under fire

Chapter 195 Temporary Company Commander

Chapter 195 Temporary Company Commander
No matter how dark the night is, it will pass, and the east will be white, and the Ninth Company, which has dealt with the belly indiscriminately, is ready to go, and is about to embark on a new day of escape.

"Report, a devil camp was found more than ten miles to the west, stuck in the mountain pass" The soldiers of the secret service squad who had been scouting all night had just returned, exhausted, and were reporting the nearby news they had collected after a busy night.

After listening to the report, Hu Yi immediately judged that the ghost camp appeared in the west, which should be the outer devil blockade on the side of the city.

People like Jiulian can't force their way in, not to mention, even if they break into the encirclement, isn't that going to die?No one is that stupid.

So, now, Jiulian has to consider changing directions.

If you can't go to the west, there is a devil's blockade to the north, and there are devils chasing troops to the east, the only first choice left for the Ninth Company is to go south.

If you go south to the division headquarters in normal times, even if you take all the small roads, it will take about two or three days to go to the area north of the division headquarters. For the devil army, there is a mountain to the north of the division headquarters. There must be a search team of devils. It may be fine to go south for two days. If you go further, you will face the danger of being attacked by the enemy.

Can only go south, looking for an opportunity to turn halfway.

During this trip, we made a big circle, and the mission was considered completed. It is impossible to return to the division headquarters for the time being, let alone the Laowo Independent Regiment.

The roads in this mountain are still full of ravines, the roads are even more difficult, and there are devils everywhere. When other troops encounter such a situation, they must find a place to hide and wait until the devils retreat.

The Ninth Company is different, because on Luo Fugui's back, those climbing ropes and messy equipment, the warriors who don't practice stabbing on weekdays and have been running around in the mountains for a long time, can go up and down the cliffs like walking on flat ground.

On the surface, it looks like he is trapped in the mountains now, but in fact, it is not difficult to get rid of the gang of devils behind him.

Hu Yi did not order to disengage from the devils.

The mountain is so big, it is not difficult to deal with the devils. It is not easy for the devils to report their whereabouts to the devils headquarters. The devils following behind must be a small army. There is no radio station. The devils radio station is only assigned to the brigade scale troops.

The two classes of Tang Dagou and Banxian, who had never experienced such a big experience, found it novel. For them, the mountains are different from the plains, and they are like traveling, talking and laughing along the way.

Having food to eat, being able to survive, and having no other pursuits for the time being, such days are pretty good.

But there is a problem before Hu Yi, and there is a food shortage again!

Having food has become a luxury again. If you can’t get food, you can persist for two more days at most. Even if there are ordinary people hiding in the mountains, there are more than fifty people in nine companies. So much food?
With more than fifty mouths open, the ordinary people who fled for their lives into the mountains were too busy to take care of themselves, so how could they have surplus food!If you want to survive, the best way is to take another risk and get the idea of ​​the devils chasing after you.

Because of this, the Guizibing did not lose the trail of the eight escape routes ahead.

Not only is Jiulian short of food, but the devils in the mountains are also very sad now. It is really not easy to replenish in the mountains, and they are also facing a food crisis.

There is no shortage of food for the devil troops in the northern outskirts of the mountain. The ones that are short of food are the sweeping troops who have entered the deep mountains. The transportation is too difficult. It is very difficult to get back to the supply point and get a little replenishment, because the supply team has to face guerrilla attacks from the Eighth Route Army at any time. .

The Eighth Route Army outside the mountain was unable to support the mountain, and cutting off the devil's food supply became the best means of support. The guerrillas and militiamen fought the devil's supply troops, purely desperately trying to prevent the devil's food from being transported into the mountain no matter what!
In Hu Yi's consideration, no matter how little the devils are captured, there is always something. It is worth taking the risk of Jiulian. No matter how difficult the situation is, it is better than starving to death in the mountains, and the comrades who were forced to flee the cliff!
I still don't know what situation I will face. Now I am caught among the devils. The only good news is that there is an army on the east side last night. But the good news may turn into bad news at any time. , must be following a large number of devils, although the distance is not too far, but the devils following behind have cut off the road, and can't go directly to the east. It's too early to take the risk and think about it now.

Hu Yi ordered all the canned food, rice balls, biscuits and other dry food seized in the ambush the day before yesterday to be allotted, and nothing was kept, because in order to survive in the cracks between the devils and mopping up the troops, the march was long, and they would be energetic after they were divided. The load is average, and there is no need for several female militiamen to be the logistics team alone. The most important thing is that everyone in the team is a soldier, and Wang Xiaosan no longer needs to be the leader of the team.

There is no absolute fairness in the world, so the girl's share is naturally taken by Luo Fugui.

56 people, three machine guns, two grenade launchers, and [-] big caps, three southern [-] pistols, [-] made in Hanyang, more than [-] shell guns, bullets?The number reported was less than a thousand, and the average per capita was more than ten. This is the Eighth Route Army.

Company Commander Chen suddenly realized: So those soldiers' bullet boxes and bullet bags were also filled with stone strips?Because the branches are not so heavy!

A platoon of more than 20 shell guns has already made him stunned. Even if the Ninth Company concentrates the firepower of the entire platoon for appearances, it still makes himself ashamed who is still using swords and spears. He feels that those sacrificed men can have such firepower. With the help of favorable terrain, you can fight the devils for ten days and ten nights.

If he knew that the ambush devils captured more than this amount the day before yesterday, he wouldn't know what to think.

There is no way to count the real situation. Hu Yi knows that even if it is ten times higher, he will not be surprised.

The team was marching in the morning light, and there was an uphill path in front of them. The team was in a mess, a group of three, and a group of five. According to the usual practice, one of the stretchers must be dedicated. The slender-eyed Hu Yi occasionally turned his head to look around the terrain.

The bear followed behind the stretcher, smiling and talking nonsense to Hao Yun next to him from time to time.

"That guy said he could dodge bullets, do you believe it?"

Chen Chong, with his arm in the bandage, rebuked: "You said you can still be invulnerable! Don't you look at your virtue? When you see a devil, you just run away at random. Do you need to hide from the devil?"

"Your grandma, I'm talking nonsense and you're talking nonsense, but that guy named Piao said it straight, don't believe it, Boss Hu said it all, it's possible!"

Chen Chong was dubious: "Commander Hu said it's possible? Then it's really possible. Tell me, how do you hide?"

"Your grandma's, do you think, even if I tell you about such a profound thing, can you understand it?"

"Smelly shameless, don't say it, forget it, I'll ask the company commander later!"

"Do you really believe it? You don't stop running around with a bandage on. Your grandma's, I'm puzzled. You said that if he was really good at it, he would still be chased like a dog by devils?"

Chen Jishi walked in front of the team, slowed down, and waited for Hu Yi to come up: "That company commander Hu, I want to ask you something."

"Well, you're welcome, you say."

"Your company, what's the matter with that girl? I heard that girl said that she acted as the company commander when you were not around?" Company commander Chen was tricked by the girl into listening to her command, and he was a little unwilling to give up. A dignified company commander, if he said something, he said it. Water, of course, must be observed.

"When I was away, she was in charge most of the time. Well, it seems that she has been a company commander a few times?"

(End of this chapter)

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