under fire

Chapter 190 Supplies

Chapter 190 Supplies
It was a last resort for the supplementary group to choose the valley. They led the devils around the mountains for five or six days, fighting the devils every day. The number of people fighting the devils became less and less.

If it weren't for the devil's guns, good bullets and grenades, and the large number of troops, well-trained, and the devils taking advantage in the mountains familiar to the Eighth Route Army, the devils would not be the opponents of the Eighth Route Army at all!
In a dilapidated tent, under a dim oil lamp, four people gathered around a few grenade and ammunition boxes and piled up uneven makeshift tables, and were having a meeting.

"Comrade Su Qing, our regiment is far away from the enemy-occupied area, but it guards the mountain passages to the east and southeast of the division headquarters. The task is heavy"

"Our defense area is only from the entrance of the mountain in the east to the division headquarters. Outside the mountain in the east is the six-division defense area, and in the south there is an independent regiment defense on the front line. Although most of our defense area is in the base area, this is not because intelligence work is not carried out. The reason." Su Qing frowned: "So, I don't think this is an excuse to rely entirely on troop reports for supplementary intelligence work. We should know the importance of intelligence work. They are our eyes. Without intelligence, we are blind!"

"Don't we have soldiers passing on information about our brothers? Can't we just use them to form?"

"So we have to change from passive transmission to active collection. In addition to soldiers, ordinary people should also participate in the work of defending the base."

"There is an independent regiment in the south, and six divisions in the east. We don't even have a security force in our station. Where do we go to collect intelligence on the enemy?
The first battalion commander felt that it was a bit of a fuss: "Our regiment is in the hinterland of the base area. Even if the devils get information to raid, they must first go through the sixth division in the east and the independent regiment defense area in the south. Besides, our troops are scattered everywhere. What devils can think highly of them? "

"Assuming there are spies, we have no precautions at all! Just like this time, we only started to prepare when the devils hit the door. If it's just our troops that don't have a big impact, how will they face the masses?"

"Most of the soldiers in our supplementary regiment are children in the mountains. How could there be spies?" The first battalion commander was puzzled.

"What if someone came out of the mountain and was arrested? Furthermore, what if someone had relatives outside the mountain and was used by the enemy to threaten soldiers or villagers?"

"Uh, what you said makes sense, there's no need to discuss it any more, just follow what you said!" The head of the group made a final decision.

"In my opinion, we should first establish an information exchange system with the Independent Regiment and the Sixth Division, and then gradually develop our underground intelligence system in each township and village. If the situation permits, we should go east to south and put some eyeliner in the county town. We have to get strong support from the regiment headquarters, battalions and companies." Su Qing made a plan with a blank expression.

"Officer Su, you're right. As for me, it's okay to beat devils. I don't understand what you said. You are responsible for this matter. If I need to cooperate, we will do our best to support it!" The method is good, I didn't know it before, this time the teacher finally transferred someone to come over.

"Well, I ask you to recruit a group of veterans, and then develop some active and advanced elements from the common people, and carry out independent intelligence work after my training!" Su Qing raised his request.

"The people in our base area all want the Eighth Route Army! There must be no problem. Let's do it like this. Each battalion will draw a squad. That's it!" The regiment leader stopped talking about intelligence and turned to another issue: "Now let's discuss how to deal with ghosts. and protecting the common people in the mountains”


The following discussion is what the battalion commanders like. As for how to fight guerrillas with the devils in the mountains, and take the devils around the mountains, each expresses his own opinion.

Su Qing listened to the heated discussion of comrades in the new environment, and slowly lost his mind.

This is the longest march since I joined the Eighth Route Army. It was not a big deal when I left the wine station with the investigation team and went to the division headquarters to be inspected. If I didn’t say that Hu Yi was my lover, maybe nothing would happen, but I He is a loyal fighter of the organization and cannot tolerate breaking the rules.

The [-] regulation of the army does not mean that soldiers are not allowed to fall in love. Neither Hu Yi nor himself can meet the conditions. Besides, Hu Yi is a bit cold at first, and his consciousness is not even qualified to join the party. Maybe he has satisfied his expectations of heroes. .

