under fire

Chapter 307 Prelude

Chapter 307 Prelude
In the eyes of ordinary people, the town is well-prepared, but in the eyes of monkeys, it is full of loopholes.

It's a pity that the bright and clear moonlight added a lot of difficulty to the injured monkey and Yang's middle-of-the-night action.

There is a sign on the door of the torture chamber, and the monkey is climbing on the roof, moving very slowly because one hand is injured.

There were a lot of torture instruments in the room, and there were two people sitting behind a long table, one was a police officer, the other was a devil who came after getting the news, and an officer of the security regiment stood beside him.

Zhou Lan's elder brother was tied with both hands and half-hanged from the beam. His body was covered with blood, and it looked like he had been used.

"You'd better tell your accomplice honestly, otherwise, he will be shot tomorrow."

The devil is not impatient. These Chinese people who resisted are tough. Up to now, I haven't figured out the origin of this guy's name.

But it doesn't matter, it's better to be able to get his accomplices out, but he doesn't hold out much hope, and specially invited senior policemen from the county to help solve the case.

The policeman finally read the file, which was actually only a few pages, but the murder process, the security captain's recent investigation, whether there was any feud, etc.

He raised his head, looked carefully at the one who was tied up, couldn't help frowning, but didn't ask any questions, first handed a cigarette to the devil next to him, lit it together, and took a few puffs.

After a long while, the police lazily finally asked the tied young man: "Don't think that if you don't tell us, we don't know. You also know that killing people in the street is either vendetta or love. And the security captain recently arrested Zhoujia Village?" There is no evidence of the old man's connection, so I think you are seeking revenge, young man."

After speaking, he deliberately stopped and watched the young man's reaction carefully.

Obviously, the bound young man trembled.

Nodding in satisfaction: "I heard that the whereabouts of a son and a daughter surnamed Zhou are unknown, so let me guess, is your surname Zhou?"

The young man finally raised his head, eyes full of anger.

"You killed for revenge, didn't you?" The policeman exhaled a puff of smoke.

The young man finally raised his head and did not speak.

"If you don't tell me, then we can arrest all your relatives immediately. At that time, your whole family will be connected. You know what will happen." The policeman is in a good mood and his judgment is accurate. As for intimidation, although he can't do it , but devils can do it.

"I'm surnamed Zhou. It's only natural to avenge my father. I have the ability to target an old man." The young man at this moment spat blood and had to sign up for himself.

"Young man, as long as you make things clear, we can still consider giving you a chance."

"Kill to pay for life, he killed my whole family, I will kill him for revenge, whatever you want, grandpa frowned, son of a bitch."

"Young man, you can't say that. In this land, everyone has to obey the rules, right? As long as you tell who is your accomplice, we can consider it at our discretion, ah, deal with it lightly."

"I'm a good man, one person does the work and the other is responsible. If you want to kill or cut, it's up to you."

"Young man, don't be stubborn. You have no choice but to confess your accomplices. You are not afraid of death. You have to think about your relatives, right?"

"I gave you a chance, but if you don't grasp it, then I can't do anything about it." The policeman closed the file: "We have already contacted the higher authorities, and we have found out what you did."

A small security captain died. This policeman just arrived. It was pure fraud. There was an investigation by the Zhou family in the file. It was known that most of the young people surnamed Zhou who went to the provincial capital to study joined the underground organization. Either the National Army or the Eighth Route.

Even if he confesses, the ones who have done meritorious service are still from the provincial capital, and they can't get anything for themselves. It doesn't matter whether the surname Zhou says it or not, it's the icing on the cake if he can be interrogated.

"Think about it carefully. If you say so, we will keep it a secret for you, and no one else will know, right? In this way, you can still save your life. If you die, you will have nothing. Your sister has no one to take care of her. As a result, What will happen, haha, it's hard to say."

The police are constantly tempted.

This time the young man raised his head, looked straight at the questioning policeman, and made mental preparations: "Bah, traitorous dog."

"I'll give you one night to think about it carefully." After the policeman finished speaking, he wasn't angry. He got up and looked at the ghost next to him, which meant that he had finished asking questions.

"Wang Sang, you're not bad, just look at the file to find out the whole story, you, this." The devil raised his thumb.

After going out, the devil invited the police to drink.

"There, I have seen a lot. If he doesn't speak up tomorrow morning, then he will be tortured again. However, according to my experience, at least half of the people will speak up in this situation."

Several people turned into a brightly lit room.

The monkey slipped down from the backlit roof along the wall with one hand, made some noises, calmly meowed, and hid beside the parked motorcycle in the courtyard of the town hall.

