under fire

Chapter 199 Is 8 Road Crazy?

Chapter 199 Is Eight Ways Crazy?

The sun is west.

After drinking water and eating, the little girl stood up and shouted: "Mule, Hao Yun, now, I declare that you two will be my bodyguards!"

"Why?" They said in unison.

"Grandma gave you face, this is an order, you need to agree?" I didn't care about the objections of the two.

"Don't you have two followers?"

"They? Hehe, they ran away when they left their aunt and grandma in the war. Now, the two of them have been fired!"

"Fired? Where are you going!"

"Uh, I haven't made up my mind yet, let's forget about joining the militia." Turning his pigtail, he shouted to the people who were still in the meeting next to him: "Fox, what do you think?"

If you don't get an answer, that's the default.

The two stretcher-carrying soldiers stood speechless, with mournful faces, everything was so unbelievable, and in a short while, they themselves became militiamen?To hang out with those whores?Help Wang Xiaosan gather firewood and light the fire every day?
The little girl handed Hao Yun the handful of big-eyed dicks she had pulled out.

On this inconspicuous afternoon, the leading soldiers of the ghost team who were chasing were biting the tail of the eight roads tightly, but the devils suddenly discovered to their surprise that the eight roads in front, for some reason, stopped on the hill.

The vanguard was overjoyed, but he didn't rush forward. The devil who was leading the dog reluctantly threw a rice ball in front of the dog. The sniffling dog immediately swallowed it in one gulp, wagging its tail in favor, raised its head and pulled it twice. The voice of the voice spread around the mountain ridge.

After chasing for a whole day, this afternoon, the eight roads in front stopped running, and the devil brigade slowly followed.

Could it be that there are other search teams in the south?

The panting Second Lieutenant Guizi put his hands on his knees and analyzed nervously. The abnormal behavior of the Eighth Route Army aroused his vigilance. Seeing this posture, he was puzzled. He pulled out the map and prepared to study why the Eighth Route Army moved so abnormally.

The second lieutenant unfolded the map while unbuttoning his jacket, his brows furrowed into a ball. There was his own mark on the map, which was at the end of the thin line.

The vanguard Sergeant Cao returned to the second lieutenant and said in a low voice: "This matter is very strange. Now that the eighth road is stopped, the mountain ridge is not wide, so it is not easy to deal with. Should we attack now?"

Another second lieutenant was sitting next to him, holding a water bottle with both hands, pouring it into his mouth, not forgetting to squint at the map on the ground, put down the water bottle and looked up: "The enemy's situation is unknown, you can test it out first."

Second Lieutenant Guizi, who was supplementing the drawing, stopped his movements: "Treat it differently, this is the battlefield, although the current performance of the Eight Routes is special, but since we have determined that there are important people in the Eight Routes, as the commander, we have no choice. "

"I just want to ask, how do you plan to deal with it?"

"How difficult can this matter be? We just spread out and roll over! Maybe, the eighth road is crazy!" The second lieutenant who put away the map raised his head: "Why did Tubalu stop? We don't care. What kind of conspiracy do they have, nothing is worth mentioning in front of my warriors, go prepare!"

"Tubalu, although vulnerable, but this matter... seems a little weird everywhere... I think, otherwise, it's best to send the warriors to test it first!" Another second lieutenant suggested.

"Uh, it's fine if you say so, then you can take people to attack, so that's it, let the vanguard rest first, you arrange a squad to go, and see what these eight groups are going to do."

Hu Yi is an experienced soldier. Although most of his experience comes from failures, his experience with the enemy is even more profound.

Since leading the Ninth Company, he began to have big and small victories. Although the troops fought miserably every time, maybe this is fate. From the regular army to the guerrilla, he can let go of his airs and adapt quickly. With this rhythm, in terms of combat experience, he has more experience in fighting countless battles than ordinary officers of the Eighth Route Army at the grassroots level.

This is also the reason why he can make deployments according to the battlefield situation and win battles in the mountains many times.

In the Ninth Company, there was basically no mobilization before the battle, and naturally there was no battle with high morale. Hu Yi did not pay much attention to the morale of his opponents, but the combat effectiveness of the troops was not low. It's a big deal, I fought a few encounters with the devils, and basically didn't suffer any losses, so the Ninth Company soldiers gradually became surprisingly bold, not afraid of death, and dared to die!

Just like now, being chased by devils with dogs in this vast mountain, no one seems to be in a hurry. The army seems to be living like a normal life, and there is no tension at all when a big war is coming.