Unexpectedly, after breaking up with the independent group, as soon as they arrived at the supplementary group, they met the independent group and were chased into the mountain by devils.

That guy didn't know his situation, so he went to the division headquarters, no need to guess what his purpose was.

Pulling back my thoughts, I was talking about how to organize the transfer of ordinary people and how to ensure food supply after entering the barren hills.

"The devils are now in the valley behind. If we go further east, we will go out of the mountain after another day. The reconnaissance fighters come back and report that there is a brigade of devils at the mountain pass. The sixth division has been entangled with the devils on the way into the mountain. Difficult, the plains are full of devils raiding, and the common people who do not move in time, are harmed by the devils a lot!" The second battalion commander was in charge of the eastward part of the mountain, and the soldiers sent information.

"If we go further east, although we can merge with the troops of the Sixth Division, it doesn't make much sense. Therefore, I suggest that we go south."

"Your idea is bad. The devil obviously wants to go to the division headquarters. Do you think he will follow you south?"

"Didn't the militia bring news? The division headquarters has already been transferred, and a large number of devils are searching. We can't do much if we go there. Now is the time to bite off a piece of meat from the devils."

"I also think that the division said that a large number of devils entered the mountain from the north. These devils failed to arrive at the division on time. Our mission has been completed long ago. The devils must hate us to the bone. Therefore, I think if we go south, the devils will probably catch up. !"

Su Qing is not very good at fighting arrangements, so she wisely didn't speak, and of course she didn't care, she is a political cadre!

Some soldiers and militiamen led the people to the north and moved into the mountainous area. The large force of the supplementary regiment led the devils to the east. It was already far away. Although the devils were still hanging behind, in the mountains, as long as the Eighth Route Army was not surrounded defeated.

The reconnaissance soldiers found that the vanguard of the devils appeared in the west, and there were militiamen standing guard on the hills everywhere in the mountains, and the devils could be found from a long distance, so it was quite easy for the supplementary regiment to fight the devils in the mountains.

Going north to reinforce the independent regiment at the headquarters, the situation is unknown.

The head of the regiment actually regretted it a bit. It stands to reason that he was closer to the headquarters, and instead let the independent regiment in the south go to the north. Thinking about it, he was familiar with this mountainous area, but he was relieved. Instead, it is a bad strategy to let the independent group go, and deal with ghosts on their own territory, which has greater strategic significance.

Now the people who were covering have been safely transferred, and they have been leading the devils around in places they are familiar with. At least, none of the devils who came from the south were able to sweep over to the division headquarters.

And the sixth division also made great efforts. The devils who entered the mountain from the east were blocked by them for more than ten days. They harassed them all the way, and the devils also failed to encircle the division headquarters.

Before the sweep, the current position was the edge of the defense zone of the Beishan regiment and the supplementary regiment of the friendly army in the north.

The devils raided a lot of routes into the mountain from the east, but the main road was blocked by the Sixth Division, and the Beishan regiment defense area was also defended by the Sixth Division's militia and a small group of troops, and they dealt with the devils on some small roads into the mountain.

The blockade line established by the devils at the mountain pass blocked the troops in the plain area from entering the mountain for reinforcements, forming a super large encirclement along the foot of the Taihang Mountain. However, this encirclement was too large. , can only be scurrying in the mountains, and once the food supply is not available, it will only take a few days for the devils to retreat.

Instead, a lot of vacuum areas have been formed. The Eighth Route Army has ordinary people standing guard and sentry, ready to sneak attack the transfer station of the devils at any time!

Of course, if we can join the Sixth Division to the east, break through the blockade, and turn into the enemy-occupied area short of major generals, we will have a better chance of fishing in troubled waters.

Most of the devil's troops were mobilized into the mountain to sweep, so there must be fewer devils in the enemy-occupied area, the regiment leader suppressed the tempting idea.

Even if I can fight those security forces on the plain, no matter how great the results are, it doesn't mean much. What is most lacking in the mountains now is combat power.

Dealing with the ghosts in the mountains, although they couldn't cause too many casualties to the ghosts, it relieved the great pressure on the division headquarters.

(End of this chapter)

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