under fire

Chapter 308

Chapter 308
The moon hung out early.

The three monkeys quietly came to an abandoned ditch outside Zhoujia Village.

Seeing the two siblings hugging their heads and weeping softly, Big Yang was grilling meat on the fire. He didn't understand the monkey's behavior: "Let's go back, I don't feel at ease staying here."

"What's wrong, don't you want to run every day?"

"That's because the eight roads are poor, and I drink porridge every day, and my stomach feels uncomfortable."

"It's true, in the Eighth Route Army, money is useless."

"Now that I have two pieces of meat, I think it's good to go back."

"Look at your bad character, even if you want to go back, we have to get something before we go back.

"Have you really taken a fancy to that little girl?
"Forget it, he has read books, we don't know a lot, so forget it, it's fate to meet you."

"Then leave after eating?"


"Where are we going? We will be caught if we run far with these two good citizen certificates."

"You don't care much, follow me, and you still need Zhang Liangmin's certificate?"

"Brother Yang, Brother Houzi, thank you." While speaking, Zhou Lan walked over and knelt down.

"You're welcome, our Eighth Route Army is a team of ordinary people, our own people." Monkey quickly helped Zhou Lan up: "By the way, you said that there are people from the democratic government in the village, can you take me to find them?"

"After the devils raided in the first two months, some of them were arrested, and no one knew where they went."

"Are you really the Eighth Route Army?" Zhou Cheng, who was limping, was still vigilant. Rescuing him seemed to be going too smoothly.

"Hey, what's the benefit of me lying to you? If it weren't for your sister's sake, do you think I would go to the town in the middle of the night to fish you out?"

"The organization arranged for me to carry out work in the Guxian area. I learned from a fellow villager that something had happened at home. With the approval of the organization, I came back through the blockade. Now that the matter is over, I have to go back. I am all my own. You're welcome."

"If you want to leave, you have to wait until your injury recovers." Zhou Lan was worried about her brother's injury.

"It's all our own people, it's easy to handle."

"Let's find a place to stay temporarily, shall we?"

"Why don't you go to the house of a distant relative of mine, because of the drought, they went to the county town, and there are not many people staying in the village."

Daddy Yang glanced at the monkey, meaning you can do what you want, the monkey stared at him with wide eyes, and subconsciously said: "That's okay!"

They took out the steamed buns they bought in the morning, and pulled out the bayonet to divide the grilled meat, and put the other piece into the bag.

"Why is there a smell?"

"It's a hot day, it's good to have something to eat."

A group of four people walked to Zhou Lan's relative's house in the field, and no one should know their whereabouts.

The monkey is not in a bad mood, and building trust in just one day is pure nonsense and impossible.

I didn't expect to run into Zhou Cheng, an underground organization. I don't care if it's true or not. Anyway, I have nowhere to go for the time being, and I feel that there is no place for me.

For Zhou Lan, she simply went to the doctor in a hurry. If she met someone who was unreliable, even if she was sold, she might even help count the money.

The three of them entered the village familiarly, and the eldest Yang was watching the wind outside the village. The monkey's life-saving means for many years was the same as that of the army.

When it was almost dawn, several figures swayed towards the village.

"There are five or six people in the village." Big Yang quickly ran back to the yard.

Hou Zi and Zhou Cheng were lying on the kang, awakened by the sound of footsteps, put on their clothes and went out, climbed up to the roof and followed the direction pointed by Mr. Yang, pulled out the binoculars and looked carefully: "What is the source?"

"They didn't light a torch, and the moonlight was not bright, so they couldn't see clearly."

"They have entered the village, they should be strangers!"

"how do you know?"

"Do you still knock on the door when you go back to your house? It's interesting." The monkey put down the binoculars.

"Can this guy see at night?"

"They also set up secret whistle." Monkey did not answer the question, but whispered to Big Yang who stepped on a stool next to him, "It's not ordinary people, it's interesting."

"Ah, you know that, you didn't come to see us, did you?"

"One of them got into the pile of firewood under the eaves. Seeing their ghostly appearance, they don't look like good people."

"They should also arrange someone to keep watch outside." In the current situation, it is difficult for veterans who are used to standing guard.

"not good."


"That pigtail seems to be a girl!"

"How is it possible, are they here to find us?"

"It's absolutely unmistakable. That braided head is in the middle of the night, and she walks so awkwardly. There is no one else but her."

"What should I do? Go back and admit your mistake?"

"let me see."


Eight or nine soldiers from the Eighth Route Army entered the village. Xu Cheng knocked open a dilapidated house and looked at a middle-aged man in his forties. I have not seen you for a long time."

"I've been looking forward to your coming back, now it's great!" Uncle Zhou was so excited that his voice was raised a few times.

"Slow down." The aunt next to him patted Uncle Zhou.

"Come on, let me introduce you. This is Uncle Zhou, Aunt Zhou, and this is Hu Yi, the deputy captain of our work team."

"Hello Captain Hu." The old man shook hands with Hu Yi warmly.

"It's the vice-captain." Hu Yi was a little at a loss. In fact, he had no experience in dealing with ordinary people, except Li Youde brothers, Sun Cui, and Chojiu.

The normal address should be: Uncle Zhou, hello.

"This is Director Su"

When the introduction was almost over, the girl sitting on the stool stood up voluntarily: "My name is Chang Hongying, a soldier of the Nine Company!"

"Hello little comrade!"

The girl didn't care, she yawned and sat on the stool to take a nap.

"You guys rest for a while, I'll go and call people from other villages over." Uncle Zhou turned his head and said, "My mother, hurry up and make something to eat. I have to go outside the village to watch after dawn."

Hu Yi winked at Xu Cheng.

Xu Cheng quickly put his gun on his shoulder and took off his equipment: "Uncle, I'll go with you."

"Okay, I understand the rules."

Hu Yi pulled out the shell gun and two magazines and handed it to Xu Cheng.

"Thank you, Brother Hu." Now they are all dressed up as ordinary people, and Xu Cheng skillfully did not address Hu Yi's position.

The two quietly left the village and trotted towards the east village without a sound.

There are not many people who come out of Jiulian, they are all backbones.

The rest of the people are receiving ideological education from political commissars: Tang Dagou Banxian two squads, Nine Company female militia, Lao Meng's guerrilla brigade, supplementary regiment wounded, Chen Chong's platoon, Li Xiang's platoon, Ma Liang's platoon, Tian Sanqi's platoon, Nine Company's few None of the rows were pulled down.

Li Xiang came out with Luo Leigui, Li Xiang brought Xu Xiao, and Luo Fugui together, as a fire team to go out with Hu Yi to perform missions, and the two platoons were temporarily handed over to Lao Qin.

Li Xiang was originally organized in Luo Fugui's fourth platoon, but when there were too many people, it became the fifth platoon alone. In addition to the dozen or so who just came back from the division with the political commissar, now there are finally more than [-] people. The first time I entered the mountain, I carried a stretcher to take care of the wounded.

Luo Fugui was the one who drilled the woodpile outside the courtyard gate in the village, and Pu Buhuan, who had not recovered from his injuries, also followed and stood guard outside the village to the north.

Seeing that Su Qing was going to help the aunt, Hu Yi pulled off his rifle, turned around and went out, and sat against the wall under the eaves in the yard.

Feeling a little uncomfortable, I untied the straps on my shoulders, equipped them, and closed my eyes to prepare for a rest.

Seeing this, the aunt quickly came out and called the people under the eaves into the house: "Go to sleep on the kang, don't stay in the courtyard, who knows what to do if someone sees you and reports to the security team?"

"Uh, okay."

(End of this chapter)

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