under fire

Chapter 303 Uncomfortable

Chapter 303 Uncomfortable

It was another summer dawn, the moon was still there, the sky was bright in the east, and the sun had not yet risen.

To be precise, it was not yet dawn.

In a village without ordinary people, it is full of vitality. The early wounded are active in the yard. Park Buhuan's gunshot wound is no longer serious, and he is wrapped in bandages. He moves his body in the yard and punches a set of punches. He gestured in a hurry.

He was depressed all the time, and he went after the two deserters, but he failed to catch up. That night, the devil's artillery building on the edge of the blockade was raging, and he didn't get any news, so his trip was completely wasted.

In order to prevent deserters from being caught and attracting devils to raid, Jiulian had to follow the blockade line north and south for more than ten miles, and put up reconnaissance posts for several days in a row, but there was no movement on the other side of the blockade line.

Su Qing was awakened by the movement outside, and dimly saw Hu Yiyou in full military uniform, without leggings or equipment, sitting at the table in the house. This nasty guy came here early in the morning, and he was not afraid of gossip.

At the table, Hu Yi faced the door, quietly watching the people in the yard outside moving their bodies in a daze.

Su Qing's injury healed very quickly, and she was able to get up and walk alone, lying on the bed, while the girl was snoring slightly on the other side.

Seeing that Hu Yi didn't pay attention and was still in a daze, Su Qing hesitated for a moment, coughed deliberately, Hu Yi, who supported his head with one hand, was startled, got up quickly and turned around, looking at her who was about to get up.

"What are you doing here? Hurry up and get out." The voice was a little cold and hoarse.

"Uh..." Hu Yi heard the words, blushed, turned around quickly, and went straight out the door, thinking that he was still so cold after being injured.

When everyone outside heard the commotion, they kept their eyes on the ground, watching the company commander go straight to the kitchen out of the corner of their eyes, holding back a smile.

Park Buhuan didn't dare to use too much force in his hands, feeling this scene, he shook his head and smirked.

A soldier hurriedly ran into the courtyard gate, and ran straight to Su Qing's house. When he reached the gate, he shouted loudly: "Report to the company commander, the political commissar and the instructor are here."

But I saw Su Qing coming out of the house.

"That. Officer Su, isn't the company commander here?" The soldier asked suspiciously.

"What are you talking about?" Su Qing looked at the soldier looking for him and asked the company commander, with a black thread on his hair, and secretly pleased.

The soldier was stunned, wouldn't he find the company commander here in the morning?

Suddenly seeing the company commander appearing at the door of the kitchen, he quickly ran to Hu Yi and saluted: "Report, the political commissar and the instructor are here!"

Hu Yi had heard the movement of the sentinel, and was surprised: "Where is it?"

Ding Deyi drove for a day and a night, looking at the village under the moonlight in front of him, feeling very depressed.

He stopped, and said to Old Qin next to him: "You damn devil, after we left Luoye Village, we've been walking for so long, but we haven't seen two figures. How did Jiulian run to such a crappy place?"

"In the chaos of the world, it's the ordinary people who suffer. The thieves don't open their eyes. They don't know how to live without a drop of rain for half a year." Old Qin Man wiped his sweat with his hands, and replied helplessly.

Followed by more than a dozen soldiers, with big bags and small bags carrying baskets on their backs, just now they encountered a secret sentry, and finally reached the ground, put down their things and took the opportunity to rest and drink water, and after a while, there was a sound of snoring.

The political commissar looked around and could see clearly under the moonlight. Unexpectedly, the village Hu Yi was looking for had no danger to rely on, and the enemy would have to run away as soon as the enemy came, so it was suitable for a small group of troops to fight guerrillas.

The sentry had been in the village for a long time, and finally there was some movement in the village.

Hu Yi came to the west entrance of the village, watched the political commissar waiting under the moonlight, hurried forward, stood at attention, and saluted.

Hu Yi was not the only one who came, followed by a long list of people who got the news.

Ding Deyi looked at Hu Yi: "You don't seem to be doing well here? What's the matter, you still want to welcome him?"

Hu Yi heard that the political commissar meant that this place was not suitable for a garrison: "There is no way. I originally planned to go east to cross the blockade to the enemy-occupied area. There are still some wounded in the company. I will go there after they recover from their injuries."

"I have driven such a long distance, and you let me talk to you here?" Ding Deyi was very satisfied with Hu Yi's attitude.

