under fire

Chapter 197

Chapter 197
Tang Dagou cursed angrily and put bullets into the empty rifle. Although the Ninth Company had few people, facing the devils mopping up the troops across the valley, as the defensive side, it was obvious who would take advantage?

The initiative is on the side of the road again, afraid of him being a bird.

The soldier who was shot in the head was tired of cursing. Seeing that there was no movement around, he quickly got down on the ground, turned his head and looked around, and asked Tang Dagou suspiciously: "Why don't you fight anymore?"

Hao Yun came over and said, "Your son has accumulated virtue in his ancestors, but he didn't die, so he still wants to fight?"

"Eh, it's best not to fight!" He replied with a sneer.

Although the equipment of the Ninth Company is not bad, Company Commander Chen always unconsciously compares his troops with the Ninth Company!

Total nonsense!No comparison.

At a time like this, the team should be charging with bayonets. However, the devils are so far away, separated by a valley, and they are still rushing. I feel extremely heartbroken for Jiulian's behavior of wasting ammunition.

According to the amount of ammunition counted before departure, at least half of the bullets have been used in this wave of shooting just now!

What else do you use to ambush the devils?It seems that he has to return to his old job: fighting stabs.

In that case, it is in line with the eight-way fighting style!

However, there are so many devils that fighting for stabbing is not an advantage at all. With this little manpower, what can we use to fight?
This team is not very reliable. As soon as they came up, those soldiers would shoot indiscriminately without even giving orders.

A shuttle machine gun bullet, just heard a ring.

However, Company Commander Chen didn't feel that something was wrong because he had already adapted to the atmosphere of the Ninth Company, which was purely a group of miscellaneous troops. Naturally, the requirements for the miscellaneous troops should not be too high.

The company commander surnamed Hu, on the other hand, is knowledgeable and experienced. However, looking at his assignments on the map, he is so good at bluffing and deceitful, but his actual command level is so bad?

Of course, shooting blindly across the mountain does not require Lao Shizi's command level!But the act of wasting bullets is definitely a crime against the revolution!
At this moment, the hills on both sides were quiet, and the devils packed up and lined up, and ran westward to chase after the footprints just left by the eighth road on the ground!
The two second lieutenants didn't care whether they were in the mountains or whether the terrain was complicated. In his perception, all of these were scum in front of the warriors of the empire.

There is no need to consider the difficulty of the attack at all. When fighting against the Eighth Route Army, can the Eighth Route Army's swords and spears be as good as elite warriors?
Selectively ignoring the fact that there are only four NO.50s in the eight-way team, and there are machine guns. Maybe the machine gun is a good thing!It means that there may be important people in Ding's gang. The Three Guns and Eight Routes have already fired a round just now. How many bullets are there?
Eighth Road will definitely find a good mountain ridge to fight against!He doesn't worry about his opponent's stamina, and he will catch up sooner or later.

Facing the Ninth Company, they had no heavy weapons and wanted to attack. The devils were purely looking for death, but the two second lieutenants didn't believe it from the bottom of their hearts.

Hu Yi looked around the terrain. The slope here is gentle, easy to defend but difficult to attack. Facing more than 100 devils chasing, it seems that it is not too difficult!
The problem is that there may be devil troops in the west and southeast. If the battle cannot be ended quickly, if the devils detour to the south and outflank them, Jiulian will be cornered!

However, such terrain is everywhere in the mountains!Going south to pull away the possible reinforcements of the devils, you must first find a place where the devils can't outflank them!

So, Hu Yi pulled out his pocket watch, opened the silver case with a click, and glanced at it, 11:30.

Immediately ordered, the team went south, out.

Under the sun, the team tiredly climbed up the slopes, crossed the valleys and climbed the mountain ridges. At any rate, they marched for more than ten miles, and the sun was already westward.

The team passed through two valleys, turned over two beams, and marched on a mountain road where few people walked. The roadside was overgrown with bushes and weeds, and the mountain was no longer bare. Among the vegetation, the path could barely be seen.

No matter how fast the devil can run, the road up the mountain and down the valley can only be taken step by step. Facing the fast running of the eight roads, the second lieutenant became interested. No matter what, he will shoot against the eight roads on the hills in the morning, with such equipment Excellent Eighth Route Army, there must be big people in the middle, if it is No.13 of the Eighth Route Army, then it will be developed!

I sent people to the west to call for reinforcements and outflank them.

The Eighth Routers who had climbed up a hill again in front of them scattered in panic and fled to the distance in the mountains to the south.

