under fire

Chapter 314

Chapter 314
Early morning.

300 meters away from the blockhouse, under the faint moonlight, Hu Yi led more than 100 people, under the leadership of Lao Zhou, passed through several blockades, and finally arrived at the east side of the largest blockhouses near the blockade ditch. Go under cover.

More than 100 people were divided into three teams, most of them were recruits, and they were going to go through the blockade at night and go to the Jiulian garrison.

The devil's defense of the occupied area was very strict, and the defense was strengthened near the blockade ditch. All the gun towers beside the blockade ditch were equipped with searchlights. In order to strengthen public security, a lot of manpower and material resources were invested.

The distance between the blockhouses is not far, less than two miles. Under the searchlights, the blockhouses are illuminated by searchlights, and the surroundings are like daytime. The searchlights on the top of each blockhouse circle around the blockhouses and then turn back.

It was all open land, and it was impossible to walk through it without being noticed.

However, Lao Zhou had been prepared for a long time. Wearing a dress that was the same color as the ground, he learned how to bark twice, and then crawled to the gun tower alone on the ground.

The people in the back felt their hearts tense, and they didn't dare to make a sound.

Perhaps it was the hand of the security guard holding the searchlight on the top of the turret, and the light went up and swept to the east, just ignoring the nearby place.

Hu Yi and Luo Fugui pulled away with machine guns, and Lao Luo was going to the gun tower. Just in case, he had to make preparations for suppression.

Not long after, a gray figure came back directly from the gun tower.

"Things are going well, but our plan needs to be changed. There are two devils in the gun tower. Captain Wang and the two devils drank a lot of wine. I have already agreed with Captain Wang. Wait a while, and the searchlight will swing up and down twice. , and then it will shine on both sides, pay attention to two problems, the first is to pass quickly, and the second is not to make any movement, then there should be no problem."

"Is the one surnamed Wang reliable?" Su Qing asked next to him.

"With so many people, if the news leaks out, the consequences will be unimaginable." Hu Yi also said in a deep voice: "The plains are different from the artillery towers in the mountains. Once they are discovered, they must not retreat. They can only go west. The time to cross the ditch is not short. , If you retreat, there is a telephone connection between the blockhouses, you will definitely be surrounded, and you will have no chance to escape."

Lao Zhou thought about it for a while: "As long as you pass through the blockade line and the blockade ditch, you are basically safe."

After finishing speaking, he lowered his voice: "Captain Wang is one of us!"

Hu Yi was stunned, he didn't expect Lao Zhou to do so much work!
He turned his head and said to the monkey behind him: "You, go back and call all the people behind you up, pay attention, everyone has a towel stuffed in their mouths."

After a while, a dark figure appeared under the moonlight, and the gun tower was 300 meters ahead, and the hearts of the recruits couldn't help beating wildly.

"Monkey, is the gun tower ahead?"

"You don't have eyes? Don't you know how to see?" Monkey rolled his eyes at the girls behind him.

"What are you proud of? Have you ever killed a devil?"

"Uh, no." The monkey was annoyed.


"What are you talking about? Quickly stuff your mouth with a towel."

The recruits were barefoot, with their shoes in their hands, and began to move towards the open space between the north and south blockhouses.

About one mile away from the south artillery tower, and more than 300 meters from the north artillery tower, I saw a tower as tall as a monster, with barbed wire stretched beside the trench outside, and the pile of soil was brightly illuminated by the campfire next to it.

The searchlights of the south blockhouses mainly illuminate the east and west sides of the blockhouses, and between the two blockhouses, it becomes a blind spot for searchlights.

"You kid is lazy again, what's the matter?" Captain Wang walked to the top of the gun tower, blocking the shaking angle of the searchlight.


"Let me see." Captain Wang shook the searchlight twice, then looked out.

The patrol was nowhere to be seen.

Most of the ground was within the lighting range, but because of the searchlights, the rest of the land that was not illuminated by the searchlights was completely dark under the moonlight. Captain Wang was talking, but the searchlight soldiers did not hear any other sounds.

