under fire

Chapter 302 Temporary Calm

Chapter 302 Temporary Calm

Lao Meng gathered the soldiers who had just been laid off, and after the meeting, each soldier was drinking porridge in the yard, preparing to find a place to sleep after breakfast.

The task of standing guard during the day was handed over to Tian Sanqi, who was wrapped in bandages. Tang Dagou and Banxian led the gang of remnant soldiers to serve as patrols, and ran around outside the village. They happened to run away from each other one by one, and went out to find someone. Park Buhuan hasn't come back yet.

Chen Chong was putting on Ma Liang's leggings, and he was listening to Lao Meng complaining to the female militiamen with a gloomy face.

"Can you blame me for this? Who knows that they have no shame in sneaking up." The female militiaman said to Lao Meng fiercely: "If it falls into the hands of my aunt, I will make them look good."

Xu Xiao was busy in the morning light next to him, carefully wiping the bronze horn in his hand.

"Xu Xiao, it's not allowed to blow the horn here. It's useless for you to polish it so brightly." Chen Chong raised his head and smiled at Xu Xiao.

"It's useful, I just blew it up the day before yesterday, and killed dozens of devils." Xu Xiao stopped his hands and straightened up, looked at the people who were muttering, and asked Lao Meng casually: "Do you still want to dig graves today? "

Lao Meng squatted under the eaves, lit a cigarette and took a deep puff. He was very polite to everyone in Jiulian, and answered Xu Xiao's question weakly: "I won't dig it, I guess. Those few graves outside the village The bags are pretty much the same."

"There is no one here. If you stay here all day, you might as well go back to the bar." Chen Chong helped Ma Liang put on his leggings, and picked up the rifle next to him to go out of the courtyard.

Ma Liang moved his body and said to Chen Chong: "Thank you."

"You have so many people under your command, why do you have to ask me to tie you up?" Chen Chong didn't look back.

"They're still sleeping, didn't you wake up early?" Ma Liang moved a bit, feeling very uncomfortable, this guy couldn't beat with two pairs of leggings at all.

After eating, the soldiers listened to the words of the platoon leader. Without accident, there should be nothing wrong today. Those who went back to their rooms went to sleep, and those who went out to help dig wells carried their baskets and walked out of the courtyard.

The wing door squeaked, and He Gensheng came out of Su Qing's room with the medicine box on his back, followed by the little girl, and beside him was the dark-faced Hu Yi.

He Gensheng greeted several people in the yard, and then rushed into the yard next to him.

Chen Chong who walked to the door heard the voice, turned his head and came back: "Girl, how is Secretary Su doing?"

"I don't have a fever, so I should be fine." The girl yawned, and then rushed into the kitchen.

"Brother, how did you meet Officer Su?" Ma Liang asked Hu Yi.

Hu Yi glanced at Ma Liang, but didn't answer: "Where's Park Buhuan?"

"I haven't come back yet. I don't know if they chased Monkey and Big Yang." Lao Meng, who was squatting next to him, quickly replied that he was on duty yesterday for the team he led.

The girl came out of the kitchen with a big bowl in her arms, followed by the guerrilla leader from the headquarters.

A group of people stopped talking and looked at Hu Yi sitting at the table.

The guerrilla leader put a bowl of porridge in front of Hu Yi, and walked into Su Qing's room with another bowl, followed by the girl.

Everyone's eyes fell on the guerrilla captain, and after watching the two of them enter the house, they turned their heads to look at Hu Yi. Hu Yi wiped his mouth, had already finished the porridge in front of him, got up and walked out of the courtyard.

Then, a large group of people followed behind him, and they left the yard in a mess.

The yard was quiet again.

A large group of people came out of the yard, and it seemed that they were going to the hut where Hu Yi lived, but they found Tang Dagou and a group of men walking towards the village, cursing at the half-immortal with a gloomy expression on his face: "What the hell are you two brats? It's really big, I don't think it's very likely to be a deserter."

Ma Liang behind Hu Yi couldn't help saying: "Everyone has run away, and you still say it's impossible?"

Fan Erniu turned out from another alley in the village with a look of resentment, and Tang Dagou quickly changed the subject: "Sister Erniu, is the mule up yet?"

