under fire

Chapter 196

Chapter 196
Just playing the piano indiscriminately, a girl can also be the company commander, and, is the company commander counted by times?

But Hu Yi personally confirmed that Company Commander Chen was so dumbfounded that he completely gave up his mind. For the time being, he took a fluke mentality. What kind of trouble can a girl's film turn out?

Seeing that his complexion was not good, Hu Yi was a little surprised, who is the commander of the Ninth Company, is there a need for such a big reaction?Puzzled: "Sometimes I have other tasks, or go to the regiment to handle errands, so I am not always in the company."

Company Commander Chen had helped Jiulian before, he was straightforward, and Hu Yi didn't talk much, so with Hu Yi's character, he naturally remembered his affection.

When the two company commanders get together, they really don't have much time to chat, as if the two parties on a blind date have no common language at all.

Company Commander Chen keenly discovered that the Ninth Company seemed to be different from other troops, he couldn't integrate himself, and communication was difficult!Moreover, the Ninth Company is still not very united, which is very different from the troops I have seen.At least, I have never seen it as an honor not to.

If there were no female soldiers in the Ninth Company, the squad leader of the Secret Service Company knew him, and he would even suspect that the Ninth Company was an advance team.

He felt that he was an outsider, so he was embarrassed to directly point out the problems in Hu Yi's leadership, but he couldn't help reminding: "I see that your soldiers don't seem to be very disciplined. Half of the troops marched neatly, while the rest were not so neat. They are staggering all the way, I think, they seem to be veterans, how could it be like this?"

If he knew that in Jiulian, he had never organized a decent stabbing training, let alone a queue, then his eyes would pop out of shock.

"We were originally a miscellaneous army, and some of them were originally security forces. We just joined the Ninth Company half a month ago!" Hu Yi clarified the situation in a few words.

"Oh, so that's the case, no wonder the formation is so bad!" Company Commander Chen seemed to understand a little bit.

His answer made Hu Yi stunned for a moment. When he came back to his senses, he was a little dumbfounded. He dared to feel that the guy in front of him regarded the messy formation as a surrendered security force!

Could it be that he couldn't see that the orderly formation was the security forces!Aren't they wearing security army uniforms?It is the real security forces who surrendered!

Of course, the Eighth Route Army wears the uniform of the Eighth Route Army. It seems a bit messy with mules as the head, but it’s not like the Eighth Route Army.
Company Commander Chen was not to blame. The security army uniforms were naturally higher-grade than the eighth road's ash cloth clothes. The security army uniforms seized by the eighth road would definitely be used by themselves.

Among the troops of the Eighth Route Army, there are more and more people wearing the uniforms of the security forces, because the general company-level troops in the mountains, all of them have military uniforms.

Therefore, in the mountains, those who wear the uniform of the security forces may be the Eighth Route, those who wear the devil's military uniform may also be the Eighth Route, those who wear leather jackets and riding boots may still be the Eighth Route, and those who wear ordinary people's clothes may also be the Eighth Route.

Wearing a military uniform, he insisted on wearing a flower.

The mountains are sparsely populated. After several times of raids by the devils, food and supplies are extremely scarce. With only a small population, they are divided into various places and they are familiar with each other. Where is the need to identify friend or foe?
The fog in the mountains dissipated quickly under the sunshine, and the team of the Ninth Company moved forward on the rugged uphill road!

Anyway, there was a ghost hanging behind him, so Hu Yi didn't shy away from it, and climbed directly from the valley to the mountain ridge!
Leading the team, panting slowly along the mountain ridge, walking westward, and walking for more than one mile, bypassing the hill in front of us, there is a road down to the valley in the south.

The soldiers of the spy squad ran back and forth, tirelessly.

It is impossible to go further west, there are devils on the outskirts.

The barren mountain is not too steep, the hillside is basically full of stones, and the short shrubs are struggling to shake in the mountain wind.

Hu Yi turned his head and looked at the team going up the mountain behind, sweating profusely in the sun. He took off the gray military cap on his head, shook it, and fanned out a little wind. It felt cooler than the mountain wind.

The mule who came up from behind saw Hu Yi parked by the side of the road, sat down next to him, pulled the water bottle and poured it into his mouth.

He took off his military cap to clean up the dust, and asked Xu Xiao to beat his whole body, then took out a box of cigarettes and handed one to Company Commander Chen next to Hu Yi: "Old Chen, would you like one?"

"Get out!" Hu Yi pulled back his military cap and put it on straight, and the brim of the hat bent into an arc.

"Hey, don't, you don't smoke, we have to smoke one." Company Commander Chen hurriedly grabbed the mule, and the two turned around with Hu Yi behind their backs to open it.

Luo Fugui didn't smoke at first, but he didn't know when he started to take a sip.

Hu Yi ignored these things and never interfered with the lives of his subordinates. He turned his head and asked Wang Liujin who was running from behind, "How far is the devil following?"

"The ghost soldiers just arrived at our campsite last night. It looks like they are about to go up the mountain. Do you want to hit them?" Squad leader Wang borrowed the Hu Yi telescope to observe, and it seemed that he had no intention of returning it.

