mountain was not too far away, panting like a bull, followed Orion with his hands and feet, struggling upward, stopping and looking.

A security guard at the back stepped on a loose stone, and the stone rolled down the steep mountain wall. There was no one on the zig-zag mountain road, but it caused a burst of curses.

I didn't even have the energy to scold back, so I continued to climb up with the team in front of me.

On the top of the mountain ridge, there are jagged rocks, and unknown bushes are stubborn in the mountain wind. In the bushes, three people in gray clothes are sitting, two of them are soldiers of the Eighth Route Army, and the other is dressed as an ordinary person, watching the top of the mountain ridge dyed red by the sunset.

The three of them were sitting on a slightly flatter rock. They had just climbed up the ridge, and they were still panting.

Looking back, the team behind was climbing up the valley.

In the valley, a group of marching men and horses, gray military uniforms, struggled through the bushes, one by one, exhausted.

In the queue, there was a big soldier lying on a stretcher in front of him, squinting his eyes half-closed to look at the majestic scenery of the mountains and mountains connected to the sky. Maybe he didn't know how to appreciate it. He looked at the sky with a serious expression.

The Eighth Route Army was also exhausted, their gray uniforms were soaked with sweat, and circles of salt were stained on their backs.

Seeing that there is no road in the valley ahead, a steep trail hangs on the cliff, leading to the mountain ridge in the direction of the mountain road.

The stretcher couldn't be lifted anymore, and the big soldier with bandages got off the stretcher and stood there like an iron tower.

Suffering such a serious injury, in just ten days, he could barely walk around, baring his teeth every step of the way.

Immediately, the soldier behind handed over a cypress crutch and put it on. One soldier hung a bandage on his shoulder, and the other end was in Gao Yidao's hand. And use the hard way upwards.

on the ridge,
A vanguard seemed to hear something, and was vigilant: "I heard movement at the foot of the opposite mountain!"

The other two held their breath and listened carefully. Except for the mountain wind, there was no other sound. The vanguard was a little puzzled: "Did you hear it wrong?"

"Impossible, there must be someone!"

The three of them suddenly became tense.

Get up quickly, the two pioneers are in front, and the ordinary people who lead the way are behind. Regardless of fatigue, they spread their legs and ran to the mountain road ahead, hoping to find out the situation.

Two teams, with different colored military uniforms, so far, no one knows the existence of the other, but they are about to meet at the mountain ridge.

The first-come-first-arrival gap is a fatal gap.

The three of them used their hands and feet among the rocks, walked along the rugged mountain road to the other side of the mountain for a while, and quickly came to the other side of the mountain ridge. .

Beside the boulder, at the end of the path, suddenly, a head wrapped in a gray cloth popped up, and finally climbed up, with sweat on his face, with some excitement, and suddenly froze again.

The two sides found each other at the same time, and they were all stunned on the spot.

"What the hell are you doing standing there, hurry up, so you can rest for a while!" The mountain road was narrow, and the security forces behind Orion urged impatiently, and the voice came up.

The soldier in the gray uniform raised his rifle vigilantly, pulled the bolt and loaded a bullet into the chamber, leaning against the rock, pointing the muzzle at the stunned Orion.

"Don't move, what are you doing?" Seeing the common people on the opposite side, the soldier's heart was slightly relieved, although it was still beating wildly.

The soldier moved forward slowly, bypassing the boulder, and behind the ordinary people, suddenly another large mast cap appeared, it was the platoon leader of the security force, the soldier's heart that had just been let go became nervous again, he raised his gun, and aimed: "Who is it? do not move!"

The platoon leader of the Security Force hurriedly took out his gun, and his action caused the soldiers to become nervous.

The sound of gunshots echoed in the valley!
The panicked security platoon leader was not stupid. The moment he saw the black muzzle pointing at him, his first reaction was to hide!

He lowered his body and stepped back, knocking over the security forces behind him, and the two of them rolled down the mountain.

There was a cypress tree on the edge of the cliff, and the platoon leader of the security force grabbed hold of it and did not fall. He didn't know whether to call for help or to call for eight roads on the mountain. The security force who was hit by him was unprepared and was knocked off the cliff. The wall collided and let out a tragic howl, and the sound spread from top to bottom.

The sudden sound of gunfire shook the sanity of the security forces who were climbing up the mountain ridge. After a moment of loss of consciousness, the security forces panicked and instinctively searched for cover on the edge of the cliff.

A quick-reacting security force pulled off his rifle, pulled the bolt, and fired at the eighth road on the hill. Panicked, he failed to hit the eighth road who was close at hand. He retracted his head and was also sweating profusely. .

(End of this chapter)

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