Er Niu, who had just come back from the village, found a large group of people standing in front of her, her black faces turned red, and she yelled at Tang Dagou embarrassingly, "Never mind your business."

Tang Dagou was not angry either, and asked with a smile, "Well... don't you say you didn't find the mule?"

"Who knows where that damned guy went? There was no one in the early morning." After Er Niu finished speaking, she lowered her head and ran away from the crowd with a basket in her hand.

Everyone watched the small body disappear, and turned around dumbly. Everyone knew that Luo Fugui had been sneaking to the nearby village to sleep in the middle of the night during this time, sometimes with the sentry, and sometimes with the sheep pen to deal with him overnight.

Everyone shook their heads, it's not worth it for Er Niu.

Tang Dagou led his people to follow, and they went in the direction of the kitchen. They had been outside for a long morning, and they were still hungry.

Hu Yi entered his hut, pushed open the door, and there was a thick and thick guy lying behind the door, heavy breathing came from his nostrils, the guy stuffed a ball of rags in his mouth, so there was no snoring.

"What are you all doing here?"

"Hey, Company Commander Hu, tell me, there are two deserters here, should we transfer them?" Lao Meng was the first to speak.

"Brother, what should we do next?" Ma Liang asked quickly.

After Ma Liang finished speaking, he saw that everyone was staring at him, and quickly looked him up and down, as if there was nothing unusual, right?It’s not wrong to ask yourself, but I’m at a loss: “Why are you staring at me?”

"I thought Company Commander Chen was back again." Chen Chong said with a smile.

"What is Company Commander Chen?" Ma Liang was stunned.

Mei County also wanted to dig a blockade, and the person in charge of this matter turned out to be Li Youcai.

The county is not a friend, and the news quickly spread to Captain Shen, and he felt a sigh of relief in his heart. He was going to deal with those poor ghosts, and he might be blacked out at any time, but his mood immediately improved. few.

"Captain, did we just give up on digging the blockade ditch?" the traitor in black who sent the message hurriedly asked.

"You know what a fart, you think digging a ditch can stop the eight roads?"

"I mean, after the ditch is dug, checkpoints must be set up. That's a fat job." The traitor came closer and expressed his thoughts.

"So what's the matter? If you want to be shot, you can follow Li Youcai to do it. I have no objection." Captain Shen was in a good mood.

"Otherwise, let's stuff a few people in, and we can't let a person surnamed Li get all the oil and water?" The traitor suggested again.

"Well, that's a good idea, you can arrange it." Captain Shen waved his hand, and prepared to go back to sleep.

May County Police Department.

"Second brother, this is a great happy event." Tail stood on the side of his desk, and the dog traitor was sitting on his seat.

"Hey shit, why don't you go do it?"

"I want to go, but I don't have that luck."

"By the way, how many people are there in the prison?" Li Youcai said seriously.

"More than 200 numbers have been shut down."

"Why so many people?"

"Some time ago, the imperial army raided, and many people fled from the four villages and eight wildernesses. They couldn't tell for a while, so they were all arrested and locked up."

"More than 200 is not enough!" Li Youcai couldn't help letting out a sigh of relief.

"Don't worry, there are quite a few people fleeing from the east in the past few days, and they were all stopped outside the city by the security forces. I think the imperial army decided to dig a blockade because they were afraid that these people would go west into the mountains. .”

"There are so many people? Why don't I know."

"Thousands of people! You are in the gambling house every day during this time, and you don't go to the detective team to order something."

"Thousands, so many people? It's not easy to deal with. How many of those fleeing famine are strong?"

"Don't forget, there are also those security forces. The two of them can't do anything else. It shouldn't be a problem to get some villagers but dig ditches."

"Think about it, if you really want to dig a blockade ditch, you will definitely have to build a gun tower. There are people, but if there is less food, can you do it?"

"In our place, due to the inconvenient transportation, most of the food collected by the imperial army is still in the county. Why don't you just go to Maeda?"

"No, this matter can't be done. That guy Shangchuan has to come forward." Li Youcai thought of this, picked up the hat on the table, and was about to go out when two gendarmes went upstairs.

Li Youcai knew the two gendarmes and was about to speak when one of the gendarmes politely made a gesture of invitation: "Li Sang, please come with us to the gendarmes."

(End of this chapter)

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