under fire

Chapter 315

Chapter 315
Looking back, he looked like a giant beast standing in the night, and the black gun tower towered majestically in the distance. Lao Zhou finally let go of his clenched fist, and let out a long breath to bid farewell to Hu Yi and Lao Qin who came to meet him: "Commander Hu, Instructor Qin, I will leave these boys to you, don't worry, just train to death!"

"I won't let you down, and I will ensure the safety of Officer Su and the others." After Hu Yi finished speaking, he loosened his grip on Lao Zhou.

"The situation is special, so I won't nag you today!" Lao Qin and Lao Zhou also let go.

Watching Lao Zhou get off the blockade ditch, climb back to the opposite side of the ditch, and wave again: "Take care!"

"Take care of yourself"

Not long after the sun rose, the ground became hot.

Finally, the deserted village became lively. There was a well in the village, which had not been used for a long time. The soldiers excitedly washed their faces and bodies with water, no one cared whether the water was clean or not.

The recruits, who had walked all night and were unwilling to rest, were puzzled.

The company commander strictly ordered that no one should drink the water in the well.

In the dusty dilapidated house, Hu Yi and Lao Qin sat opposite each other at the dilapidated table.

"Why didn't the girl come back?"

"Officer Su has too many things to do there, and the scope of work will continue to expand. The girl will stay there to help. Lao Zhou has a lot of connections there, so there shouldn't be any problems. I'm coming back this time, and I plan to bring some people there. You have to worry more about the recruit training." Hu Yi said the plan he had thought up earlier.

Su Qing didn't go through the blockade line with the production line. Seeing that Hu Yi led the recruits through the blockade ditch without any risk, when Lao Zhou slowly came back, he led Li Xiang, Xu Xiao, Luo Fugui and the girl, Following Lao Zhou and the militiamen who sent the recruits back to Zhou Village overnight.

"It's time to go out. In our place, there are very few people around, and devils and traitors come here every now and then to arrest people." Old Qin was a little unhappy.

"Is everything ready for the resident training?" Hu Yi frowned.

"It's already ready. The playground was set up by the big dog leader according to the national army standard training ground. We lack the hemp rope for climbing, so we found some mountain vines to deal with it."

"Did the political commissar say when to leave?"

"I didn't say anything, I guess when you bring this batch of recruits back, they will go back to the mountains after a meeting."

"A few days ago, you sent someone to send news that the devils have raided this area again. How is the situation?"

"In some villages, the old Baiwa who escaped by chance sneaked back again. The devils did not know how to get the news. A squadron of devils, with a company of puppet troops, was divided into multiple groups about ten miles from the blockade ditch, from north to south. A dragnet search was carried out, but fortunately the sentinel discovered the situation in advance, organized the return of these villagers, and moved west to escape the search."

"Is the identity of these villagers reliable?"

"Old Meng is familiar with the situation here. He directly organized the villagers to dig water canals at the foot of the west mountain. Even if there are spies, they can't make big waves."

"For this trip, I think it's very difficult to do the job, and the identification of friend and foe is too complicated!" Hu Yi stared at the tea mug on the table, a little discouraged.

"Take your time, girl, it's our first time to get on the sedan chair. Fortunately, Lao Zhou and the others have experience and their basic strength is still there. In addition, I have already sent someone to call Boss Du and the others from the wine station. They also have experience in how to identify spies, and in addition, many ordinary people came over from the blockade ditch."

"Our resident is so poor, there are still people coming? Don't they know the situation here?" Hu Yi frowned.

"The devils are arresting gangsters near the blockade ditch. It is said that the blockade ditch will continue to expand to the west. Some villagers' strong laborers are taken away to dig ditches and repair the gun towers. They only work and have no wages. They leave orphans and widows at home. Life can't go on, so I just ran west with my family."

"The devils have the momentum to develop westward?"

"Yes, not only that, Mei County in the south also organized thousands of people to start digging blockade ditches. The political commissar secretly selected a group of people to join the ditch digging team."

"Is it useful?"

"Now the devil is powerful, we can't stop it at all, we can't just watch, so we decided to put a few nails in it first, and when the ditch is dug, the devil must draw people from the militia to form a security team to guard the stronghold. The devil has repaired so much As long as we can control a few of the gun towers, the enemy's blockade will be in vain."

"It is necessary to destroy the devil's blockade and at the same time develop and strengthen the armed forces. We need to open up communication lines. It is not safe to rely on only one position. The best way is to directly mix educated soldiers into the security team." Hu Yi was thinking about passing the blockade ditch last night, and it would be easy to do things if he had an internal response.

