under fire

Chapter 309 The place is so big

Chapter 309 The place is so big

Hu Yi stood in a hidden corner of the roof, looking around with a telescope in his hand, and the distant horizon stretched as far as the eye could see.

He knew that there was a railway more than 100 miles to the east, and he used to take a train from that railway to the south.

The rising sun illuminates this ancient land, and also illuminates the resolute lines of Hu Yi's face. The thin eyebrows under the curly hat brim feel particularly cold.

Hu Yi always felt that something was missing, he thought quietly, and finally remembered that it was a lack of people, so the fields lacked vitality.

Looking at Pu Buhuan curled up on a big tree in the distance, moving his body occasionally, there seemed to be a commotion on the road to the west.

Hu Yi raised the binoculars and looked carefully at the front of the cloud of dust: a motorcycle was speeding south on the road, and the khaki military uniform on the motorcycle could be seen from a distance. It was too far away to see clearly.

Then hold the telescope and move slowly, and then mark it on the map under your feet. It is a habit that you develop. When you arrive at a new place, you always think about the way forward.

His heart was very uneasy, the reason was simple, on the unobstructed plain, no matter how fast his feet were, he couldn't run the devil's motorcycle or car.

Positional warfare is no match for ghosts, and he usually reads and rereads the book on guerrilla warfare given to him by the political commissar, and he always has doubts about relying on the common people in the book.

War is the duty of a soldier. After the common people got involved, he was very uncomfortable. Before he set off, the political commissar repeatedly urged him to strengthen his confidence.

In the house below, Su Qing was having a meeting with seven or eight people, and Hu Yi didn't care about what he said.

He didn't even think about going to the meeting.

A locked broken house in the east of the village is a good place with a wide view. If an enemy comes from the east, a machine gun can almost block a company of security forces.

In that room, the brothers and sisters of the Zhou family slept in two rooms respectively.

On the marching blanket on the floor of the main room, two people scratched their ears and cheeks anxiously, and Hou Zi and Da Da Yang stayed up all night.

Hu Yi didn't notice anything unusual. The binoculars continued to look north, and he saw Li Xiang leading a soldier lying in the roadside ditch. If it wasn't because he was standing tall, he wouldn't have been able to see him.

In the broken house, Big Yang persuaded the monkey: "I think it's better to go back directly. I don't feel at ease in hiding from XZ all day long. Anyway, Lao Qin is not here. What are you afraid of?"

"I want to go back to Tianjin."

"Tianjin is so far away, hundreds of miles away. You have said so many times, there is no use going back. Your brothers may have died long ago."

"To shut up."

"Think about it, after the devils call, they will either be traitors or run away. Apart from that, do you think there is any way for people to live in Tianjin?"

"If they dare to be traitors, I will stab them with my own hands." Monkey spoke in a low voice.

"You sound good, can you do it?"

"Did you not see me when I stabbed the devil?" Monkey raised his voice slightly.

"Then why did you tie up that searchlight soldier, but didn't do anything?"

"He said that there is an eighty-year-old mother on the top, and a three-year-old child on the bottom."

"Do you believe it, your mother? You keep talking about that all day long. You are the only seedling in your family now, and you don't want to leave a thought for your ancestors?"

"Hey, I can't see that you are stupid, you have a lot of knowledge in your heart." Monkey didn't want to pay attention to this idiot.

"My mother often told me, hey, I'm used to it."

"Alright then, let's go back." The monkey rolled his eyes, thinking that what the boy said made sense.

"What do you think, Chief Hu was also from the national army before, I think he shouldn't make it difficult for us, as long as you bring the girl from the Zhou family into the team, you will be promoted to an official in ten or eight years, right?"

"Have you ever heard of soldiers marrying wives?"

"You saved his brother, shouldn't she promise it with her body?"

"Have I watched too many dramas?" Monkey had black hair, dreaming happily in his heart.

"We also took the devil to a gun tower, so it should be considered a meritorious service, right?"

"Well, it should be rewarded."

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go, monkey brother."

"Then, let's do it."

"Would you like to speak to them first?"

Monkey suddenly realized that he seemed to have become stupid with this guy, and was actually moved by his persuasion: "Say what you say, we will talk about it later."

"I think we should go to the platoon leader first."


"Think about it, the platoon leader loves money. You see, we have more than a dozen oceans on our bodies, and we spend a lot of money. I think it's probably okay to give him some points."

