under fire

Chapter 306 The Zhou Family

Chapter 306 The Zhou Family
The monkey habitually bumped into the person next to him, and the person leaned towards the girl who looked like a student. The monkey dodged to the other side of the girl, then reached into the basket, and pulled out the things in the girl's hands.

The girl nervously watched every move of the traitors in front of her, but she didn't notice that her hand was empty and a small pistol was taken away.

Turn around quickly, the people around you are in a mess.

The girl was very anxious. She had a pistol in her hand, but it was robbed.

The monkey had already dodged to the back of the person next to him. From the outsider's point of view, he seemed to want to push forward, but was pushed back.

The girl's face turned pale, and she watched helplessly as the young man whose mouth was gagged with a rag was taken away.

The monkey took a few steps, walked around the other side and followed the girl, and followed the crowd to the outside of the town hall. The crowd stood outside the town hall, and no one dared to go in. Two security guards held guns. To a large group of people ahead.

"The detective team is doing business, get up and go." A black dog waved a rifle at a large group of people behind.

"Caught another one?"

"It's a pity Captain Zhao!" Heigou sighed at the corpse carried by the two security teams next to him.

The crowd slowly dispersed.

Hou Zi and Yang Da were standing in the distance, leaving only the girl standing there helpless.

A black dog's eyes lighted up. This girl is quite succulent. All the people in the village hurriedly tried to persuade him: "Girl, don't stay here. If Taiqun sees it later, something might happen. Let's go."

The monkey's belly was rumbling, and there was a restaurant opposite the town hall, and the smell of steamed buns came from a small shop next to it, and Mr. Yang was stuffing one into his mouth with a stick in his hand. The shopkeeper was serving him with a smile on his face.

Early in the morning, I collected a piece of ocean, and the box was full of change, which was not enough to make up for it. The big guy and the little guy were so generous that they said they didn’t need to look for it, and they were happy: "You two, it’s nothing to look at, and this thing comes out every few days. It is estimated that the young man will be shot tomorrow."

"So fast?"

"The murder case is dealt with quickly, don't stay here, there are not a few people who meet the imperial army and kill people in the street."

The monkey felt like adding oil to the fire, and secretly cursed: "Kill it! Kill it! One day I will kill you all!"

The girl staggered away, and the two followed from afar.

"Monkey, don't say you saw that girl."

"Bullshit, when did I become that kind of person?"

"I heard from them that you are still a young child?"

"Never mind your business, when I was messing around in Tianjin, where was your boy?"

The two filled their bellies and followed the girl south out of town.

The south side is also a suspension bridge, and the town has two exits, one south and one north.

"They are quite on guard!" Monkey thought for a while and said to Big Yang.

Outside the suspension bridge, the wide and flat road stretched southward. The two pretended to rush home. It was still early, and there were not many people going back. They strolled and followed the girl far away.

There was a sudden sound of chug chug from the south, and a khaki-colored tricycle drove over from a distance with a cloud of dust.

The girl in front quickly got off the road and lowered her head.

The two monkeys also quickly avoided the side of the road, and the three-wheeled motorcycle drove over.

A devil with a steel helmet on his head, wide-brimmed goggles, and a bayonet rifle on his back is driving a motorcycle. The man drove forward rapidly, and the billowing dust kicked up as high as a man, brushing past the two of them as if joking.

The two of them staggered in fright and jumped off the road.

The monkey grabbed the handle of the gun and leaned down. When he looked up angrily, the devil on the car stopped the motorcycle: "You are brave, little one."

The devil chanted it loudly, and then laughed wildly. It was such a fun way to relieve boredom. It was interesting. When he twisted the handlebar, a large cloud of dust and smoke rose from the back of the motorcycle. With the devil laughing, he ran along the road to the town up.

The dust obliterated the figures of the two, and they took a few steps and jumped onto the road again.

The monkey inserted the pulled gun into its waist again, took a mouthful of dust, spit a few mouthfuls, and felt that there was no more sand.

Cursed a few words.

Seeing that the girl in front had gone far away, the two quickly walked a few steps and followed.

The girl in front turned to a small road outside the road, and the two dared not follow directly, so they rushed to the side and entered a weeds, and followed from a distance.

"Why are we following her?" Big Yang raised his head and squinted his eyes, looked at the venomous sun in the sky, and wiped off his sweat.

"Look at the fun." The son said calmly.

"You want a hero to save the beauty?"

"So what, I am happy."

The monkey took out the pistol he had rescued from the girl's basket, and pulled out the magazine: "Only three bullets, this girl is really brave."

The sun was rising high, exuding intense heat, and the two of them crawled through the bushes with their waists bowed. The monkey stopped suddenly, and the girl in front of them was kneeling in front of a grave and crying.

"Who are you and what are you going to do?" The girl was alert to the footsteps behind her, turned her head and saw two people dressed as villagers suddenly appeared, and subconsciously groped into the basket.

"Don't be nervous, Nuo, this is your thing." Monkey smiled and threw her small pistol over.

The girl quickly picked it up, pulled the trigger, aimed at the two people who suddenly appeared, thought for a while, pulled out the magazine, the bullets inside were gone, and put down the gun in disappointment.

"You only have three bullets, and there are so many people on the other side, are you sending yourself to death?" Monkey asked with a half-smile.

"I want you to take care of it!" The girl gritted her teeth and looked at Monkey and Big Yang fiercely.

"Who is that young man to you, and who are you?"

"What do you want to do?"

"Don't worry, we are the Eighth Route Army, we just don't want to watch you die."

"Are you really the Eighth Route Army?" The girl's eyes lit up, and she was skeptical.

"It's still fake. If we were Er Gouzi, wouldn't we just arrest you in the city?"

"Then, why are you following me?" The girl remained vigilant.

"My surname is Hou, hehe, from the Independent Regiment of the Eighth Route Army, I think you also want to do something to that traitor. I'm afraid you will suffer, so come and have a look."

"My surname is Zhou, and I'm from Zhou Family Village." The girl gritted her teeth.

"I think you should come from a rich family. How could you think of killing those black dogs alone?"

"So what about the big family? The whole family was killed. I want to join the Eighth Route Army's democratic government to fight against Japan. They say my father is a traitor and won't accept me."

"No, since your father was a traitor, why was he killed again?" Monkey asked suspiciously.

"It was the security captain who wanted to force me to be his child, but my father didn't agree. They corrupted my father and brought devils into the village."

The girl didn't know why, but as soon as she heard that the other party was eight ways, she didn't care about the three sevens and twenty ones, so she told the whole story about what happened to her.

Hou Zi was dubious when he heard this, but when he met this girl, he shook everything out, really speechless.

"Hey, hey, don't cry, then... where did you get your gun?"

"My dad bought it before."

"Well, what about the young man who stabbed someone?"

"It's my brother."

"No, why did your brother take a butcher's knife to stab people when he had a gun?"

"I just got a letter from my relatives last night, saying that my brother came back from the provincial capital and entered the city yesterday. I knew he was going to avenge his revenge, so I went to the city early in the morning to find him. You all know what happened afterwards when he stabbed the dog traitor."

It's only a small town, what kind of city do you want to enter, a bumpkin is a bumpkin.

(End of this chapter)

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