under fire

Chapter 310 Unfamiliar battlefield

Chapter 310 Unfamiliar battlefield
There are not many times that the nine consecutive attacks on the devil's blockhouse.

In the past, it was either forced or for the purpose of obtaining weapons and ammunition, but now it is necessary to unite some of these people in the blockhouse and clear the hardcore traitors. For Hu Yi, he is not good at all.

If it wasn't for the woman behind, he would never have done this, he would only think about how to fight.

Old Zhou never showed up.

"Something must have happened." Hu Yi slowly came to Su Qing's side.

The monkey just came back, and he couldn't bear it any longer. He rolled his eyes, crawled to Hu Yi's side, and whispered an idea to the company commander: "Mr. Hu, why don't I take a few people to take down the gun tower!"

Su Qing's face was pale: "Last March, for his own selfishness, Zhou Bapi instigated the devils to kill two squires who had a feud with him, which was enough to shoot him! Later, he released the two who were arrested and entered the mountain. The student has not continued to do evil for a year, so he is regarded as an object of solidarity."

"Didn't you all get in touch?" Hu Yi was worried, after all, there were only a few people here.

"Something must have happened."

"Luo Fugui, come here!" Su Qing ordered immediately.

"That officer Su, what's the matter?"

"Go and shout, shout like this." Su Qing said the content of the summarized set of shouts.

"Yes!" Luo Fugui got the order, and immediately raised his machine gun and pulled his helmet to get up, kicked the monkey next to him, crossed the road and ran towards the blockhouse, followed by Xu Xiao.

About [-] meters away from the gun tower, I found a dry drainage ditch to lie down on, set up a machine gun, and looked around carefully, there should be no problem.

Finally, he opened his voice and said excitedly, "I drive this road, and I own this tree."

Before he finished speaking, he kicked the monkey next to him.

"Your grandma, dare to do something to me?" He rushed to the side and held the monkey down.

"Hey, what are you doing? You shouted the wrong thing." The monkey had black lines all over his head.

Uh, it seems that I made a mistake, Luo Fugui smiled and let go.

"The people in the running building, that surnamed Zhou, your grandma, listen to me, we are the Eighth Route Army Armed Task Force"

"bang bang"

Before he finished speaking, two bullets were fired from the gun tower.

"His grandma, dare to do it!" Luo Fugui cursed and bowed his head on the ground, and pressed Xu Xiao's excited head into the ditch by the way.

After a while, there was no more gunshots. Luo Fugui raised his head again, and pointed his machine gun at the blockhouse: "They are all from the village. Open your eyes and don't look up to see them. Don't turn around the mountain."

I wanted to shout a few more words, but the indiscriminate gunshots sounded like beans being fried in a hot pan.

The bullet hit the ground nearby with a puffing sound, and under the hazy moonlight, waves of dust rose up.

The monkey next to him was holding a paper microphone prepared by Lao Zhou and the others: "Listen, we are the Independent Regiment of the Eighth Route Army"

The same words were not finished, da da da, the machine gun in the blockhouse also joined in the fun, a shuttle of bullets was fired directly, probably the machine gun that was originally facing the west was pulled to the east.

The shooting finally stopped.

"You surnamed Zhou, don't be shameless. Don't think that we have nothing to do with you if you bring the whole family to the city. You wait, I will lead someone to kill your whole family." Luo Fugui got excited and pulled the microphone , completely forgot the content of Su Qingjiao's propaganda.

Finally, a voice rang out from the blockhouse: "Listen, Tubalu outside, you've even taken over your nest, you're grasshoppers after autumn, ah, you won't grow anymore, dare to hit Grandpa's idea, hehe, I'll give you a shot Two holes."

"Fighting against the anti-Japanese democratic government will lead to death." Seeing Luo Fugui forgetting Su Qing's explanation, the monkey next to him hurriedly snatched the paper microphone.

"A dead end? Those old sockets of yours are serious. Come here if you have the ability, and my head is here? Do you dare to come and bite me?" The voice came from afar.

"Hey, your grandma's. I'm a regular soldier of the Eighth Route Army. If you're ignorant, you'll dig your ancestral grave tonight!"

Luo Fugui lay proudly in the ditch and yelled loudly, his voice didn't even need a microphone.

"How dare you, you shameless mice, I will kill you right now."

Snapped!The small-caliber [-] big cap fired another shot crisply.

"This bastard named Zhou, Mule, actually called us mice. Do you want to give them some color?" the monkey muttered softly.

