under fire

Chapter 312 Captain Hu's Lecture

Chapter 312 Captain Hu's Speech
After the devil's sweep in May, the strengthening of law and order in the occupied area has not been relaxed, and even frantically purged.

It turned out that the eight roads went to the public security model area to carry out activities. The Devils immediately attached great importance to it, and sent a lot of people to An County, vowing to dig out the group of eight roads.

On the vast plain to the east of the second blockade line outside the mountain, the roads that were built before the mopping up are connected into a network. There are gun towers at the intersections of major roads, and strongholds are built on small roads. Blockhouses are densely packed, and you can walk casually from the village On the highway, you can see the gun towers in the distance.

Most of the villages organized maintenance meetings, the traitors of the detective team joined the anti-communist regiment, vigorously developed idlers in the villages to act as liaison officers and intelligence agents, dug boundary ditches between counties, and built boundary walls between districts. Send people to guard between the village and the village.

A network of telephone wires extending in all directions was set up between the blockhouses, and the landlords, Lao Cai, and local ruffians who used to oppress the common people all appeared again. For a while, traitors were in power.

The traitors led devils, puppet soldiers, and policemen, riding their own cars and motorcycles, to run rampant in various villages, searching and running around.

The situation was unprecedentedly bad, and most of the guerrillas and regular troops had to move into the mountains.

The people's homes were so poor that they had to send food out. Young girls and women cut their hair short and smeared their faces to prevent being ruined by the devils, and they didn't even dare to go out.The plain was a little depressed, and there were armed forces everywhere, and the Eighth Route Army even returned to the plain again, using both machine guns and small cannons at the same time.

I really frightened the gang of traitors who came for reinforcements and stayed in the turret. The imperial army said that the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army had been wiped out. The news may be watery.

Zhou Papi, who was determined to be a traitor, even though his mouth was as hard as a duck's.

But he was also terribly afraid, and planned to send people into the village to arrest people at dawn, and dig another blockade ditch to the east.

Li Xiang's two grenade shots really taught the traitors a lesson. The second grenade shot was unbiased and landed right on the armored vehicle.

Half of the armored car was blown up, and the devils who poked their heads out to observe from the roof were blown off, and their brains were all over the armored car. Not badly hurt.

The Guizi captain of the An County Special High School who was celebrating the victory heard that armored vehicles were being bombarded by the Eight Routes, so he ordered a lieutenant to lead a squadron overnight, with motorcycles clearing the road, seven or eight vehicles with infantry guns hanging behind them, and patrolled back and forth in the middle of the night. After tossing the three devils out of the armored car and searching around to no avail, they returned angrily.

The nearby security team, the puppet army, the police team and the black dogs also listened to the story of Zhou Bapi's gang, and they were all thinking about how to live in the future.

On the second day, two black dogs from the police took sick leave. Another day later, a security guard said that something happened at home and disappeared after leaving the blockhouse. The two puppet soldiers went to the bathroom in the middle of the night and started playing. Missing.

The atmosphere was very depressing. Su Qing sat at the table and listened to Lao Zhou continuously copying the information he had found around on the paper, ready to send it to the regiment headquarters, and then to the division, and then assigned new tasks to Lao Zhou and the others.

Not long after, all the staff of the Ninth Company who participated in the meeting sat sparsely at the door.

"It would be great if we just took the gun tower and saved a lot of ammunition. You see, we have been doing some money-losing business in the past few days." Luo Fugui knew from the monkey bragging that those two daring bastards touched a gun tower of the puppet army.

"It's a good idea. You thought that with a gun tower, he dared to sleep in the night when he was on duty in those gun towers behind?"

"In addition to finding a way to win over Zhou Papi, we also need to find out the situation of the people in the other blockhouses. If these traitors are really stubborn, we have to find a way to get rid of them and open up communication lines. These blockhouses must be taken down." Su Qing sat at the top and discussed with everyone while writing.

The deputy captain, Hu Yi, was sitting at the door wiping his gun. He was not interested in the meeting, and a dozen people crowded into Zhou Lan's relative's room.

Lao Zhou had also heard about Zhou Lan's family affairs, and they were still distant relatives, but the Zhou family clan was too big, and the distance was too far, so Han You had walked around at all, so I didn't know much about the specific situation.

And Zhou Cheng recuperated for a day, then left here and returned to where he should go. Although his identity has not been confirmed, there should be nothing wrong with him being a member of an underground organization.

Such a meeting naturally does not have Zhou Lan's share, but it is attributed to activists.

"Do we have to find Zhou Papi, the gun tower?" Old Zhou asked suspiciously.

