under fire

Chapter 192 Trading

Chapter 192 Trading
At the gate of the gendarmerie, the dog traitor greeted the guard at the gate, and handed him a cigarette. The guy took all the cigarettes from the dog traitor's hand unceremoniously, and then ignored the dog traitor as usual.

Maeda's office on the second floor: "What do you want to ask?"

Li Youcai approached Maeda, bent down, and said seriously: "Captain, I think that if we want to eradicate the Eight Routes, we have to think of a way. I want the police to shoot the prisoner. Give me a chance!"

"Hey? Shoot the prisoner? Oh, I understand. You want to spread the news, and then let the eight roads come to rob the execution ground. No, don't make noise. This idea is not very good. So many eight roads were shot before. Ambushes have been set up everywhere, and the Eighth Route Army has not been recruited to rob the execution ground. It is a waste of effort! The Eighth Router's courage is too small, they dare not!"

"I mean, let's give Eighth Road a chance, and let Eighth Road steal people away!"

"What?" Maeda felt that the guy in front of him was full of bad water, and it must not be that simple to let Balu save him, so he became interested: "Oh, what's the plan, tell me about it?"

"I just want to develop some insiders for those students in the police station."

"It's not easy. These students don't know anything, and they can't do anything important when they enter the mountain. The Eight Routes are very guarded, and there is no information at all."

"Perhaps, I heard that these educated students are very popular in Eight Roads."

Maeda hesitated for a moment, and thought for a while: "Li Sang, you really surprised me. Your idea is very good. However, this plan has been in place for a long time. Several counties in the north are doing it, but it is useless at all. Because the Eighth Route is very strict against outsiders, the chances are slim, and the Eighth Road here in Mei County is too poor to be worth using at all, but since you mentioned it, you can give it a try."

"Then, shall I make arrangements?" Li Youcai quickly replied.

"Don't worry, you are on the Eighth Road, don't you have an insider, did you get any valuable information? I mean the one you sent to Yangtou?"

"Eh, this time when the army is attacking, he has run away, and there is no information coming back." Li Youcai broke out in a cold sweat, and Maeda said it was just Hu Yi.

"Very good, no news, actually, it's good news!" Maeda looked at the kraft paper bag on the table, and said to himself: "Our plan has basically succeeded, and the Eighth Road headquarters has been almost wiped out. Now, it is the final stage, but We still have to plan ahead." He raised his head and told the dog traitor: "Okay, after you finish the plan, report to me."

"Yes." After bowing, Li Youcai turned his head and walked out the door.

"Wait, that Lin Xiu, yours, what are you going to do with it?"

"Ah, I haven't thought it through yet." The dog traitor visibly trembled, not knowing why Maeda suddenly mentioned this matter again, and stood there in a daze.

"Li Jun, I told you that you can't keep your feet on two boats all the time. You have to see the situation clearly, otherwise, the end will be very miserable!" Maeda said this with a smile on his face.

"I understand." Li Youcai hurriedly nodded and bowed at the door.

"No, no, yours, I don't understand. I let them live here for other reasons. For the time being, you don't have to think about it." Maeda actually wanted to remind Li Youcai that you, your whole family are in my hands, Doing things well is beneficial, and if you have any messy thoughts, you and your family can be wiped out at any time.

"Taijun, I don't really understand when you say that." Li Youcai walked back subconsciously.

Seeing Maeda put away the faint smile on his face, he realized that he had lost his composure.

I went to the gambling shop and lost again, bought a few packs of cigarettes on credit, rode a motorcycle, and arrived at the gate of the county seat.

With those flamboyant sunglasses and black silk clothes, the security guards guarding the city didn't even bother to ask.

When it was getting dark, the motorcycle stayed in the gun tower. Under the envious eyes of the security forces, the dog traitor in black changed into the clothes of ordinary people, and passed through the devil's army to seal the mountain and entered the mountain as if entering no one's land. .

Along the way, there were even people who checked, and everyone could see that the identity of the guy who made such a big show was not simple.

The mountain breeze blows.

A security force is hidden in the mist of the bushes in the mountains, looming.

"There's another one coming up ahead." A man followed quickly and reached the mountain ridge.

A guy with a scar on his face was actually Ma Liang, lying on a stretcher surrounded by stone mats, and the person next to him who was wrapping a broken bandage around the person on the stretcher stopped his work.

Ma Liang was lying on a stretcher, and had already seen the person coming: "The only person here?"

"There was only one person, wearing common people's clothes, and we left one person to stare."

"Come from the east? Ordinary people?" Ma Liang began to be surprised.

More than ten days ago, the army of devils just swept across this area, and the Daba security forces swept over this area again a few days ago. This area has long since become a no-man's land. How could there be ordinary people?What's more, still alone?
The young security guard wanted to say something, but a dirty puppet soldier suddenly stood up and muttered happily: "So much nonsense! Get it back, ask for clarification, and kill it!"

The soldier staggered: "If you are really a commoner, you are going to make a mistake!"

"You're insane! Who else is coming from the east at this moment, except for reporting to the devil's security forces!" The soldier stood up angrily.

After a short time, another sentry came back quickly: "The commoner disappeared after turning around a mountain pass!"

"How is it possible? That's the road to Qingshan Village. It's an empty place. Why is he going there?"

Ma Liang suddenly thought of something, "You stay here, you two, carry the stretcher, we go to Qingshan Village!"

"Isn't the guerrillas in our wine station village hiding there? This guy can't be from there, right?"

"Impossible, I know all the people in Jiuzhan Village, hehe, I remember the birthmarks on their buttocks!"

As soon as he finished speaking, all eyes around him were on him.

"What do you see me doing? I'm in a panic."

"There are more than 70 militiamen and more than [-] female soldiers in Jiuzhan Village. Have you even seen the birthmarks on their buttocks?"

Hearing this, a thick-skinned bastard froze for a moment, then stood up, clenching his fists: "Have you peeked at Xiaolan's ass? I won't kill you today, I was raised by you!"

"Ah" the big talker was dumbfounded.

"Stop!" The red-eyed guy still obeyed orders, but fortunately the two guys next to him stopped the big guy.

The guy who was talking big and came back from the sentry also thought about the problem in his words, and was about to explain, when the puppet soldier who persuaded the fight hit his eye socket with a fist the size of a sandbag, and fell back.

The crops in Qingshan Village were not destroyed. The purpose of the devil's sweep this time was not the crops, and the main target was not these villages.

In the dark night, a plan to rob the execution ground was completed next to a fire.

"The plan is set, but how do you get out of the mountain?"

"You don't need to worry about this, I'll say it again, if you dare to play tricks, I will kill your whole family!"

"Well, let's stop this plan, shall we?"

"You said, there are really students and captured fighters from the Eight Routes in the police station?"

"If you don't believe it, forget it."

"Okay, that's it! Three days later, the execution time will be in the evening!"

"Ah? Officer Ma, the executions are all done at noon, okay?"

"Well, you think of a way, I think it's a little strange, it's no good for you to do this, why?"

"Because...why did I tell you?" Li Youcai was angry. He definitely wouldn't come up with such a plan for no reason, and besides, he didn't have that much ability.

(End of this chapter)

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