"That won't work, Director Su said, Lao Zhou is in their hands, we can't use force." Luo Fugui recalled Su Qing's confession before.

"Hey, platoon leader, she told you, but she didn't tell me, give me the machine gun." The monkey was furious and ignored it.

Luo Fugui turned his mind, Director Su told himself just now, it seems that he didn't say not to let the monkey do it.

He hesitated for a moment: "This, isn't it good?"

"You know what a fart, this is knocking the mountain and shaking the tiger." The monkey can't control that much, these people don't know how to flatter them, so it's great to just touch them and touch them, and they have to make a fuss.

"That's good, this hard-core traitor, just listen to his tone, like the king of the mountain." Luo Fugui felt that when dealing with bandits, he should scare them first, so that they dare not act rashly.

So, the monkey lay on Luo Fugui's machine gun seat: "You yell a few more times, and I will give him a hard time."

Luo Fugui left the machine gun position, and his mind cleared up: "The surname Zhou, we sent someone to contact you, because we think you are okay, that, correct the mistake"

Luo Fugui couldn't remember clearly, so he tried his best to yell, "Don't, Zhimi. Don't realize that, now that the little devil has gained power, he will always ride on the heads of the common people and show off his power. The anti-Japanese government will keep you accountable." You also have one of that little card. If you dare to do evil again, we will find you to settle the general account sooner or later, and the people will seek revenge from you!"

Luo Fugui felt that what he said should be comprehensive, and when he talked about his pride, he poked his head out.

"I'm just showing off my power, can you control it?" Laughter came from the opposite side.

"Captain Zhou, you are a sensible person. What is loyalty and what is righteousness? The environment forced you to become a traitor, but you were also forced by the devils. The devils threatened your family to join the security team. There is nothing you can do about it. Don’t forget that you are Chinese, as long as you are in Cao Ying and your heart is in Han, it’s fine, you are all from the same village, don’t make yourself betray your relatives..."

It was Su Qing who was beside Hu Yi who was calling, and the two of them followed, their crisp voices echoing in the night sky.

"I think it's better to give them some color, otherwise they will really think that we are all holding old sleeves, and there is nothing they can do about him." Hu Yi suggested.

Su Qing was worried about Lao Zhou's safety, thought for a while, nodded in agreement, and put some pressure on these traitors, the result should be better.

Monkey was very happy when he heard what Chief Hu said. Although he was in the army, he rarely fired machine guns, and he didn't need to shoot accurately.

As soon as he pulled the trigger, he was pushed aside by Luo Fugui.

"That officer Su, just hit like this? Do you want to say a few more words?"

When the people in the stronghold heard Su Qing's yelling and cursing, they became a lot quieter, and there was no movement at all.

Lao Zhou and another person were tied to the bottom of the blockhouse. Captain Zhou came down from the top of the blockhouse and kicked each of them directly: "The person surnamed Zhou is from the same village. How dare you have an affair and let people Come dig Lao Tzu's ancestral grave, I will send you to the county tomorrow, and let the imperial army show some color to your muddy legs."

"As long as you put down the butcher's knife, the anti-Japanese government will deal with it leniently, and the Eighth Route Army will be able to let go of the past; only then will you have a chance to be a new man. If you don't know what to do..." Before I finished speaking, I was kicked again.

"I want you to teach me? The Tuba Road is finished, and you are still here to pretend to be a hero?"

"Ahem, even if you kill me, the anti-Japanese government will settle the debt with you. Your whole family will stay in the city all day, and your relatives will not leave? Then what's the point of your life?"

"Okay, if you dare to threaten others, I will see how you settle accounts with me and give me nonsense, hehe, I don't have to wait until tomorrow, I will give you a ride now, come, someone, pull these two idiots out and kill them!"

"The surname is Zhou, everyone is from the same hometown and the same clan. Are you determined to be a traitor and an enemy of the people?"

"Grandpa is determined, what can you do? Your family could not bully our one by relying on studying for a few days before. Today, I will see what tricks you can play."

"You guys are not self-motivated, you idle around all day long, and you go to be bandits. When the devils come, you become traitors, boneless cowards." Seeing that the situation is not good, Lao Zhou scolded directly.

"Okay, I have no bones, I will see how hard your bones are." He shouted at the two security guards behind him: "Why are you still standing there? Pull them out and shoot them on the opposite side of Eighth Road!"

The two security regiment soldiers hesitated: "Captain, isn't it all right?"

"Are you afraid? If you don't do it again, you two will light the sky lantern together."

 Out of stock, a little late.

(End of this chapter)

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