under fire

Chapter 313 Recruits

Chapter 313 Recruits
Hu Yi is not unfamiliar with recruit training, or he knows it very well.

It's just that he doesn't take it very seriously. In Jiulian, there is basically no systematic training.

The only ones who really liked training were Tian Sanqi, Ma Liang, and Chen Chong. The four platoon leaders under them had different training methods.

Ma Liang likes to be surprised, and basically followed Hu Yi's path. Tian Sanqi inherited the Erlian's style and mainly used bayonets. On the contrary, Chen Chong was well-behaved. It's not that they didn't want to, because Hu Yi, the company commander, was incompetent.

In fact, there are not many real veterans of the Ninth Company. Luo Fugui's fourth row is really an alternative, and he never trains!
Li Xiang, deputy in the fourth row, messed with his odds and ends all day long, Tang Dagou habitually ran around, and the half-immortals dug holes wherever they went, with the first principle of saving their lives.

Hu Yi didn't care, because Hu Yi had always been unwilling to mingle with the soldiers, and he didn't know that one day it might be the time to sacrifice, maybe those soldiers, maybe himself.

Since I am not very familiar with the soldiers, I am used to seeing life and death, so I don't need to be so sad.

It is impossible to train in the enemy's war zone. There are enemies and traitors everywhere. The recruits recruited by Lao Zhou gave Hu Yi some headaches. They were all rookies, so he planned to bring all the recruits back first.

The number of recruits is quite large. I heard from Lao Zhou that more than 100 people were recruited in the villages of Shibaxiang.

Hu Yi was very surprised at the efficiency of Lao Zhou and the others. Seeing that most of them were yellow and emaciated and wore patched clothes, several of them put on a gown and were shirtless, but everyone was wearing cloth shoes, new for the time being.

However, looking at the pairs of straw sandals pinned to the waists of those young people, I know that they may finally have new shoes because they joined the army, or maybe the old mothers have worked hard for many days to get such a pair of new shoes.

Pairs of nervous eyes with timidity and hope looked at Hu Yi, who was tall and tall, in the light of the surrounding fires, but the man who was obviously the leader of the army did not speak.

Hu Yi didn't know what to say, the scene was very quiet.

The recruits were very simple in their minds. It turned out that the first thing the Eighth Route Army had to learn was not to speak.

Under the escort of the militia, the newly recruited recruits are still pouring into the village one after another. It is not difficult to avoid the gun towers in the dark, but it is hard to say whether they can avoid the eyes of those traitors.

Before all the people arrived, the little girl next to the tall soldier became the object of the soldiers' sneaky scrutiny. The girl was dressed neatly for the first time, and she still wore a military cap on her head, but there was a hole cut in the top of the military cap. Su Qing has short hair cut to the ears like that, and she doesn't like the military cap with two black buttons, because she prefers the shiny red five-pointed star.

If it weren't for the fact that Lao Zhou had recruited more than 100 recruits and wanted to show her face, she probably wouldn't even be able to wear a military cap.

Looking at the little girl's calm gaze, the young soldiers finally let go of their hearts. It turned out that there was still a little girl in the Eighth Route Army, so they felt a little more at ease.

For the girl, it's good to go out of the plains. It's not like being in the mountains. After walking for dozens of miles, you might not even see a few people. Dozens of recruits are sitting on the ground in silence.

The little girl has a bayonet hanging from her waist and a box cannon slung across her shoulders. That is what attracts the recruits. A little girl has a gun. After joining the army, she can be sent there. Those guerrillas are much stronger.

The little girl's belongings are more than these, except for the gun and bayonet on her body, other belongings are hung on Luo Fugui.

It was already late at night, and the moon rose dimly, casting a cool light on the earth in the gray sky.

Lao Zhou was outside the village to pick up the recruits escorted by the militia, and finally, the last group arrived.

Most of the Nine Companies were sent to watch outside the village. Only Su Qing and the liaison officers from several nearby villages were nervously counting the list of recruits under the oil lamp in a dilapidated house.Finally copied the list.

Leave a copy for Lao Zhou, the families of these recruits, who will be military families in the future.