In the pile of firewood, Luo Fugui, whose nose was blocked and his hands and feet were tied, opened his ugly eyes, saw the two people in front of him clearly, and was furious: "What does your grandma want? You two bastards!"

The words turned into hums, and he forgot that there was still a torn towel in his mouth.

"Platoon leader, don't be angry." After the monkey and Big Yang left the yard, they finally didn't dare to disturb Hu Yi who was standing on the roof. They walked around the yard from the east of the village, and turned west to find the place where Luo Fugui was guarding.

In this way, the dark whistle in Jiulian Village became a prisoner.

After the monkey finished speaking, he waved the five oceans in front of Luo Fugui's eyes, and then put them into Luo Fugui's pocket.

Then, he briefly described the situation after he came out.

"Platoon leader, if you are willing to take him in, you can nod your head, if you can't turn around, you can shake your head. Let's say goodbye to our brother. The mountain will not turn around. I will call you brother when we meet again in the future."

Luo Fugui's eyes lit up, and he subconsciously asked, "Which mountain are you on?"

But with a towel stuffed in his mouth, he couldn't speak, so he nodded quickly.

The towel was pulled out: "Your grandma's, I almost smoked to death, so hurry up and untie it."

"You promised?"

"Your grandma is, can I still do it if I don't agree? Quickly untie me, hey, monkey, to be honest, you used to mess around with that mountain?"

"Huh?" Monkey didn't expect things to go so smoothly, and felt that it was a pity for the five oceans.

Hu Yi wasn't too surprised when Monkey and Big Yang came back. He originally estimated that these two guys wouldn't be able to run very far. People who joined the army would feel itchy all over their bodies once they left.

As long as it's not a surrendered devil, it's not a big deal.

So when Pu Buhuan wanted to do something, Hu Yi didn't stop him. After all, these two were not Pu Buhuan's soldiers.

"We are going to work on a blockhouse on the west side. Lao Zhou knows the situation of most of the people in the blockhouse."

"This, you don't need to ask me." Hu Yi tried to make himself look more casual.

"Okay, let's go there to reconnaissance during the day, and then go to persuade them to surrender at night."

"Why don't you go at night?"

"Lao Zhou got the news that the devils seem to be holding a celebration meeting tomorrow night, and most of the devils in the blockhouse over the blockade ditch will return to An County to participate."

"When to set off."


"The weather is too hot to march during the day, I suggest going at night."

"That's fine." After Su Qing finished speaking, she turned around and left.

Leaving Hu Yi messy in the room, when did she become so talkative?

It seemed that she had said something to the political commissar, and the political commissar looked at her eyes before leaving, and there seemed to be something wrong with her eyes.

The girl has been very quiet and depressed during this time, and the reason is unknown.

Anyway, Hu Yi didn't know.

In the middle of the night, a black shadow quietly crawled on the ground and approached the gun tower.

Then, another black figure appeared, keeping a certain distance and following the figure in front.

Then a group of scattered figures behind them crawled on the ground in an irregular formation.

There is a half-person-high pile of soil around the gun tower, and a circle of barbed wire is stretched outside the pile of soil. Outside the barbed wire, there is a deep ditch surrounding it.

The protective ditch is two people deep, and Lao Zhou participated in the digging of the ditch, which is more than ten feet wide.

A fire was burning beside the mound.

In such a scene, without heavy artillery, it is very difficult to attack from the front, and the security team is on guard, Hu Yi thought in his heart.

To the east of the gun tower, there is a wide and flat road running north-south, and some devils have sent armored vehicles to patrol.

There are rows of tall gray brick houses beside the road, surrounded by walls two or three meters high.

"Hmm! What is this house for? Is it part of the devil's blockhouse?" Hu Yi asked a middle-aged man who was leading the way next to him.

"That place is an idle house. It's too hot in the blockhouse. The security team rests there during the day! Enter the blockhouse at night." The middle-aged man is very familiar with this place.

"Security regiment?" Hu Yi frowned.

"It used to be called the Security Army. Later, the devils strengthened security. The guards here have been changed to the security team and the guard team."

"Why, Lao Zhou hasn't contacted yet?"

"Wait a little longer, it's still early."

There is a road ahead, and Hu Yi plans to go to the house to have a look.

The light in the distance began to flicker again, and the patrolling armored car drove back again. Everyone put their heads on the ground, and the lights of the armored car kept shaking to both sides of the road, and then drove away quickly along the road to the south.

(End of this chapter)

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