under fire

Chapter 311 Lesson 1

Chapter 311 Previous Lesson

"Listen to me about the dirt outside. Since you dare to break ground on Tai Sui, I will show you some color now. The adulterer surnamed Zhou will be shot now!" The thick voice was full of hostility. .

"Surnamed Zhou! Since your grandma is obsessed with obsession, I'll show you off now." Luo Fugui also raised his voice in the distance and pulled the trigger.

"Da da da da da da." There was a burst of flames from the muzzle of the gun, and the sound of regular machine guns sounded, and the bullets roared towards the top of the gun tower.

The bullets from the past machine guns fired very high.

Luo Fugui aimed at the top floor of the gun tower, the bullet hit steadily, and a few small sparks splashed on the gun tower.

When the members of the security regiment on the top of the blockhouse heard the sound of machine guns, their first reaction was to shrink their heads. A spectator was shot in the shoulder and was yelling.

"The Eighth Route Army has machine guns, captain, what should we do?" A member of the security team next to him was startled and lost his mind.

"Hurry up and bring me the searchlight, I still don't believe it, how can this mud-legged eight-way machine gun?"

"Captain, since they have machine guns, and we don't have any deep hatred with Eighth Route, I think we should let it go."

"Captain, there are many friends and many roads, all from the same village, and it will not do us any good if things are done absolutely."

"That's right, there is no reason to guard against thieves for a thousand days."

"You all think so?"


"It's too embarrassing to let them go like this. You, go down and call for reinforcements." Captain Zhou hesitated.

"The phone call has already been made, and it is estimated that reinforcements may have arrived."

A man with a short gun next to Team Zhou hurriedly persuaded him: "Second Brother, I heard that dozens of people died in the northern blockhouse the night before. I don't think we need to have an enmity with the Eight Route Army. Anyway, the instructor of the Imperial Army is not here today. I think, Let it go anyway.”

"Even if we let him go, we won't lose anything. If we don't say anything, who will know? Even if we have a good relationship, besides, Zhou Dabangzi is still your family." A member of the security team echoed.

"That's right, it's all about family affairs, so how can you just kill them if you say so?" The other also persuaded.

The two Lao Zhous below were being escorted. When the machine guns sounded, they collapsed together with the two soldiers from the security regiment next to the pile of soil under the gun tower. There was barbed wire outside. It's too tight, there's no way to break free.

After a while, a security regiment soldier quickly ran out of the blockhouse, and kicked two people who were lying nervously behind the mound.

"Let's go back."

"Second brother, do you want to shoot these two people?"

"Do you still want to be missed by Eight Routes? Are you not afraid to die?"

"I'm afraid, what if Captain Zhou blames him?" A security guard looked back at the gun tower.

"Why do you care so much? Go back quickly."

"We are such a person, I don't think there are many people on the Eighth Road, what are we afraid of?" asked a fool.

"Don't you know that the Eighth Route Army has three heads and six arms? I heard that the artillery building in the north was taken away, and all the people died. Only one searchlight soldier was left or the Eighth Route Army did not kill it on purpose. There are only two people in the Eighth Route Army, and they can take down a artillery tower and die. Dozens of them, if you are not afraid of death, go and stab them!"

"There are so many. I heard that only a dozen died, and some were injured."

"As long as you can, as long as you are well-informed, the imperial army said that only a dozen died. Do you believe this? Let me tell you, it is the imperial army who is relieving us. They are afraid that we will escape, and then no one will guard them. This is a blockade, so I deliberately said it less, do you know?"

"Oh, I see."

The second elder brother waited for the two of them to get up and walk back, then walked to the side of Lao Zhou, pulled the thorn and threw it in front of the two, then turned and ran back.

There are quite a lot of reinforcements from the two artillery towers in the north and the south, but I have also heard that a artillery tower in the north was taken over by the Eighth Route Army. Fight.

The fighting in front was so hot that even the machine guns were fired, and no one did the thing of sending them to death as cannon fodder.

