under fire

Chapter 189 Worthy of This Military Uniform

Chapter 189 Worthy of This Military Uniform

Devil raids always have goals and plans, but the security forces have no goals. In fact, their thinking is very simple, just to live, without culture, without belief, to live like animals, to live until the day they enter the coffin.

In order to survive, many people had to take refuge in devils and become second dogs. When the danger ahead threatened their lives, their first thought was of course to save their lives, without any reason.

Of course, it is a different matter for those who join the security forces with some purpose. They join the security forces for other reasons, which may be for wealth or revenge, but it definitely does not include sweeping up compatriots.

But devils want to possess everything, and are always unwilling to make others live comfortably. They burn, kill and loot all the way, all in order to satisfy their perverted desire for aggression. They occupy other people's homes. Apart from obedience, they also don't want others to live a good life. .

Gao Yidao doesn't understand so many principles, he only knows that if you make me feel bad, I will let you die!
On the mountain road at dusk, the bushes are full of dark green, disturbed by the wind brought by the rushing soldiers, and a few dead leaves are floating in the mountain wind.

Gao Yidao, who was lying on the stretcher, slid down quickly, endured the pain from the wound, and watched the bullets whizzing up the cliff, driving the fog before dusk to form columns of fog.

There is a high knife that has a special bite on the battlefield, blood rushes up, a blush appears on the dark face, and the scalp is a little numb.

One of the three vanguards sacrificed, and one had a lottery on his head. The common people looked like they didn't care about it, pulling their rifles and shooting desperately in the rain of bullets, without even thinking about where the bullets went.

The wounded soldier was dead, and the bullet plowed a blood groove against his forehead, and he was being bandaged beside him.

A soldier stood on top of the wounded soldier. He was poking his head to look at the situation. As soon as he stretched out his neck, the brim of his hat was blown away by a bullet, and he quickly retracted his head in fright.

Gao Yidao pulled away the soldier who was bandaging the wounded soldier, and turned his head to let another soldier shoot the soldier desperately. The man in ordinary clothes also took his place. He first asked the wounded soldier, "What's the situation?"

"Reporting to the company commander, we just got on the beam and heard some movement over there, just in time to meet a group of security forces coming up, it's about the same"

"How many are there?"

"Eh, they started fighting as soon as they came up. I can't count them. The Security Force has more than 100 numbers. It should be a company!"

"A company of security forces is not a big problem!"

"There are still a large number of devils behind, dozens of them, I don't know if there are any behind!"

"There are still devils? Fighting for so long, just the three of you?"

"That's, fortunately, we were one step ahead. The one who just came up was a commoner who led the way. He was about to go up to check the situation, and found a large number of people behind him. He threw two grenades and beat them down! But Xiao Wu..." Ser's answer, thinking of the sacrificed comrades, immediately froze again.

"What did you say? You three, two guns beat back a company's army. Good job, I will reward you later! How is the terrain at the bottom of the mountain?" Gao Yidao knew that the terrain must have taken advantage of it, but the three fought back A company of security forces and devils is a bit unbelievable.

Seeing that the company commander was skeptical, the soldier looked anxiously: "Don't believe it, the terrain over there is similar to the one we came up to. Hey, company commander, I think that if you throw another wave of grenades down, all those bastards will die."

Gao Yidao is a rough man, but he also has his own cleverness. Now he has an absolute advantage in the terrain. If he throws a grenade, he doesn't know how many security forces can be killed. Like the injured soldier, it is definitely impossible to kill all of them.

It is estimated that the security forces will run after the devils. This is not in line with his style. He wants to take care of the devils behind him, so he didn't act rashly.

Turning around to ask the person who looked like a commoner: "You are a guerrilla, and you are familiar with this place. Is there any other way besides this mountain road?"

The guerrillas were still excited: "Yes, there are, but it takes a long way around! Don't worry right now!"

After Gao Yidao asked a question, he stopped asking. He was ecstatic in his heart: Hey, if you don’t take advantage of this delivery, I’m not living in vain?

Holding on to the stone beside him, he stood up vigorously and looked around the terrain. It was very bad, and the troops he brought with him were unable to deploy more than half of the company.

