under fire

Chapter 200

Chapter 200
The mountain ridges are not wide, more uneven, with jagged rocks, overgrown bushes, and sufficient sunlight. However, due to the lack of water on the mountain, the big trees in most places cannot survive. Only the shrubs can barely survive, but they are not as strong as the vegetation in the valleys on the mountainside. powerful.

There are forests in many places in the valley, and the shrubs grow luxuriantly in the forests, which is why Jiulian can't move forward in the valley.

Hu Yi's arrangement for the battle didn't look like a complete plan, just like the soldiers who didn't train and toss about, but they were all trying to listen to what Hu Yi said.

The formation of the devils who pressed up could not spread out, which made a group of soldiers who had not seen much in the world feel less nervous.

The soldiers led by Squad Leader Wang Liujin are naturally the elite of the Eighth Route Army. Their task at this time is to cover Tang Dagou in front. A black gun for a dog.

In the eyes of everyone, this is not a good idea at all, because how could the devils attack him with a dog?
No one in Jiulian objected to such an order. Although it was for defense, the focus was on cover. Could it be that he wanted to fight the devils? After receiving such a task, if Squad Leader Wang hadn't just watched Hu Yi confessing, he would have I thought I heard it wrong.

"Don Big Dog won't shoot if he doesn't notice the devil's dog coming up. His place is very hidden. What we have to do is, after he knocks down the devil's grenadier, cover him and withdraw. Get ready to shoot, understand?"

The order was confirmed again, the devil was still far away, each with a rifle, looking nervously in the direction the devil came from.

Xin said that the company commander is still courageous, although there are many devils, he is not at all afraid, this posture looks like he is going to fight close combat.

After a short while, the observation post reported in a low voice: "The distance is three hundred!"

The soldiers looked at Hu Yi's position, but Hu Yi leaned against Luo Fugui, still not moving; helplessly, he continued to wait.

After another period of time, the observing voice was nervous: "The distance is two hundred!"

According to the situation of the Eight Roads, this distance has reached the time of firefighting. The soldiers' breathing becomes thicker and their hearts beat violently. The rifles that have been pulled down for a long time are aimed at the devils one by one. Their fingers touch the trigger, and they even subconsciously press it. Thinking that the machine gun didn't go off, shooting now would be an early exposure.

It doesn't matter whether it is exposed or not, the devils know that the Eight Routes are here to ambush.

But Hu Yi didn't intend to get up at all, and everyone had no choice but to continue waiting, lowering their heads quietly.

Panting anxiously from the observation post: "Company commander, it's 100 meters away, and we are almost at the place where Tang Dagou and the others are hiding." The voice was lower than before.

"What's the rush, there are still 50 meters left, wait." Hu Yi finally got up and answered.

The soldiers couldn't bear it any longer, and their fingers were mosuo back and forth on the trigger.

Hu Yi was behind the stone, raised the Czech machine gun, swung it twice, and watched the hunched devils almost advance to a position less than ten meters away from Tang Dagou, before pulling the trigger and loading a bullet.

Holding his breath, he aimed the front sight at the devil on the far left, and finally pressed the trigger.

At a distance of more than 60 meters, the Czech made an arrogant whistle, the bullet rushed out of the chamber, the gunpowder gas pushed the recoil spring, another bullet entered the chamber, and the hammer was pushed back by the spring again, one after another While the bullet was moving back and forth in the trigger, it screamed and flew towards the devil.

I understood that the machine gun fired, but it was a pity that the bullet reached the devil's body first. Even if the reaction from the back was not slow, it immediately changed from a cat's waist to lying in the bushes, and the front row of devils were all knocked down!
As for the one lying down behind, it is not clear whether it was shot and fell down or concealed.

Tang Dagou cursed in his heart, Hu Yi is too insignificant, the devil almost confronted him before he opened fire.

He cursed in his heart but didn't get up. There were three waves of machine gun bullets behind him to be released to the attacking devil. The devil was about ten meters in front. It's a great place to throw grenades. Unfortunately, Hu Yi's order was that the machine gun didn't stop Before, do not fire.

Even if I had fun throwing the grenade, the devil is not a fool. The two sides are so close, the devil will definitely throw the grenade.

The first to fight back was the machine gun behind the devil, and the bullets rushed directly to the side of Hu Yi's rock. After a few seconds, Hu Yi emptied the magazine, pulled the machine gun back a little slower, and fired a bullet. It hit the machine gun mount with a crisp sound.