As long as the devils don't directly kill people tonight, they have a chance, and then they have to wait until everyone is asleep.

Zhou Cheng was struggling sharply in his heart. Although he got the approval of his superiors when he returned home this time, he didn't expect that he would be blocked by traitors on his way to escape, so he gave a wry smile.

Looking back on the past, I once swore that I would not betray the organization no matter what, humming an exciting song in a low voice, and knocking down the aggression.
Believe firmly, wait for the fate to come.

The monkey rolled forward and entered the gloomy corridor, looking carefully at the tall man with a machine gun on the roof in the distance.

waved to him.

Zhou Cheng limped and walked slowly on the small road outside the town, as if in a dream, did the organization arrange for someone to rescue him?

Not long after, his tortured leg was so painful that he could no longer walk: "Comrade, I really can't walk anymore."

"Your sister is right in front of her. She can't walk so far. She is quite timid. She dares to go to the traitor's den alone and use a knife."

The big man carrying the machine returned cursing, put him on his back, took over the machine gun held by the small man, and quickly disappeared into the bushes under the moonlight.

Under the oil lamp.

Ding Deyi believed that he would not be mistaken. He knew exactly what kind of person Hu Yi was. On the surface, Hu Yi looked low-key, but his military ability in the whole regiment might be second only to the regiment leader. Longer and more ostentatious.

Hu Yi's joining the Eighth Route Army definitely had nothing to do with his beliefs, but it definitely had something to do with Su Qing. Su Qing's belly was bulging, and the problem was a bit complicated.

Looking at the reburied grave of hundreds of people, my heart is heavy.

It wasn't until I visited Jiulian's underground fortifications that I felt a little better.

Now only Su Qing's situation is left, which is a bit complicated. Maybe I let it go before, so I have the responsibility, and I should solve this matter as soon as possible.

"Political commissar, what else do you need?" Su Qing who was called looked up at the political commissar and asked.

Ding Deyi forced a smile, and pointed to the broken tea mug beside the table: "Sit down, drink water, I haven't seen you for a long time, I didn't expect you to come here first, are you still used to it?"

Su Qing understood the temper of the political commissar, and also smiled: "I was originally transferred to prepare for the preparation of the armed work, and then I connected with the local government. I never thought that I would bump into Jiulian."

"Well, strictly speaking, you don't belong to the independent regiment now. I just want to ask you something. What do you think of Hu Yi Jiulian?"

"Jiulian. The situation is a bit special." Su Qing hesitated for a moment and replied.

Ding Deyi looked at Su Qing and nodded: "Uh, how is your health now?"

Su Qing was taken aback for a moment, and the political commissar suddenly asked about his body, and was a little moved: "The recovery is not bad, and the stitches can be removed in two days."

"Huh? Remove the stitches?"

"That's right, the last time I was injured, the shrapnel was taken out with the help of the girl. There is no infection, so it should be fine."

Ding Deyi looked at the nonchalant Su Qing: "Are you injured?"

"Some time ago, when we were on a mission, we encountered devils who escaped. One of our platoons encountered devils and one squad. We were injured by shrapnel from the grenade explosion during the battle." Su Qing looked at the political commissar in doubt, and suddenly wanted to leave. This situation was not mentioned in the meeting.

But I don't quite understand what the political commissar means by saying that he is finally in line with the situation and contradictory.

Ding Deyi quickly changed the subject: "You said just now that Jiulian's situation is special, did you encounter any difficulties?"

"In the current situation, one needs to carry out local work, but there is no one in the village who can't carry out the work. The armed work has already been connected with the enemy-occupied area Xiaoxu. The supplementary regiment has arranged for me to be in charge of this work. When I arrived in the independent regiment, the work was not going well." Su Qing lowered her head with a heavy heart, she did not answer the political commissar's situation about the Ninth Company, but brought up the matter of the armed task force.

The pimple in Ding Deyi's heart was untied. It turned out that Su Qing was not pregnant, so she immediately felt better, and quietly looked down at Su Qing who was unconsciously writing with a pencil on the paper.

After waiting for a while, he turned his gaze to the moonlight outside the door again: "The Ninth Company of the work team will act as the armed part, and you will be responsible for the local work. Lao Meng and the others are very familiar with this place. Execute as announced in the morning."

The political commissar had a clear mind and shouted to the door: "Xiaodou, go and call Hu Yi."

After Hu Yi entered the room, he looked at the political commissar sitting above him and smiled at him, put down the tea mug in his hand, and pointed to the stool: "Sit first."

