under fire

Chapter 191 tacit understanding

Chapter 191 tacit understanding
It was high in the sun, and the dog traitor lazily walked out of the gate of his house, wiped his sunglasses on the black silk clothes twice, looked at both sides of the street, and then looked straight ahead, what a fine day!

Li Youcai was in a good mood, but he was not in the mood to try his luck in a gambling shop. Of course, this seemed to be a change from what he would do even in thunder and rain.

It's not that he really changed his gender. Lin Xiu, who left before dawn in his broken kennel, said those words to him that made him feel very depressed.

Those words made him shudder, the eight-way old nest was taken away, and tens of thousands were killed and injured!

In fact, he had already received information from Maeda, thinking that it was just a headquarters in the mountains, or a village, and he said that thousands of people jumped off the cliff!
I can't help but think of that guy Hu Yi, and that girl with two braids on her head. I hope they are all right.

With such a ruthless personality, nothing will happen to him. Even if something happens, it seems that it is not my turn to care about it. What is my relationship with him?use?Or a friend?
Friends, I couldn't help shivering, how could I have friends?
The investigative team leaves the county early every morning. I don't know what to do, and I don't want to know. As long as Maeda doesn't give orders, no one will give orders to him.

He put his beloved sunglasses on the bridge of his nose, shook his hair, straightened out the folds of his clothes, and walked towards the police station.

Go to work for the detective team?There is no ghost shadow, just a piece of wool.

"Hey? Isn't this Captain Li? Why did you come so early in the morning?" A policeman walked towards Li Youcai with a folder in his hand. When he saw Li Youcai, he hurriedly greeted Li Youcai, then stood on the side of the road, kept his distance and stopped to ask questions.

"Didn't the imperial army all enter the mountain? I'll come and see if there is any news from your side!"

"Hey, there's been a lot of news. Captain Li is upstairs, and he's very busy. There's news that the Eight Routes are attacking everywhere. No town can live safely. Hey, those Eight Routes are all desperately tossing!"

"Have all the old nests of the Eight Routes been taken away? What's the matter? It's even more fun?"

"That's right, because the imperial army swept up the headquarters of the Eighth Route, now, the Eighth Route is now attacking wildly in all directions, retaliating, and the detective team was also ambushed. Didn't they tell you?"

"Uh, get out, it's your turn to take care of my affairs?" Li Youcai's face darkened.

Li Youcai went up to the second floor, sitting at the table, pinching the legs of his sunglasses and circling boredly. Li Weiwei looked up and found a big god in front of him. He quickly put down his pen, sent the policeman next to him to pour water, stood up and stretched.

Standing respectfully beside Li Youcai: "Since the last time the Eight Routes fled into the mountains, the imperial army has intensified their attack on the Eight Routes. Now all the troops that can be dispatched from the county have been pulled into the mountains. I heard that this time is different from before. , the Eighth Route Army was hit hard!"

After finishing speaking, he stared at the policeman, who hurried to the door, not forgetting to close the door when he left.

Li Youcai put on the sunglasses in his hand again, and there was darkness in front of him: "The raid is not over yet, I didn't ask you to ask this, what I want to know is, how long will the raid last?"

"It is estimated that in the past few days, it is not easy to supply in the mountains. I think they have brought supplies for half a month. Now the villages in the county are ripe for summer grain, but it will take half a month in the mountains. Therefore, I think the troops entering the mountains have no food. , I definitely can’t hold on for that long!” Tail shook his head, having grown up in a small village, of course he knows that there is a big difference in the maturity time of grain in the mountains and outside the mountains.

"Don't talk about those useless things, I just want to know when will it end?" Li Youcai tapped the table lightly with his fingers.

"How do I know? Why don't you go to the gendarmerie? Brother, I said, why do you care so much about them? They all went into the mountains, but the county town is quiet!" Tail lifted the thermos bottle and filled the teacup in front of Li Youcai. Sheung Shui.

"It's not that simple. It's not that difficult to get food in the mountains. So many people have been arrested, and the security forces are watching. Tell me, will they come back after the harvest?" Li Youcai thought for a while, and asked again.

"That's impossible. The mountain is so big. If you give them ten times more people, you won't be able to get them back. However, those who can't be collected will definitely be burned. That will take time. If it really takes until then, all the towns and villages in this county will not be able to get them back. It's all messed up?" Tail was pouring water into his water glass.

"Isn't it just a few villages and a few artillery towers? What's the use? The imperial army has blocked all the roads in and out of the mountain, and there is such a big commotion. It shows that there are many eight roads hidden in these villages. You say, Could it be that the eighth road has some secret way to enter the mountain?"

"There must be trails at the foot of the mountain, but it is certainly impossible for a large number of people to come and go. Most of these people usually hide among the common people. Isn't your detective team better at this?"

"The detective team has nothing to do with me!"

"Hey, it's okay if you say it's okay, but the imperial army is absolutely impossible to stay in the mountains for too long. Didn't you read it in the newspaper? The imperial army attacked some bad country last year, and the troops here are constantly decreasing. Back to the campaign, the main purpose is the Duanba Road headquarters. In order to get it done once and for all, the imperial army has also spent a lot of money. It is said that more than [-] brigades have been dispatched to the north! This time, the Eighth Road must be finished!" Li Youcai cast a gloomy look, then fell silent.

"You really know a lot, what did Lin Xiu tell you?" Li Youcai was a little surprised, and he was impressed by this good stuff.

"Uh, brother, we can't be frogs in the well all the time, can we?" Tail smiled triumphantly: "They are making the sky dark and dark in the mountains. All over the plains, the eight roads are going crazy. It is said that the railway in the east was demolished overnight. dozens of miles away!"

Li Youcai looked at the table, watching the mist rise from the cup and then slowly dissipate. "Oh, by the way, I told you about your affairs last time, Maeda may know all about it!"

"I know this. The higher-ups seem to have reached some kind of tacit agreement with Maeda and the others this time, so the anti-rape team didn't come here again this time. It's just a few of us. The order from the higher-ups is to inquire about the Eighth Route Army."

The two continued to be silent for a while, and Li Youcai spoke slowly: "Two days ago, Maeda asked me to arrange for people to go into the mountains. Can you get some out of the prison?"

"How many do you want? There are a lot of people in the prison, and there is almost no room to hold them. Do you want those eight-way suspects, or those students?"

"Are there any suspects?" Li Youcai suddenly became interested.

"I think it might be easier for you to use those students. It's a pity to shoot them all. We have found out most of their family backgrounds, and we are going to let them bleed."

"Then won't I cut off your money?" Li Youcai remained expressionless.

"Don't tell me about the money. It's not that complicated. People who have entered the police station can say it. As long as they don't enter the gendarmerie, it's okay to get a few people." Li Weiwei is also very popular in the police station now.

"Then prepare yourself, pick a few less-than-student students, and find two suspects. This time, they will be dragged outside the city to be shot."

"Are you going to let Balu come to snatch people?"

"Did I say that?" Li Youcai's face was gloomy.

"Brother, can I ask if you have anything to do with Eight Road?" Tail became interested.

"Why are you asking this?" Li Youcai immediately became alert.

"The higher-ups are following closely, so we need to inquire about some news, even if it's outside news!" Tail asked with a shy face.

The result is a word: "roll"

After Li Youcai finished speaking, he picked up his black hat, got up, grabbed the teacup that was no longer hot in front of him on the table, drank it all in one gulp, and walked out the door by himself.

(End of this chapter)

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