Captain Wang wasn't worried about something wrong with the searchlight soldiers. If one less person knew about these things, it would be more safe.

Out of the corner of my eye, the figure below faintly approached the blockade ditch 300 meters west of the blockhouse, and the people behind were still within the range illuminated by the fire under the blockhouse.

One or the other chatted with the searchlight soldier for a while, until he could not see the last person, then he slowly moved away and handed the searchlight to the yawning soldier who was about to fall asleep.

The second floor of the gun tower.

A devil opened his eyes, as if he heard some sound, he was startled, leaned over to the shooting hole next to him and looked west, under the bright light, there was still a piece of clean land, nothing happened.

The devil rubbed his eyes and shook his head, feeling a little urgent to urinate, so he got off the cot directly, and was about to go downstairs to the urine bucket outside the blockhouse to release water.

The sound of thumping footsteps was recalled in the gun tower, and Captain Wang, who had just turned around, was stunned, and ordered the searchlight soldiers: "Keep tighter on the east side."

After speaking, he immediately ran down the stairs from the third floor.

As soon as the devil reached the first floor, he heard footsteps upstairs. He stopped for a while, rubbed his eyes, and saw the person coming clearly through the light coming in from the shooting hole: "Captain Wang? It's so late, and yours is still there." Personal security? Good. Yours is very good."

After the devil finished speaking, he turned and walked outside the gun tower.

Captain Wang, who was still at the stairs, was a little anxious: "Well, Mr. Yamashita, thank you for the compliment, are you going?"

"Captain Wang, you should go to bed early, let's continue drinking tomorrow." The devil paused while speaking, looked back at Captain Wang, and continued to walk out after speaking.

Taking advantage of this moment, Captain Wang jumped down from the stairs, took out a pack of cigarettes from his bag, shook out one, and handed it to the devil: "Taijun, please pay me!"

The devil smiled and took the cigarette. Captain Wang took out a match from his bag, pulled out a match, and stroked his clothes: "Come on, light it."

The two walked out the door together, and Captain Wang casually walked beside the devil, on the west side.

They all started to drain the water into the urine bucket outside the blockhouse.

The light from the south blockhouse to the blockade ditch in the west suddenly stopped, and the searchers discovered something unusual.

Bang, a gunshot came from the direction of the gun tower to the south.

Captain Wang was anxious, stunned for a moment, and quickly threw the ghost next to him who had urinated halfway and was in a daze to the ground.

It's a pity that he didn't carry a bayonet with him.

The pistol was also pressed between the two, and he quickly reached out and subconsciously moved towards the devil's neck.

"Captain Wang, you, don't panic." Although the devil was drunk, he was not weak, and he reacted after only being stunned for a moment when he heard the gunshot.

The two parted, and Captain Wang had already pulled out his gun, pulled the trigger, and aimed the gun at the devil next to him, who couldn't see clearly in the shadow of the gun tower.

The devil didn't expect what happened to Team Wang, so he bypassed Captain Wang, leaned against the gun tower and looked west, blinking sleepily: "Don't worry, Tuba Road is on the side of the blockade ditch, they can't get through."

After looking at it for a while, but didn't notice anything, turned his head, and patted Captain Wang next to him on the shoulder: "Let's go, go back to sleep."

Just a pair of rope ladders, the soldiers climbed one by one to the west of the blockade ditch.

"Don't tear off the towel from your mouth, don't raise your head, line up one by one, move quickly, Hu Yi is holding a machine gun and pointing at the gun tower, turning his head and growling at the messy team."

Tang Dagou, who came to meet him in front of him, had a black line: "Hasn't the f**k eaten?"

After speaking, he stretched out his hand and pulled up the little man from below, and then pushed him in front of his chest, ready to push him away, and then tore down the person below.

I found that the touch of my hand seemed a little soft: "Damn it, put your bag in front of your body and fuck off, get out of here quickly."

(End of this chapter)

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