And the devil instructor is not here today, so why run so fast?
The traffic trench in the ditch two miles away was full of people, including the patrolling security team, nearly a hundred people, slowly step by step and wave three times to reinforce the captain surnamed Zhou who fired the gun.

The devils are short of manpower, and there are real devil troops stationed only ten miles away.

There are all kinds of teams defending the gun tower, security regiment, puppet army, security army, police, and detective team take turns.

There are also two real devils in each blockhouse, and the few instructors who are scattered in each blockhouse, coupled with armored vehicles patrolling, are the real devil troops.

"This kid is still scared, do you want to hug them again?" Luo Fugui changed the magazine and rubbed his hands proudly in the ditch.

"Someone is coming." The monkey's eyes were sharp and he spotted the figure coming.

"It seems to be Lao Zhou." Hu Yi put down the binoculars with the help of the fire from the gun tower in the distance.

Hu Yi led the crowd back to the wasteland east of the road.

"Old Zhou, how is the situation? Is work not going well?" Su Qing frowned, watching the iron trains approaching in the distance again, and the searchlights on the trains did not turn around. It seemed that they had received news and reinforcements come.

"This Zhou man is really not a person. He doesn't take hard and soft things. If your machine gun hadn't fired, he would have almost collapsed." Lao Zhou was very depressed for the rest of his life after the catastrophe.

"How could this happen?" Hu Yi felt that it was incomprehensible to go to the blockhouse guarded by the security regiment to persuade him to surrender, but he admired Lao Zhou's courage.

"They think that the Eighth Route Army is no match for the devils. They are a bunch of fools. However, they heard the news that a gun tower in the north was taken away the night before yesterday. Well, did our troops sneak attack on their gun tower?"

"That's right, when we came here, we got a vote!" Monkey said proudly.

"I heard that dozens of traitors were killed?" Old Zhou asked happily.

"Hey, those puppet soldiers are vulnerable. It seems that they didn't kill that many. I remember only killing eight. How much did Yang's two shuttles hit? How can I count them at night?" The monkey was triumphant. answer.

"Fortunately, the shuttle of your machine gun, they were scared, so they let us go. It's really a trip from hell, these traitors, if you don't fight, you won't have a long memory." Lao Zhou said bitterly.

Hu Yi turned his head to look at the monkey under the moonlight.

Houzi suddenly thought that he and Yang Dazi were acting privately, and he didn't dare to talk to him, so he quickly hid behind Luo Fugui.

"The devil's reinforcements are here, get out of here first." Hu Yi looked away.

There was the roar of an engine in the distance, and the devil's armored vehicle came again from the south, and his eyes turned to the faint lights in the distance.

Holding a bayonet, Lao Zhou quickly followed Luo Fugui who was already heading east.

Hu Yi stopped Li Xiang: "Before we leave, we must teach these traitors a lesson."

Li Xiang probably understood what Hu Yi meant, and immediately took out the grenadier from behind.

"200 meters, can you hit it accurately?" Hu Yi saw that Su Qing had already gone far, and the devil's armored vehicle was at most two miles away from here.

"Ninety-nine is not far from ten." Li Xiang thought for a while, then quickly ran to the road, measuring step by step and walking east quickly.

Hu Yi's idea is very simple, since Han Detective is scared because of a machine gun, Hu Yi doesn't mind giving them a big one.

After choosing the launch position on the ground, estimating the distance, carefully adjusting the launch screw, and taking a look with the monocular hanging wire.

The grenadier was modified by Li Xiang, and two wooden support frames were added below it, which looked like a mortar.

The armored car roared and creaked and drove to the front, about 200 meters away.

Li Xiang shot the grenade steadily, put in the grenade, and pulled the belt hard with his right hand, snap!
There was a small but dull sound.

boom!There was a loud noise, a flash of red light, and the grenade flew down in front of the armored vehicle and exploded, causing the vehicle to flicker.

The puppet soldiers of the security regiment who had reinforced the Devil's Pagoda were watching the armored vehicle approaching, and were immediately stunned by the loud noise.

Before the matter was over, there was another loud noise, and a group of red lights flashed on the armored vehicle.

(End of this chapter)

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