"There is a garrison in the small town in the north, a large number of devils are stationed in An County in the southeast, and heavy troops are stationed in Mei County in the south to the west." Luo Fugui is more familiar with the area west of the blockade.

"That's okay, we still have people in the blockhouse. If it's not possible, let the insider find an opportunity to beat him to death in the blockhouse." Old Zhou Yi gritted his teeth.

Su Qing carefully analyzed the information collected from Lao Zhou: "Don't worry, our martial arts team must abide by the anti-Japanese government's laws and regulations, and we can give him a period of time to repent."

"The one surnamed Zhou was a bandit before, so I think it would be a disaster after all to stay." Old Zhou didn't have any affection for Zhou Papi, his family.

"A bandit? He may also be a bandit to fill his stomach. Officer Su is right, give him some time to repent." Luo Fugui hurriedly spoke.

"As long as you talk too much, go away." Su Qing glared at Luo Fugui.

"Didn't you ask us to attend the meeting? If you don't say it, don't say it." Luo Fugui didn't dare to resist Officer Su, complained a few words habitually, got up and sat on the stool next to Hu Yi.

"Hey, Boss Hu, why do you think we should implement a policy of leniency towards the enemy?"

Hu Yi raised his head: "Since when did you care about this matter?"

"Why else? Anyway, I'm just free."

"Really free?"

"Really free."

"Then you go back to the village."

"Forget it then." Er Niu was still in the west.

"Isn't it to win over the puppet army and the traitors to change their minds and fight the devils, and use policies to persuade them not to fight against our Eighth Route Army!"

"So? Landlord Lao Cai as well? Die-hard traitors also give them a chance?" Luo Fugui asked another question.

"What do you know? The lenient policy has a limit. Hard-core traitors who refuse to mend their ways must be severely punished. Kill ten or eight of them. This is called killing chickens for monkeys to see."

"Girl, you called me, what are you looking at?" The monkey who was wiping his iron claws with a cloth strip looked up suspiciously at Luo Fugui and the girl who were whispering.

"What kind of strict law? Light the sky lantern or soak the pig cage?" Yawning, Luo Fugui leaned against the door next to Hu Yi.

"Anyway, you can do whatever you want to make them die miserably. If you don't like it, you can just break their jaws." The girl looked at Luo Fugui's cowardly look with pride.

"You mean those traitors have gold teeth in their mouths, so it's kind!" He murmured with his eyes closed.

Su Qing closed the document in his hand, put away the pen, and looked at Hu Yi who was cleaning his gun all day at the door: "Now let's talk about the establishment of the militia team. First, Captain Hu will explain it to everyone."

There was warm applause in the room, and then the generals of the Nine Company by the door came back to their senses and clapped their hands sparingly.

To drive the ducks to the shelves, Hu Yi bit the bullet and went, who made him the vice-captain.

He has no clue about how to deal with the common people, other than playing with guns and bullets, he is a little nervous!
Fortunately, the political commissar had a long talk with him before he came out, and Hu Yi listened very carefully, knowing a little bit about the way.

"Captain Hu, don't hide your secrets." Lao Zhou admired the Ninth Company sent here by the Independent Regiment. The guerrillas who used to be active in this area used old sleeves, bird guns, and self-made singles. One, big swords, spears, even hoes, and shell guns are all captain-level talents.

The Nine Company came back with a really long face, with machine guns, rifles, small cannons, a shell gun in each hand, and a shiny bayonet, which was an eye-opener.

Naturally, I have more confidence in fighting devils.

Hu Yi stood where he was: "Before I came out, the political commissar said that the first step is to protect the masses. Instructor Su has already said that. I won't talk about this. I just want to talk about the training of the militia: in two days Someone will come and guide you.”

After Hu Yi finished speaking, everyone around him looked at him.

Still waiting for him to say the second step.

Seeing everyone looking at him, Hu Yi smiled awkwardly: "I'm done."

The people around were a little dumbfounded. Before the devils mopped up the team that retreated into the mountain, which leader didn't talk for half an hour?From the history of the glorious development of the Eighth Route Army, how the devils occupied our land, bullied our sisters, and we are all responsible, and we firmly believe that we can win.
Is Captain Hu finished with these two sentences?What does the captain surnamed Hu mean?
Hu Yi was really not interested in the recruits who were organized after training, so he planned to ask Ma Liangtian Sanqi to bring someone over, and he would be a shopkeeper.

Another group of people will be sent to the west of the blockade for training. If it is not too far away, they will be stuffed directly into the mountains, causing Hao Ping a headache.

(End of this chapter)

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