under fire

Chapter 194

Chapter 194
"Fox, is what that guy said true?" Xiao Hongying followed Hu Yi, very interested in novelty.

"Yes." Hu Yi didn't look back, and continued to lead the team down the mountain.

Luo Fugui, who had fallen behind to the end of the team, turned his ugly eyes to look at the barren hills in the surrounding area: "What's so strange about this? The one who said that he shoots a gun is so precise! It's almost blooming!"

"You bumpkin, let me tell you, don't you believe it, the human reaction time is 800 seconds, er... know what a second is. I don't know. It's just a blink of an eye! Ah, the bullet speed of the Guizi Yousaka rifle is 250 meters per second. Seconds, about [-] meters, it takes [-] seconds, if you react quickly, you still have a chance to hide when you see the muzzle flame!"

"Your grandma, what you said is true. If you can, then can you dodge the bullet? You're almost lying to a ghost. I'll try to shoot you?" Xiong, who couldn't understand those words, had to become angry from embarrassment.

"Hey, am I still afraid of you? Just try!"

"I've seen braggarts, your grandma's, I've convinced you, it's the first time I've seen someone who can blow me to death!"

The audience was stunned and their jaws dropped. Unlike a bear, this guy spoke clearly and logically. Can he avoid bullets?This must be learned!

"That prostitute brother! Look, what you said is so amazing, have you tried it?" Squad leader Wang also became interested.

"No!" Park Buhuan scratched his head and said embarrassedly.

The audience almost fell to the ground, this, isn't it just bragging.

"Oh, I'm tired, do you think I can't keep up!" The little girl who was also in the mist curled her lips and ignored those idiots, only to find that her feet were a little sore, and wanted to make Hu Yi carry her on your back,

"The speed is not fast, you can't do this, right?" Hu Yi slowed down.

"It took so much effort to climb up!" The little girl cheered up.

"Didn't the mule carry you up?" Hu Yi's hair was black.

"I have to kick him while walking, that's tiring!" A triumphant laugh.

"You can't always rely on others, this time, it's just a good time to exercise!"

"Are you ignoring me?"

"Sister, please do me a favor, I'm still a wounded person, okay?"

"I know what you're thinking!"

"Uh, when did you learn fortune-telling?" Hu Yi didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Don't you just want to be the leader!"

Hu Yi staggered: "Don't talk nonsense"

"Hey, you just want to get married, don't think I don't know, we are going to get married in the army, the [-]th Regiment, you have nothing to do with it, you are still far behind!" Thinking about it, he said in a low voice, "I said, you have participated in the Eighth Road for more than three years, and it will take at least five years to reach that standard. Haha, I will grow up by then. Well, how about thinking about it?"

Hu Yi staggered again.

"Hey, just kidding, that guerrilla leader is good! How about you get married first and let her go when I grow up! How about it?"

Hu Yi was completely speechless!

Knowing that the little girl had bad intentions, Hu Yi had to admit that he was defeated. He stopped and prepared to wear the braid on his back. Anyway, he was not far from the valley station below.

After a while, the team returned to the fire.

Surprisingly, that beautiful guerrilla leader was unexpectedly waiting, as if hesitating to speak, took the sleeping girl from Hu Yi's back, and dragged her into the little girl's tent.

Hao Yun quickly handed the girl's marching blanket into the tent.

Hu Yi looked up, the moon was in the middle of the sky, he pulled off the marching blanket and fell asleep!

"Ma Liang, are we really going to leave the mountain? Now the situation is complicated and you are injured. I think you should stay in the mountain!"

It was the company commander Wu Yan who spoke!When Jiulian moved, the two sides got together.

"This time the news came suddenly. On the one hand, the arrested comrades can be rescued, and on the other hand, the arrested students can also be rescued!" Ma Liang said with difficulty on the stretcher.

"The opportunity is good, but what if this is a devil's trap?" Wu Yan didn't believe that there was such a benefit in the world.

"We can't just watch our comrades die. Besides, this news should be very reliable!" Ma Liang was very confident in Li Youcai, and what he said was in line with his usual practice.

"I think it's better to report the information and let the higher-ups decide. There are local guerrillas outside the mountain. Wouldn't it be better to let them handle this matter?" Wu Yan asked for stability and was not very interested in taking risks.

"Report it? Where do you report it? Now you have the biggest head here!" Ma Liang was anxious.

"Well, even if I agree, you can't go!"


"I've never heard of people carrying people to rob the court!" Wu Yan said seriously, "Tell me, how did you get out of the mountain!"

"You? You can't get out!" Ma Liang shook his head.

"You can go out, why can't we!"

"Do you guys know how to water?"

"Well, what will happen to a few, you mean get out of the mountain from the river? The method is good, but how do you get back?"

A gust of mountain wind blew by, bringing coolness, and the wine station was swept by the devils and burned to ashes by the river again.

The drawbridge over the river was nowhere to be seen.

Rows of figures were busy felling trees, with some sheep urine foam tied to their bodies.

After a while, another figure poked out from the moonlight on the other side, calling from a distance, "Ma Liang, hey, Ma Liang?"

Ma Liang on the stretcher heard the voice, it was Sun Cui.

"Hey, sister Sun, what's the matter?" Ma Liang was a little surprised.

"You have to watch the crops in Qingshan Village, hey, um, why didn't Master Hu come back?" A voice came from the other side.

Looking at the barren wine stands nearby, Ma Liang felt a little sad. The belongings he managed to put down were ruined by the security forces.

"They have a mission!" Ma Liang felt a little lonely.

"The devils won't come here, right?" Sun Cui lowered her voice, as if she was afraid that the devils would be attracted by her loud voice.

"I don't know, when did you come back? Didn't you go to Sanjiaji?"

"Hmph, the golden nest and the silver nest are not as good as your own kennel, that place is uncomfortable to live in"

While the two were talking, three wooden rafts appeared in the river, connected with each other by ropes.

Wu Yan reminded Ma Liang in a low voice: "I have to go, what are you talking about!"

The river was flowing, and the wooden raft was on three shifts. Under the bright moonlight, the dark banks were slowly receding, and the speed gradually became faster.

A group of elders squatted on the wooden raft, pretending to be calm, their hands were tightly digging the gaps in the wood, their feet were not stable, and their arms were trembling slightly after exerting force for a long time. People who have never been in the water have a feeling for water. Natural fear.

The wooden raft has been drifting downstream. On one wooden raft, two nine-sided fighters supported bamboo poles that they did not know where to get. They paddled in the water from time to time. The landlubbers on board are ready to deal with possible dangerous situations at any time.

"You guys, when did you learn this thing?" Wu Yan, who was squatting, talked to Ma Liang, who was lying down.

"This is what the company commander wants us to learn. He said that the ninth company soldier, no matter who it is, must learn to swim. It may be useless in the mountains, but at critical times, it can save lives.!"

Yes, after a while, we will come to practice and practice.

Another dark mountain wall was approaching ahead, and the speed of the river on the wooden raft was slowly increasing. The water splashed on the side of the wooden raft, splashing the military uniforms of the people on the wooden raft.

At the turn ahead, the vision is getting worse and worse. This is the last turn of the rapids. After passing here, you can find a place to go ashore.

"There seems to be something in the river!" A voice came from the bushes on the bank.

(End of this chapter)

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