All the people left the yard. Lao Zhou looked excitedly at this group of young people who were still childish and stood up in a mess. He didn't care, and took the lead to speak: "Young people, you are always doing well. Everyone has joined the Eighth Route Army now. We must learn the skills well, avenge our dead relatives, and strive to beat the little devil very hard."

Looking at these young people, Lao Zhou burst into tears: "Is there anyone who is willing to come out and say, why did you join the Eighth Route Army?"

The people below look at me and I look at you, obviously wanting to get out of the queue, but their feet just won't obey.

A young man standing in the front was pushed by the people behind, and he staggered out of the line.

"Who pushed me?" After speaking, he hurried into the team.

"Wei Shuisheng, come and say a few words."

Lao Zhou recognized this young man, stepped forward and grabbed his arm: "Aren't you fearless before? Why are you scared?"

The young man's face was flushed, and he gritted his teeth, "I'm not cowardly, just say it."

Turned around, coughed twice, and cleared his throat: "Those...traitors threaten us every day, saying that we want...someone to join the Eighth Route Army to fight against Japan. The dog traitor took the devil to ruin it, if the little devil doesn't avenge me, my surname will not be Wei."

"That's right, these devils are all animals, and none of those traitors are good people. Shuisheng is a good young man. He stabbed the traitor with devils by himself with a knife. He is a man, but he can't be tolerated in the village anymore. He, he can also be said to be coerced, and the devil later went to bayonet his parents to death. Is this still a human life? We will join the Eighth Route Army and beat these bastards hard."

Lao Zhou paused for a while, then continued: "Is there anyone else who can say a few words?"

Su Qing went back to the yard again, and wrote the list of soldiers who had been counted in pages, and the girl who pinched a brand new pencil opposite her.

"The net worth of these young people is innocent, and many of them have relatives who were killed by devils, so I think they should be fine." A middle-aged militiaman got up and left after careful consideration, and replaced him.

Su Qing was noncommittal: "This young man named Shi Erhu in Liujia Village, what's the situation in his family?"

Su Qing listened to the story of another middle-aged man who sat down at the table, wrote Shi Erhu's name on the paper, and then carefully wrote the resumes of these soldiers.

The militiamen who led the team knew these young people very well, and kept telling them, like Shu Jiazhen.

Su Qing looked up at the girl with a high ponytail on the opposite side, who was leaning on the table at this moment, with her small mouth pouted, and a pencil rustling in her hand, carefully writing her name and the township and village of her home.

Scratching her head, Xiao Hongying didn't hate Su Qing for writing for the first time, and she was still in a happy mood. Su Qing wrote a word or two on the back of a piece of paper from time to time, and the girl turned her head to look at it and continued.

Because Su Qing promised her that all these new recruits would be added to Jiulian, more than 100 people!One is not sent to the regiment,
Hands were sore, but Su Qing made a condition, it was very simple, to copy the names and addresses in two separate copies, I thought it would be quick to write only two or three hundred characters, but they were all names of people and villages, and I didn’t know many characters at all. , some regret.

Thinking of being promoted to the camp, he gritted his teeth and persisted, his face changed shape.

Enter the intersection of the two rooms in the village.

"Stop, what are you doing?" Monkey looked at the two short-haired girls in front of him.

"I heard from my second uncle that the Eighth Route Army is recruiting soldiers, and we also want to join the army." One of the girls, who was not timid, summoned up her courage and said to the monkey.

"We only recruit male soldiers, not female soldiers." Monkey looked up and down the two girls in the hazy moonlight, who were not very old.

"Fart, the one who recruited with Uncle Zhou is a woman, why do you say no?" The girl's eyes widened.

"If no one recommends you, you will never recruit."

"I'm going to the village to find my second uncle for recommendation."

"No, oops, I told you not to touch your hands."

The two girls were in a hurry: "What are you doing here, a little soldier, get up and drive away."

The girl moved her hand

"Oh, what are you two yellow-haired girls doing?"

The monkey was at a loss, and its small body was directly squeezed away.

(End of this chapter)

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