under fire

Chapter 193

Chapter 193
"Piancheng was originally just a district. Over there, it is located in the hinterland of the Taihang Mountains. The mountains are high and the valleys are deep. The geographical environment is closed and there is a lot of room for maneuver. Secondly, it is relatively weak under the rule of Yan Laoxi. The folk customs are simple and the masses have a good foundation. It is the only complete city under our control!" The soldiers of the headquarters secret service regiment who came with Company Commander Chen sat by the fire and introduced to Hu Yi the situation west of Taihang Mountain that he was a little familiar with.

"So more than half of the staff in the headquarters moved to the direction of the city?" Hu Yi didn't look up.

"Yes, although the mass work has a deep foundation, the mountains are high and the valleys are deep and the roads are difficult to navigate. There are too many people transferred, so the devils will catch up..."

Squad leader Wang said while Hu Yi was marking on the map laid out on the stone, and using the dim light of the beating fire, he kept writing and drawing on the map with a pencil.

Company Commander Chen stretched his neck beside him and couldn't help but be speechless: It's not easy to have the surname Hu!Knowing how to map homework is a real skill, amazing!
The group was chased by devils for an entire afternoon, and almost collided with a group of devils in the west. Fortunately, the experienced scouts of the special agent group at the headquarters led the group into another valley in advance and turned over a mountain ridge to avoid being caught in the front and back. Double-teaming, the fate of annihilation!
Temporarily out of danger, but until dark, also failed to get rid of the devils behind.

Because... devils have dogs!
Still surrounded by devils, the road to the south is completely blocked, there is no choice but to go west, towards the city!

There are not many people in Jiulian, and the devils can't send troops to chase and intercept them with great fanfare. The pursuers behind are interested in hunting, and their ghosts have been lingering.

The team has been marching in the valley, and the terrain is not very good. Most of the time led by the devil, the tear dog walks in the middle of the team, and there is nothing to do with it for the time being.

Killing that dog became a top priority. The little girl had experience in beating dogs, so she hated her so much that she couldn't do anything about it.

"Report, there are gunshots coming from Shannan, and the fight seems to be quite fierce!" A soldier from the special agent squad ran over. After the special agent squad came, Jiulian saved the job of standing guard.

"How far...how many people...the devil or the security forces?" Hu Yi didn't raise his head, and Luo Fugui, who had half-closed his eyes, asked when he heard the gunshots.

"do not know!"

"Your grandma's, you don't know anything, so why don't you report it?" Luo Fugui, who was originally the laziest, seems to be a little strange recently, and he has to ask everything.

Hu Yi didn't interfere, and the generals under him knew what they should care about on the battlefield, so they were quite relieved.

The real reason is... now the mule has become a rich man, no longer like a poor man who is naked and fearless of death, thinking about how to avoid encountering devils.

"Continue to reconnaissance!" Hu Yidan said to the soldiers, and when the soldiers turned and ran away, after finishing the last few strokes, they turned around and said to the audience: "Go and see!"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for the few people beside the fire to react, in the hazy moonlight, he walked in the direction where the soldiers left, and by the way called Hao Yun who was roasting yam next to him, and the two figures quickly melted into the darkness of the valley inside.

Now that everyone was interested, the girl wrapped in the blanket got out first, stretched her waist and did not forget to kick Luo Fugui next to her: "Hurry up, go and have a look!"

Then, followed by a bunch, Company Commander Chen, Squad Leader Wang and one of his soldiers.

Hu Yi and Hao Yun were in front, walking along the mountain road and talking indistinctly while walking. After more than half an hour, they reached the top of the mountain without knowing it.

The moon hangs in the east of the sky, and the bright moonlight shines on the high mountains. The mountain ridges stretch from east to west. There are bushes on the top of the mountain, and there are forests in the valley to the south, which is not common.

The surface of the mountain rocks in front of it is peeling off, spotted and dark in color, and gray-white sandstone can be seen at the peeling place.

"Hello, company commander!" A young soldier lying on the rocks stood up.

Hu Yi stared wide-eyed under the moonlight. The soldier on the opposite side was wearing a gray military cap, but the cap badge was missing. , the flames of war had already blackened that dark face.

The belt is tightly tied around the waist, and the tightly wrapped straps make everything look neat and crisp.

The air of a soldier permeates the whole body, and the bookish taste in the eyes and between the brows merges together to form an extraordinary awe-inspiring temperament.

Hu Yi seemed to be back in the lecture hall: "What's your name?"

"Subordinate Pu Buhuan!"

There are many North Koreans with the surname Park, so Hu Yi couldn't help but look again: "Where is your family from?"

"North Korea Xinyi!"

"Huh? How long have you been in China?"

"I was born in Shanghai!"

"Oh, continue to reconnaissance!" The soldiers who received Hu Yi's order continued to look at the distant mountains in the southeast.

Hu Yi pulled out the binoculars and searched in the direction of the faint sound. A short flash flashed and disappeared, and was captured in the lens.

Hu Yi took out his pocket watch, opened it with a click, estimated the time when the flash appeared just now, and carefully felt the coming sound under the moonlight. After more than 20 seconds, a muffled sound came faintly in the valley.

Hu Yi judged that the straight-line distance of the flash was about eight kilometers, converted into a mountain road, at least twenty kilometers away, even if he walked to tomorrow morning, he might not be able to get here.

"Don't worry, the distance is at least forty miles away!"

"Hey, fox, how do you know it's forty miles away?" The little girl was sliding off Luo Fugui's back.

"My guess."

"Uh, you're lying, tell me quickly!"

The audience also pricked up their ears.

"It's very simple. The sound is 350 meters per second, and eight kilometers in 22 seconds. The rugged mountain road is more than half to twenty kilometers, and it's not only forty miles!" Huatou.

"What did your grandma say? What male raccoon and female raccoon, what they said is so logical, it's just like the real thing!" Luo Fugui was confused and couldn't help complaining.

"Well, let me ask you, facing the devils, when they shoot, why do we see the muzzle flash first, and then hear the sound?"

"I still don't understand. The eyes are in the front and the ears are in the back. I don't understand that." Xiong Desu replied.

"Oh, so it is like this!" The audience suddenly realized.

"Hey, that's not right. Sometimes, when a devil shoots in the back, he seems to see the muzzle flash first, and then hear the gunshot." The girl became interested.

Park Buhuan heard the messy voice and quickly explained: "It has something to do with speed"

After talking for a long time, the audience seemed to understand and nodded.

"That's right, why did the bullet arrive first, and then the gunshot?" Company Commander Chen also added it unconsciously. After all, Soldier Pu brought it here by himself.

"It's still about speed"

After a lively class, the audience became dizzy, and the mule foamed at the mouth and fell unconscious.

"Hey wake up!" Squad leader Wang yelled for a long time but failed to wake up the snoring bear.

"You tell him that dinner is ready, and it will be effective immediately!" A childish voice drifted over slowly.

When Squad Leader Wang heard this, a black thread appeared on his face: "It's time to eat!"

"Ah, eating again?" Opening his ugly eyes, there were a few strange smiling faces under the dim moonlight all around.

"Your grandma, I was dreaming of eating roast chicken, and I specially left the chicken legs behind. I knew I would eat the chicken legs first!" A look of regret.

Two fell down in the surrounding area. Company Commander Shi Yu was originally immersed in the grief of losing his troops. Hearing this, he suddenly lost his breath.

 In 1910, Japan and North Korea signed an annexation treaty. In 19, the Seoul riots were suppressed by the Japanese side. In the same year, a provisional government was established in Shanghai.

(End of this chapter)

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