"No, the mountain roads up the mountain are all gentle slopes, and the terrain is not particularly good. The gunfire will attract the devils from the west, and it's hard to escape if you get bitten!"

Wang Liujin has a black thread, and the devils who are fighting on the mountain and attacking the devil from the bottom, the terrain is not good?
Does he still want to only fight the enemy, the enemy can't hit us?Fighting, how can there be such a good thing!
"You said, you have been in this area, remember the way?"

"After passing through this valley, the road to the south is not considered a road. It is difficult to walk. I have never walked it, but I heard that there are fellow villagers living in the mountains!"

"You and I will go and have a look first. If it is feasible, we will find a place this afternoon."

"What? What do you mean... to ambush the devils behind? They are number one hundred and ten, we only have this few people, why can't we do it?" Wang Liujin shook his head, puffed his chest towards Hu Yi, and suggested loudly.

"Do you have an opinion?" Hu Yi didn't intend to explain. He was surrounded by two squadrons, and he was able to escape. Now he chooses his home field, and at most half of the squadron is behind him. Without artillery coordination, what can't be fought!

"Uh, no problem, you have the final say!"

"Excuting an order!"

"Yes!" Wang Liujin turned his head: "Hurry up, everyone! Rest after passing the valley ahead."

Then he raised his hand and pointed at Park Buhuan, who was walking with sweat on his face: "What are you looking at? Hurry up and follow!"


Wang Liujin's excitement disappeared in an instant, and he felt a little regretful. From the soldier of the special agent company in the headquarters, he knew that the guy in front of him was still a foreign friendly army, and he made a serious mistake in using him as a threat.


Not long after going down the valley, the team in front started to go up the mountain again.

A group of five meat and six vegetables had just climbed to the top of the mountain ridge, when there was a strange cry in the team: "The devil is coming!"

Then, the whole team stopped, took cover on the spot, and concealed themselves. They found someone running towards the opposite side of the mountain ridge. The ghosts behind did not respond, so they quickly got up, jumped over the mountain ridge, and screamed strangely. They all reached the reverse slope and hid among the rocks and bushes .

Everyone panted and stretched their necks to look north. On the mountain ridge five or six hundred meters away, the devils raised their heads one by one. The devils who came up first had already noticed the movement on the opposite side. Rifle shot.

For a while, gunshots rang out.

Balu didn't hesitate, and greeted the devil who looked as big as a rabbit in the distance, and the scream of bullets was endless for a while.

It doesn't matter whether you can hit or not, what the devils want is one breath!

After being chased so many times, Balu is also angry!

"I'll go to you grandma!" Luo Fugui slid his head out from behind the stone, pulled the trigger, and pulled it back and forth with a rattling sound, sweeping a large area of ​​the muzzle and spewing out flames.

The distance was very far, but the bullets fired by this guy fell into the crowd of devils. After shooting with one shuttle, it seemed that at least one or two were hit, regardless of casualties.

He was able to stand up, not because he was not afraid of death, but because there were outsiders around, and what he thought was that he could not lose his reputation. Of course, being far away from the devils was the main reason.

"Damn it, you know how to chase if you are still haunted! I see you chasing! I want you to look good!" Tang Dagou's rifle began to shoot one after another!

The maximum range is 800 meters. After the ruler is set, the muzzle of the gun is almost facing the sky!
The caring people suddenly remembered the matter of stopping the devils from advancing into the team, but this time the distance between the two sides was closer.

Across a valley, both sides are venting.

After a brief exchange of shots, more devils climbed up the mountain. The devils began to exert force, machine guns came in, and mortars fired!

The two sides fought hard.

This feels...very strange. The Eight Routes are always short of ammunition. Many people resisted the desire to shoot, stopped firing, and occasionally raised their heads to observe.

Until, Tang Dagou and a group of his men, who were beating the most crazily, were hit by a devil from a long distance on a steel helmet, and there was a loud noise, and a figure was knocked sideways.

The audience was startled suddenly, because the team was far away, and the team relaxed their vigilance. Didn't they know that the Devil's marksmanship is good and well-trained is not just bragging!
Just as Hu Yi was about to shout the word 'conceal', the soldiers behind the mountain ridge shrank their heads collectively!
He Gensheng, who finally seized the opportunity, quickly stepped forward to prepare for first aid. After a while, he leaned against a stone in disappointment.

When everyone shook their heads, sighed and was sad, and prepared to comment on the sacrificed comrades and put the combat experience as an afterthought.

The person who was shot on the ground shook his head and sat up, it was just a ricochet!

That guy started yelling!The sound echoed in the valley.

Look at the silly audience preparing to perform!

Suddenly there was no opponent, and ghosts and wolves were howling from afar, and the devils stopped their fire, wondering!what's the situation?
The bullets were not blown by the strong wind, and the eight roads did not fight back, and the target was lost. If you save, you still have to save.

In the second lieutenant's binoculars, he happened to see the scene where Tuba Road was shot, and he couldn't help cheering for the warriors!

(End of this chapter)

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