This situation also stunned Company Commander Chen, feeling that the soldiers were not facing devils, but a group of pigs.

The purpose of the battle is very simple. If you can't get rid of the devil's dog, you will have to hang your tail all the way to escape, and you may be outflanked by the devil at any time.

In the past, Hu Yi would never have any extra problems. No matter who said what to slow down the headquarters, he might not join in the fun.

The area surrounded by devils in the mountains is basically a dead place. If you go there, what are you facing?It must be a narrow escape.

Hu Yi felt that if he kept hiding, although the devils behind him would not be able to catch up for a short time, they would be surrounded by the devils sooner or later.

My own remnant company, working hard, can fight the devils behind him, but is there any point in doing so?

No one knew that the devil's dog had to be killed if he wanted to save his life.

In the Ninth Company, the veterans were all convinced by Hu Yi, perhaps because the Ninth Company had more bullets than the other companies, not to mention the grenade launcher, although in the eyes of the devils, this little thing was simply dismissed.

But the Ninth Company has so many machine guns that the other Eighth Route Companies do not have. Machine gun shooting is Hu Yi's old profession, and it is also what Hu Yi is most capable of. Of course, no one refuses to accept it.

In this place, Company Commander Chen still doesn't quite understand why Hu Yi chose to confront the devils in this place.

At least, he thinks that Hu Yi's current state is abnormal.

The mountain was full of rocks, and there was no way to dig foxholes, so the soldiers hid behind the rocks.

To the north, a rifle picked up a plaster flag at the head, more than [-] devils were drawn horizontally into three rows, the sergeant was behind, and the offensive line was scattered. Here, the devils kept climbing up and down on the rocks.

After passing a distance of about 500 meters in a hurry, the devils moved around among the stones and in the bushes one by one. Like martial arts, move on in the bushes.

The devils who followed stopped at a place with a slightly flat load. In a group of two, they took the grenades from their backs and began to erect them. Two groups of machine gunners continued to move forward. They had to wait until they reached 300 About [-] meters away, they were ready to find a place to set up a machine gun position to suppress the firepower of the Eighth Route.

I knew earlier that the group of eight-way machine guns and devil grenadiers in front of me was able to attract the eight-way machine guns and blow them up with one or two shots.

Hu Yi pulled the binoculars, lying on his stomach behind a rock, and quietly looked in the direction of the attacking devil. The attacking devil did not bring the dog. He turned his head to the left and right to look at the messy position again.

The soldiers had already set up their guns, pulled the bolts long ago, held their breath, let out a long breath occasionally, and stared at the slowly approaching target. The atmosphere was dead silent, and they were all silent, waiting for orders.

Hu Yi didn't arrange everyone here, there was a small highland behind, Company Commander Chen led half of the people behind, girl and Li Xiang were there, there was a machine gun on it, the machine gunner was that girl.

Company Commander Chen was shocked again. Is there no one in the independent group?Can a girl play a machine gun?
On the front left is the spy team, Hu Yi is in the middle, and on the right is Luo Fugui, the girl's guard. At this time, his back is facing the direction the devils came from, leaning against a stone, muttering for some reason, the broken clothes on his body The copper and gold were all placed on the high ground behind, and Xu Xiao followed behind the girl to guard.

Hu Yi put down the binoculars, bowed his head and walked behind Luo Fugui's rock.

This rock is currently the largest, and Hu Yi put the machine gun on a slightly lower rock beside him: "When I finish the first round, you put the gun away, then pull it to the right, try to lie on the ground, and don't let the devil throw it. The cartridge found you!"

"Well, if Tang Dagou can't get rid of the devil's grenadier, I think it's useless." Luo Fugui turned his head.

"I hope he succeeds! You have to listen carefully. After he finishes firing the bullets in his gun, you will get up and fire immediately. Is there a problem?"

"What's the problem with this? Isn't it just playing the shuttle, sweeping a large area to ensure that those devils are suppressed, so that the guy has a chance to come back in hologram."

Hu Yi's arrangement is not complicated. Tang Dagou was sent to ambush at a position about 50 meters to the north. In the Ninth Company, except for the girl, he is the best marksman. Let the girl take risks, and Hu Yi would rather not play with these devils. .

His main task was to knock out the devil grenade launcher. The first wave of firepower, three machine guns, fired alternately to maintain the continuity of firepower.

Hu Yi will fight two rounds!The positions of the two times are different. The plan is to only fire one magazine each time. It is mainly to defend against the devil's grenadier. Where to hit!
It's not that I can't afford it, but that there is no need to take risks.

(End of this chapter)

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