Under the urging of the second lieutenant, the devil brigade quickened its pace and followed closely behind the pioneers who explored the road.

Hu Yi was thinking all the way.

The purpose of beating devils is that anyone who hangs a lingering plaster behind him will be upset, and the other is to get some supplies.

The confidence to dare to fight devilism comes from the firepower of Jiulian, which can find favorable terrain to preset the battlefield, and the variables come from the two squads of Tang Dagou Haoyun.

"Big Dog, Half Immortal Assemble Team"

Seeing that everyone was here, Hu Yi was not polite: "I know, everyone here, most of your former brothers and comrades-in-arms died at the hands of devils. We have all dreamed of avenging our dead brothers! Now, we With all the advantages, my request is very simple, that is, kill the devils following behind!"

There was no sound on the other side!

Embarrass the speaker, look dumbfounded the audience!
"If you have any questions, bring it up now. If you become a deserter on the battlefield, you will be shot on the spot!" Hu Yi recalled his past when he was in charge of the battle team, and all the officers had this virtue.

For a long while, the atmosphere was tense.

Finally, someone spoke.

"Well, what if we don't even have grenades?"

"That is, we have an advantage in terrain when we are fighting against the devils, but we have few people and no advantage in firepower, so we don't need to fight this battle!"

"Let's just walk around in the mountains, why bother fighting with devils..."

"According to what you said, there are ghosts everywhere in the southeast, northwest, and once the gun is fired, we will become meat stuffing in dumplings. It's disgusting!"

"You just have the heart to shed the blood of the brothers in the past? The brothers who died for blocking bullets for us will never close their eyes?" Hu Yi had to imitate the previous instructor's bewitching.

Waves of images of the past appeared in front of my eyes, charging into battle, falling corpses, and a devil with a bayonet piercing the chest of a wounded soldier

"I don't live with devils, I've done it!" The monkey's "thin" voice sounded.

The blood needs to be stimulated to boil, and followers immediately emerge: "Count me in!"

"If you're dead, just give me a grenade!"

Hesitators have also changed sides.

However, the requirements put forward are varied.

Obviously, Hu Yi succeeded in arousing the last trace of their blood.

"Fight devils in this place? I don't think it's appropriate. I didn't choose a place with good terrain, but chose a place with flat hills and hills. What are you doing?" Company Commander Chen, who was smoking a cigarette, asked inexplicably. Hu Yi.

"Squad Leader Wang, tell us about the reconnaissance first!" Hu Yi didn't answer Company Commander Chen's question.

"From here to the south, there is no road leading to the valley within five miles. After the battle starts, it is impossible for the devils to outflank the mountain. There are many miles away." Squad leader Wang disagreed with Hu Yi's proposal to set up an ambush on the mountain ridge, and fighting the devils, wouldn't that be courting death?

"Why didn't you report it to the division? Maybe they can give some advice?" The general affairs special agent regiment suggested.

"Are you still a child who hasn't been weaned? Just set up an ambush with a platoon of troops and report to the division? As for?" Company Commander Chen was speechless to this idiot.

"We follow orders in all actions!"

"You cough cough cough..." Company Commander Chen was stunned, amused by the anger, he raised his finger to point at the guy and was speechless, the guiding ideology of what he said was correct, although it was unreliable.

"You are the reinforcements. If you continue to go south, you will disobey the order!"
"There are devils on three sides, you want us to die?" Company Commander Chen felt that this guy was a single-minded person, and he followed him all the way. He was okay in the war, but his brain was kicked by a donkey.

"The revolution is not afraid of sacrifice!" He said proudly and sadly.

"We can't make unnecessary sacrifices!" Company Commander Chen also got angry.

"On our way, you saw with your own eyes that so many comrades are still in the encirclement. Can we watch them sacrifice? Let me tell you, that, it won't work. Now, in the name of the Headquarters Special Task Force, I order the troops to go north immediately. Turn into!"

Hu Yi had black lines all over his head. The two of them forgot that he was the rightful lord, and they regretted asking him to attend the meeting.

Now we're talking about fighting devils, why don't you go north and get reinforcements?
When the girl not far away heard it, the little braid immediately stood up, vigilant in her heart, is Shanggang online?Fortunately, we were prepared!
Quickly came over: "Comrade, where is your order, is it a warrant or a document?"

"You little girl, it's none of your business, hurry up!" The soldier didn't recognize the reality at all.

(End of this chapter)

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