Even if the regiment leader came, he didn't withdraw, unless he made a detour to outflank it?This is a good idea, but it seems that the purpose of entering the mountain this time is to reinforce the headquarters and fight the devils on the periphery. Does it count as reinforcements?
It doesn't seem to work, except for the col between two huge rocks that can barely be seen below the mountain, the other places are all close to steep slopes, and it is impossible for people to pass.

Defense is fine, but he wants to fight back, but he is powerless, and his ecstasy turns into depression.

For the first time, Gao Yidao seriously considered the difference between reinforcements and fighting outside devils.

A few puppet soldiers were killed and a dozen were injured. The second lieutenant of the devil didn't care about such a loss.up
It depends on the owner to beat a dog, right?The second lieutenant believed that these eight groups must have slipped through the net as mentioned in the intelligence, occupying a favorable position to lay an ambush.

The second lieutenant is not a fool. When he saw the imperial army, he either hid in the deep mountains and shivered, or ran away like a rabbit. It is impossible for the three of them not to know how powerful the imperial army is?Extremely unreasonable!
If things go wrong, there must be ghosts!All kinds of signs show that there should be more than these three melons and two jujubes on the mountain. Maybe the Tuba Road has other purposes, but no matter what the purpose is, the mountain ridge should have its own goal!

It doesn't matter what kind of target it is. Second Lieutenant Guizi doesn't intend to let go of the above-mentioned eight groups. The small group of eight groups who took the initiative to attack, the unknown target, successfully aroused his curiosity!

He and the public security army were both in this mountain, and searched carefully for several days, but found nothing. In frustration, he met the rightful owner. Leading a group of security forces, they groped forward on the hill.

Seeing that it was about to get dark, the second lieutenant planned to go up the mountain before dark, otherwise, the night would be full of dreams, and if he escaped, the past few days would be wasted.

The eighth road without a machine gun seems to have no grenades at this time. It has been fighting for so long, and if you want to fight against the elites of the empire, you are overconfident!

Seeing half of the sun sinking into the clouds, Gao Yidao smelled the occasional gunpowder smoke, and the sound of gunfire echoed in the mountain stream.

Wisps of mist lingered in the valley, slowly climbing up from the valley, obscuring the low-lying areas, and the bottom of the valley could not be seen clearly.

The moon in early summer appeared in the distant mountains, slowly turning from gray to golden; it illuminated the black grass and shrubs, and the yew trees in the distance of the canyon emerged with a canopy, which was reflected in the black monster-like mountains, like small islands, slowly being swallowed up.

The devil jumped over the groaning security forces on the road, and moved forward vigilantly on the golden moon that covered the entire mountain road.

Bathed in the moonlight, the white moonlight shone all over his body, and his tall figure dazzled the audience.

Until he was slapped on the neck by Captain Lu, who was following up later, he was caught off guard and yelled loudly.

"What's the situation?" Just as he got off the stretcher, Captain Lu's gasping voice came.

Gao Yidao hurriedly saluted, and proudly told Captain Lu what he knew.

"You want to get ideas from these devils?" Captain Lu asked under the darkness of the moonlight.

"It's a pity not to eat the fat that's close to your mouth?" Gao Yidao hurriedly added.

"Are you sure there's a squad of devils down there?" Captain Lu frowned.

"It shouldn't be wrong!" Gao Yidao forcibly suppressed his excitement.

"Tell me, what do you think?" Head Lu asked unhurriedly.

"This place is dangerous, but the terrain is not good for us. It's no problem to defend, and we can't beat them. If we put it up, we don't seem to have that much appetite to eat this big guy."

"Even if you take a step back and ambush, I think it's enough! According to what you said, there are too many devils." Captain Lu looked around the environment.

"Let them come up, lure the enemy deep, and we will lay an ambush in sections, we can fight as much as we can!" Gao Yidao had already planned.

"What's our mission?" Head Lu grimaced.

"Isn't it reinforcements? There's a group of devils right now. Let's fight these devils to complete the mission! Besides, it's not easy for us to encounter such a good thing. If we don't beat him, all the devils are sorry for our military uniform!" Seriously ,serious.

(End of this chapter)

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