"We have suddenly added so many people. We can get food from Li Youde. It's not a big problem. The well dug in the village has water, and it's deep. It should be enough to eat and drink, but the problem of water is really difficult to solve." Lao Qin spit out a puff of smoke. , a little worried.

Hu Yi felt that it would be a good idea to win over those guarding the blockhouses. It would be unwise to confront the devils head-on, and he had never thought about actually attacking the blockhouses.

The list of hard-core traitors has been counted, and it will be handed over to the political commissar, the nominal captain, for review.

It's not that Jiulian can do whatever it wants. The current situation is very bad, but the work of the anti-Japanese government has not stopped.

Many people who appear to be traitors on the surface are entirely likely to be intelligence personnel inserted into the enemy by the Eighth Route Army or the National Army.

In the past, the list had to be sent to the Liaison Office of the National Army for verification. After obtaining approval, the list of hard-core traitors to be eradicated was distributed to each work team. For some heinous traitors, we must find a way to arrest them for public trial.

It wasn't until the national army deliberately provoked troubles and made a large-scale friction with the Eighth Route Army that the intelligence systems of the two sides no longer intersected.

It's just that the national army's anti-rape teams generally stay in the city, either they join the police, puppet army, security regiment, or they are local gentry, maintain the chairman, and the real ordinary people are intelligence personnel. The national government doesn't look down on them at all .

Most of the staff of the Eighth Route Army are ordinary people, so even if traitors are killed, few people from the Eighth Route Army can be killed. However, this identification process still needs to be carried out.

Near the mountains, there are water sources near the hills, which are good for eating and drinking, but it is not enough to water the land.

The common people live in a difficult life. Even if they want to escape, they don’t know where to go. The requirements are not high, as long as they can survive, it is purely a luxury to fill their stomachs.

After being out for so long, the Ninth Company did not have a major conflict with the Devils and puppet troops. The biggest action was to hit two grenades on the Devils armored vehicle.

Fighting devils in the mountains has a terrain advantage, and they can still run if they can't beat them, so small groups of devils dare not enter the mountains at all.

To ambush a well-trained devil army on the plain, even if the Eighth Route Army is equipped with the same level as the devil's army, at least two or three times the devil's strength is required to do it.

If there are fewer people, it is impossible to fight, let alone win. The road network extending in all directions on the plain and the electric network between the blockhouses spread the news very quickly. If any blockhouse is attacked, it will take less than half an hour for nearby reinforcements.

To ambush the enemy on the plain, you must first find out the whereabouts of the devils, and arrange people in advance to cut off the way the devils may come for reinforcements.

There is a lot of work, and Jiulian alone has no room for movement. The work team usually looks like ordinary people, and its main job is to deal with traitors.

There was simply no way to carry out large-scale battles. The book on guerrilla warfare given to Hu Yi by the political commissar was practical.

In fact, Hu Yi has no clue, or even a direction. He has always aimed to live, mostly fighting and doing mass work. He is purely helping Su Qing.

"Who?" The frontman asked,

The person who came was the secret sentry arranged in the north, and he ran over at this time, explaining that there was something wrong.

"What's wrong?" Hu Yi asked before he saw the figure approaching clearly.

"A team appeared in the north, coming this way."

No need to guess, this is a search team arranged by the devils. This area has been cleared by the devils, but the devils will also arrange people to check village by village every once in a while.

"How far is it and how many people are there?"

"About five or six miles, probably more than 100."

With his rifle on his back, Hu Yi stopped on a small high ground, quietly watched the advancing team beside him, reached out his hand and took out the pocket watch. With a clear and weak metal click, the case bounced.

The reflection in the sun is very strong, so I tried my best to see the time clearly, and put away the pocket watch habitually.

No one spoke, only the sound of footsteps heading west.

Since most of the devils in the squadron were attacked by the rotation training team, the devils no longer dared to sneak into the village casually.

Even a small group of troops dare not go to the junction. If there is an operation, they generally maintain a squadron force, take the puppet army, and divide into several small groups to support each other.

Most of the task of entering the village to search is handed over to the puppet army and the security team, and they will follow them into the village after confirming that nothing has happened.

The ordinary people who escaped the raids of the devils by chance, returned to the village with sorrow, most of them were the old and the weak, women and children, and the young people were either captured or killed by the devils.

More young people joined the anti-Japanese team. These immature faces are unyielding hope.

(End of this chapter)

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