Hu Yi was a little surprised. The political commissar called Su Qing alone, and his attitude towards him completely changed. There must be something that he didn't know. After thinking about what happened during this period, he didn't seem to find anything wrong.

Su Qing was taken away by the investigation team, and later went to the supplementary regiment. The girl asked Captain Lu to find the military division to borrow the Qiufeng guerrilla brigade to the independent regiment.

Being able to transfer Su Qing to the Qiufeng Guerrilla Brigade inexplicably, I have to admire the girl's operation.

As for the armed task force, I have heard about it, and now I have received a cooperative task, and I have also become the deputy captain. Things are getting more and more complicated, and the fingers on the table are unconsciously tapping on the table.

I am a soldier myself, none of these things are easy, I am not familiar with the local work, and Li Youcai is the only one in the intelligence work, others are blind, of course I have dealt with Li Youde and the gang of hackers. clear.

The political commissar called him again, there must be something to explain, there is no need to guess, with the character of the political commissar, he will not say nothing.

He raised his head and glanced at the woman next to him with his head down, thinking that it should have something to do with her.

"Let's study it again, the specific work." The political commissar made simple opening remarks.

Hu Yi was thinking about it, a little distracted, and suddenly heard the political commissar speak again, so he listened carefully.

Su Qing also realized that she had lost her composure, raised her head, and glanced at Hu Yi who was facing him blankly, feeling that the political commissar seemed a little weird.

Ding paused for a moment, then smiled: "It's not easy to carry out the work now, our first step is still a good one, at least we should stand on our feet first."

Hu Yi blurted out: "I don't think we should be optimistic. Two soldiers ran eastward in our team, but we haven't found them yet."

"Uh, what else?"

"The two guys left because they saw the whole village buried in the village's [-]-person pit. They secretly ran to find ghosts to settle accounts. They have been gone for several days, but we have strengthened our precautions."

"Since you think so, let's talk about this later." The political commissar thought for a while, and although he felt that there was still a risk, he couldn't go out. The two of them moved together: "From now on, the team must also be dispersed, and we can't keep all of them. In the village, don't be taken over by devils."

Hu Yi was stunned: what the political commissar said was correct, but he was still careless.

"Since the armed task force has already set up airs." Ding Deyi paused, turned the subject to laugh at himself: "The headquarters ordered that the armed task force must be led by cadres above the battalion, but who told us that the regiment is poor? There is no director, and I will be in charge for the time being."

"After you came out, what happened in the regiment?"

"I can't stay here all the time, so there are two deputy captains, you and Lao Meng, who are also the commanders of the Ninth Company, in charge of the armed part, Lao Meng is in charge of local work, and Su Qing is the instructor, responsible for enemy work, propaganda, At the same time, he is in charge of forming the local government, and now he is launching a mass production campaign, and Lao Qin can only take the lead in this matter, do you have any opinions?"

"I have no opinion." Hu Yizhong and Su Qing looked at each other and answered in unison.

The political commissar made adjustments to the arrangement he had made with Captain Lu: "Since the leader of the Qiufeng guerrilla team has died, I am going to let Lao Meng, the deputy leader, be the team leader."

"You don't need to ask me, do you?" Hu Yi thought for a while and answered.

"Now the work is even heavier, there are almost three sets of teams, and they have to respond to the orders of the superiors to streamline the administration. I am also planning to let Lao Qin serve as the instructor of the guerrilla brigade."

The arrangement of the political commissar is full of strangeness. This arrangement, obviously a team, must score three yuan. It is not surprising that the autumn wind guerrilla brigade will be merged into the independent regiment. The team is also at the battalion level. If the ninth company is promoted to the battalion, this is the current regiment!The political commissar is making the scale bigger.

Obviously, the independent regiment did not downsize its personnel, but instead wanted to develop.

There is no hope of being promoted to the Ninth Continuing Battalion for the time being, and the political commissar himself takes command as the captain of the armed task force.

Ding Deyi didn't care whether Hu Yi and Su Qing were stunned and had any comments, he waved his hand: "Think about it, if you have nothing to add, you can discuss it first, write a plan later and let me see, I'll go out first. "

After finishing speaking, he got up, went out, and called the guards: "Go, find me the little girl, it's not worrying, I've been here all day, and I haven't even seen her shadow."

The two people who were at a loss were left behind: the Ninth Company, the Guerrilla Brigade, and the Armed Work Team, all kneaded together.

What kind of medicine is sold in the political commissar's gourd?

 Two chapters in one.

(End of this chapter)

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