under fire

Chapter 305 The Small Town Murder Case

Chapter 305 The Small Town Murder Case

The monkey is bold because he was once a snitch and later became a soldier.

The muzzle of the husk is facing down, and it is inserted in the waist.

He also helped Big Man Yang check up and down, and found nothing wrong.

Throwing the old rucksack that was stolen from the village before dawn to his shoulders, taking advantage of the fact that there was no one on the road outside, the two of them set off on the road and headed straight to the south.

As soon as the sun rose above the horizon, the breeze blew hotly. The crops on the ground were surprisingly green. The two looked at each other in surprise.

The two guys who worked in the village every day suddenly came to this empty and boundless plain, and their hearts felt unspeakable.

The tall trees in the distance are covered with clusters of green, which are quite different from those in the mountains. If it weren’t for the fact that they were not too far from the blockade behind, and both of them had gunshot wounds, they stole other people’s clothes for fear of being discovered. I want to open my voice and shout a few times: "You little devil, I will fuck your mother!"

The two ran here and there, jumping and running for a few steps on the road. Big Yang threw his son far away, and a clod of soil fell on Big Yang: "What are people doing so fast?"

The two of them had no purpose, and some common people carrying baskets and baskets began to appear on the road, and the two of them carefully blended into the flow of people going to the market, and walked towards the south with big strides.

A gray shadow appeared in front of it, which looked like a small town surrounded by walls.

Slowly moving forward, the wall became higher, the two of them mixed in the crowd, a door opened on the wall, and two detectives with guns glared at them, and several khaki security forces walked back and forth on the wall, watching The dark crowd below.

The monkey looked carefully at the small town, which was surrounded by a deep ditch.

Judging from the high pile of soil beside the ditch, the protective ditch is wide and deep, and the suspended suspension bridge is like a long springboard, crossing the protective ditch.

"Certificate of residence! Hurry up!" Beside the suspension bridge by the protective ditch, a skinny detective in black, with big round eyes, pulled the rifle in his hand left and right, and screamed twice.

Those who were close to him quickly handed him the crumpled "resident card".

"I think he's more like a monkey," Big Yang muttered while looking at the monkey next to him.

The monkey didn't answer, and stood in the distance, with a smile on his face, carefully watching the movements of the people in front of him.

"Where's your residence permits? How many times have I told you, don't even think about going in without your permits." The thin detective team member yelled at the two people in front of him.

The two people standing in front of him groped for a long time, with mournful faces: "Ma Gan, don't yell at me, we are from the same village, it's not like you don't know me, I brought it with me, why didn't you disappear?"

"Maybe it's lost, hurry back and look for it."

"Fuck you, Ma Gan, I went to Captain Wang's house for a drink today, will I still be able to eat when I go back?"

"Ma Gan, don't do anything stupid, let me in quickly." The other one didn't give the detective team any face at all: "Otherwise, I won't water your land."

"Hey, there's a drought this year, it doesn't matter whether you water it or not, hurry up and get out." The thin detective team still returned the stack of residence cards in their hands.

A large group of people with certificates and no certificates were let in, and walked across the drawbridge to the town.

The monkey looked carefully at the crowd in front of him, took the issued resident card in his hand, led the big guy, and moved forward slowly with the crowd, checking them one by one.

Fortunately, there were too many people and there were gatherings again, so there was no body search.

The resident card fell into the hands of the thin detective team member. The resident card is actually a piece of paper without a photo on it.

The detective team member named Ma Gan suddenly flipped through the pages one by one.

Monkey's heart tightened, no, bad food, this guy knew the two people with the residence card he just stole, so he quickly used the person in front to block his sight, and moved his hands to his waist.

The crowd was noisy and there were endless urging calls, but Ma Gan returned all the residence cards.

The two took their residence cards and followed the crowd into the town.

It happened to be the day of the fair, and there were just a few more people than usual, but it was just that there were too many people when they were all gathered in the north.

There were people who sold cabbage with loads on their shoulders, people who bought food with cloth bags on their backs, and people who sold food with baskets on their backs. The two of them drooled looking at the cabbages, and spent most of their time with Jiulian drinking porridge and eating steamed buns.

Get in through the door opening, and you can see the tower to the south at a glance.

A small street, on both sides of the street, there are shops selling grain, cloth, and butcher in the front and back yards. The two stood in front of the butcher and looked at it for a while. The booty was thrown in front of the butcher.