Hearing what the political commissar said, Hu Yi hurriedly waved to the people behind: "Hurry up and help."

The crowd dispersed, and Su Qing's figure appeared from behind.

"Su Qing? Why are you here?" Ding Deyi had already got the news from Captain Lu that she was going to work in the Autumn Wind Guerrilla Brigade, but he didn't expect that she would come so fast and get mixed up with Jiulian.

It is taken for granted that Hu Yi's choice of these unobstructed villages is mostly related to Su Qing.

The political commissar came to the Jiulian for another purpose. When the independent regiment entered the mountain, the Jiulian went all the way to the devil's encirclement and successfully lured away a brigade of devils.

The division has a high opinion of Jiulian, and the independent regiment also has a good face.

Su Qing appeared here, and the political commissar felt that the situation was not good. The delicate relationship between Hu Yi and Su Qing was tricky.

Ding Deyi suddenly felt a bit of a toothache, what can I say, the teacher transferred Su Qing away, to a large extent to prevent them from violating discipline.

Such things are not uncommon in the Eighth Route Army, and some people were criticized and defected because of this, which completely violated the regulations of the Eighth Route Army.

I secretly begged God and worshiped Buddha in my heart, but don't make troubles. After the battle of entering the mountain, the morale and combat effectiveness of Jiulian have been increasing. The independent regiment is only these two treasures. Don't make trouble. Jiulian has no nonsense. One hundred percent disbanded, I couldn't hold it back.

Looking back, it didn't seem to be a big deal if they didn't have children. Su Qing transferred to the guerrilla brigade, and there was no problem in terms of procedures. They were completely two independent troops.

Originally, the guerrilla brigade of the friendly army got mixed up with Jiulian, and they typically obeyed the orders of their superiors.Except for her, no one in Jiulian would have thought of such a move.

Su Qing walked to Hu Yi's side. She still had black satin-like short hair around her ears. Under the moonlight before dawn, she was still so white and clean. Her military uniform seemed a little big. Although it was worn out, it was quite clean.

As soon as Ding De regained his composure and looked it over carefully, he was stunned. Under the moonlight, he found that Su Qing's abdomen was a little bulging. He couldn't believe his eyes, it's over, it's a bad dish!

Ding Deyi felt bitter in his heart, finally moved his footsteps, calmly, and said the business first: "I came here overnight, mainly to convey the orders of the division. Well, Lao Qin can do it well, but there are two things that the division should do. I ordered your Jiulian's name, so I'll come over in person and take a look."

"Please political commissar for instructions." Hu Yi was behind, in a good mood, but he didn't understand that political commissar Ding's face and tone seemed to have changed since he saw Su Qing.

"How many people are in the regiment now?"

"More than 60."

"Oh?" Ding De turned around and looked at Hu Yi in surprise: "Sixties after all, how did you become a company commander, don't you even know the number of people under your command?"

"Well, something happened in the company. It's hard to count. I'll report it to you in detail later. Uh, political commissar, turn left ahead."

Ding Deyi walked ahead and arrived in front of Hu Yi's house, raised his leg, kicked open the half-closed door, and looked around. The bed was tidy, only half covered with a marching blanket, and he felt at ease.

Hu Yi has never kicked the door with his foot when he saw politics, and he was obviously angry. What's the situation?The political commissar is dissatisfied with himself?
Some do not quite understand.

The political commissar sat down at the table, picked up the tea mug on the table and weighed it: "I have come all the way, and I can't even bear to drool?"

"Ah? I'll fight right away." Hu Yi hurriedly said
"No, Su Qing, go get some water, and I'll have something to say to Company Commander Hu."

Su Qing, who just followed in, was a little puzzled. From kicking the door to asking for water, this is still the former political commissar: What kind of anger is this, and does it have anything to do with him?

Quickly figured it out, blushed slightly, answered yes, then turned and walked towards the kitchen.

The room fell into silence, and Hu Yi stood aside, not knowing why.

The political commissar was thinking about how Su Qing would speak when he came over later, and his head was a little dizzy.

Until, the female guerrilla captain walked into Hu Yi's house carrying a khaki earthen jar: "Hello, political commissar, hello company commander, hey, well, Sister Su is not feeling well, she asked me to bring water."

The sky was getting brighter, and the political commissar saw that the person who came in was not Su Qing, but another big girl, and said that Su Qing was not feeling well?My heart skipped a beat: this is not a good thing.

(End of this chapter)

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