He threw the machine gun towards Luo Fugui, turned around behind the stone and dodged to the left, Luo Fugui pulled the machine gun and dodged to the right, and each ran for seven or eight meters before arriving at the position he had hoped for earlier. Hu Yi hid between two stones, Luo Fugui lay directly on the ground behind the stone.

Lieutenant Guizi pulled out a command knife that he carried with him, waved it left and right randomly, and ordered the grenadiers in front to fire.

Two grenades flew into the air, at a distance of 300 meters, the grenadiers were very confident, and they were almost inseparable. There was absolutely no chance of firing at the eight-way firepower point!

The black guy landed exactly where Hu Yi shot earlier, one on the stone and one in front of the stone.

It exploded with a bang, and stone fragments flew randomly. The nearby soldiers, instead of being nervous before, hugged their heads to avoid the raging shrapnel and stones.

The Devil Grenadier felt a little regretful, and when he got a little closer, he immediately stuffed a grenade into the grenadier again, took a careful aim for a while, and pulled the firing belt.

The battle was intense from the very beginning, the devils were suppressing with two machine guns, and the grenade was firing, but there was nothing wrong with the infantry, and the devils lying in the bushes were not in a hurry. This tactic has been practiced countless times, and the firepower is suppressed first. , the infantry attacked again.

Soon one of the devil's machine guns emptied, and the deputy shooter began to press bullets into the magazine.

The Devil's machine gunner trained well, all three-point shooting, but it took a long time to suppress the firepower, almost half a minute.

The devil's other machine gun rang out immediately, and the bullets screamed arrogantly in the bushes, tearing apart everything in the direction of progress, until they hit a rock, and then jumped and ran aimlessly.

Hu Yi put down the binoculars that he had just picked up for observation, turned the muzzle of the gun up to the sky, lifted the crooked butt of the gun that had been placed in the early position, and carefully aimed the gun at the place where some blue smoke was coming out between two rocks. Devil machine gun position.

The terrain Hu Yi chose was very strange, only a little higher than that of the devils.

But the one with the best view was the girl led by Company Commander Chen, who was on a hill about twenty meters behind Hu Yi.

Such a choice is very dangerous. If the devils rush over desperately, Hu Yi will become a target of the devils even if he retreats as a good friend. When he runs back up the mountain ridge, his back will be exposed. With the devil's marksmanship, he can hardly escape.

Therefore, Hu Yi didn't plan to run at all, at least, he didn't plan to retreat before dark.

The sun fell slowly, and the sky slowly turned blood red, dyeing the vegetation on the mountain a little golden.

The sound of the devil's machine guns echoed in the mountains without any pause. The devil's infantry were suppressed by the machine guns and could not charge. This was not suppression of firepower, but it felt like revenge.

Devil grenadiers prepare to spread the artillery fire to both sides to cover.

Unexpectedly, after a shuttle shot on the opposite side, they fell into the silent eight-way position, and three tongues of flame suddenly appeared.

Luo Fugui changed a magazine, stretched out the machine gun from the gap in the stone, probably aimed at the devil's machine gun position, and immediately caught fire.

Squatting behind the crooked handle with a full warehouse, the muzzle of the gun was aimed at the devil grenade soldier, and he shot three points in a proper manner. Company Commander Chen felt uncomfortable. He never thought that this thin guy in the uniform of the security army was actually a machine gunner!Is there no one in Jiulian?
In his opinion, a machine gunner must be strong and strong, otherwise, the recoil alone can kill people, not to mention, as I said earlier, the machine gun fires in stages. All the machine guns fired. Is this pre-war arrangement all child's play?

The Devil Grenadier felt that the distance was far away, and there was no good place to hide. When the bullet hit the stone on the left beside him, he realized whether he should hide first. Unfortunately, the machine gun bullet had no trace. Ke Xun, nervous, pulled the belt on his hand, and the grenade went to nowhere.

Just as he was about to find a place to hide first, what made him even more frightened was that another bullet track swept across from his right side. The trajectory was very stable. Another shot penetrated into the deputy shooter's body, the trajectory of the machine gun caught up with the Devil's machine gun position, and the point of fire of the Devil who was firing on the eighth road immediately went dumb.

The two devil grenadiers did not die immediately, and the severe pain made them howl immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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