The middle-aged storekeeper widened his eyes, quickly took it away, and looked left and right: "My uncle, don't be so blatant, how dare you use Dayang now, you have to use military tickets."

"I know, hurry up."

"How much?"

"How to sell today."

"You buy eight catties for one ocean."

"Okay, then eight catties."

When two pieces of mutton were stuffed into Big Yang's bag, the two turned and left.

The butcher's eyes widened and he smiled. If an ocean was exchanged for a military ticket, it would cost ten catties, which was two catties for nothing.

The two continued to wander around, and wherever they went, there were more people and less goods, and the bustling scene of Daji was long gone.

The monkey looked around and listened attentively. There was a commotion in front of him, and a large circle was immediately formed. Several security groups with big guns and several black dogs were surrounding a tobacco, wine, sauce and vinegar shop: " Damn! If you don’t pay taxes today, I will tear down your broken shop.”

"Boss, it hasn't opened yet today, can you come in the afternoon?" A shirtless middle-aged man in a jacket, who should be the shopkeeper, bowed his head, accompanied him with a smiling face, offered cigarettes and struck the fire
"You said the same thing yesterday, why don't you tell me that it didn't open yesterday?"

"Yesterday there was no market again. All the bosses came to buy cigarettes. They were all accounted for. I really didn't receive any money. Everyone, why don't you take a pack of cigarettes to smoke first." The shopkeeper hurriedly took a pack of cigarettes from the divided counter. Handed over.

"You're smart." A leading security team leader took the pack of cigarettes and took another pack: "I'll come back this afternoon."

Houzi and Yang squeezed into the crowd of onlookers, watching every move of the security team in front of them, finding it interesting.

"What are you looking at, hurry up and leave." The security team leader waved to the surroundings proudly.

The people around didn't care at all, and followed the two to the next house with a smirk.

The security captain didn't care, and went on to the next house.

He had just taken a few steps forward when a young man emerged from the crowd beside him, pulled away from the crowd, and rushed from the side of the monkey to the group in front, holding a sharply sharpened butcher's knife with a wide front and a narrow back, He stabbed in from the back of the security captain.

The scene suddenly became chaotic: "Killed"

The security captain fell to the ground, and the people around immediately exploded. The black dog next to him tremblingly untied the gun from his back and pulled the bolt, but was staggered by the crowd running around.

Seeing that the person who stabbed the security captain took out a leaflet and threw it into the sky, and then ran south among the crowd, the security guard who raised the gun hesitated with the black dog, and then raised his leg to catch up.

The escaped people dodged to the east of the street. Two Baotuan and two black dogs stood at the entrance of the alley with trembling legs, watching the crowd running inside, and lost the trace of the man in gray.

Monkey and Big Yang stood behind the men with guns.

There were not many people watching the excitement, and they formed a half circle behind the black dog of the security team.

The monkey was holding a leaflet in his hand, and glanced at a dozen or so words that were scrambled: Eliminate evil and rape, and overthrow Japanese imperialism.

Stuff the paper into your pocket and prepare to use it as toilet paper, which is more comfortable than using a wooden stick.

There were quite a few people with the same idea, and none of the leaflets on the ground were seen.

The black dog and the security team murmured for a while, and the two black dogs started to walk into the alley with their guns in their hands, and the one turned pale with fright, and the security team ran north, looking like they were going to rescue soldiers.

Two detective teams in black appeared in the middle of the two rows of blue-gray bungalows, and they fired a shot at the sky. Men, women, old and young dared to run again, crouched on the ground, and got into the yard with open doors on both sides.

The young man who killed someone also got into a yard.

Then two men in black rushed in, and after a short time, the young man was brought out by two black dogs with their hands cut behind their backs.

From the looks of it, the detective team should have been prepared.

There was a lot of discussion on the street, and the noise gradually resumed. The young man was kicked a few times and dragged out of the alley.

"Do you want to help?" Big Yang was not afraid, these men in black had no fighting power at all.

"Don't make trouble, now you're in other people's dens, do you see such things less often?" The monkey became interested.

He found a young girl next to her who put her hands in the basket and looked like a student. Something was wrong, so he paid attention to this detail.

The crowd was retreating, but the girl with short hair and short ears kept pushing forward.

The girl had beautiful features, and the monkey gave a smirk, which was interesting.

(End of this chapter)

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