under fire

Chapter 316 Morning Light

Chapter 316 Morning Light
The sun rises and the village is bathed in morning light.

"Have you finished copying?" Su Qing, who was sitting by the window, asked the girl who was sitting opposite and stopped writing.

"I think you want me to write on purpose?" Xiao Hongying grimaced Su Qing angrily, then drew a sheep's head on the paper, painted the ears on the tip, and looked a bit like a vixen.

"I'm doing this for your own good." Su Qing didn't look up, and was still writing quickly.

Wearing braids and watching Lao Zhou busy outside the window, Xu Xiao ran back and forth with a brass horn to help, and looked back: "Can I write at night?"

"No, these are the records of those traitors. The words written on your hand determine the life and death of those traitors!" Su Qing said lightly.

"Ah? Really so powerful?" The girl looked at Su Qing's fair face opposite, and then raised her hand to see her thin bronze-colored arms, her mood turned bad.

"What do you think?" Su Qing didn't answer.

"Is it more useful than a gun?"

"Using guns can only destroy their bodies, but this piece of paper can make them return to life."

"Why do you have to ask me to write?"

"Look, how many of us can write?"

"Wang Xiaosan can write, so can foxes, and Lao Zhou should be able to write too. Why do you insist on me writing?"

"I'm here for your own good."

"What the hell, what did you put the fox back in for?"

"He'll be back in two days."

"Since you want to come back, what are you going to do in that wretched place?"

"He is the company commander, and he is responsible for the recruits."

"Isn't there Lao Qin? Let's just write about this stuff all day long. I'm tired of it."

"When Hu Yi comes back, we will start to eradicate those who have been approved as hardcore traitors."

"Why can't we identify ourselves?"

"It's discipline and it's procedure."

"Do you want to kill all the ones I wrote?"

"You are a girl who shouts and kills all day long, what does it look like?"

"Do you want to marry a fox?" The girl's words changed sharply.

"Nonsense." Su Qing finally raised her head and met the eyes of that wicked girl expressionlessly.

"You are a vixen, isn't it good to marry a fox?"

"Hurry up and write."

Xiao Hongying smiled wickedly: "You really don't want to marry?"


"Then I will marry."


Su Qing's pen scratched several sheets of paper.

"Hey, why don't you talk?" Xiao Hongying asked proudly.

Su Qing quickly put away her thoughts and looked carefully at the girl who was flustered.

"You obviously finished writing, why didn't you say it?"

"Stop pretending! You just want to marry a fox!" The girl stared into Su Qing's eyes.

"Do you think it's possible?" Su Qing wasn't afraid at all.

"What's impossible? It's fine if the fox becomes the head of the regiment." The wicked thing is clear about the rules of Baluli.

Hearing these words, Su Qing pondered again.

"Miss Su Qing."


"You really like foxes."

"Why do you say that?"

"Are you pretending to be all about foxes?"

"You little girl, what do you know?" Su Qing lowered her head and continued to write, but unconsciously wrote words she didn't know.

"You made a typo."


The girl pressed her little hand on the table, ready to run away at any time: "Hey, I heard everything you said frankly to Officer Zheng."

"What did you hear?" Su Qing was startled.

"You said that the fox is your lover."

Su Qing was dumbfounded again, this girl is too...
"You're blushing!" Xiao Hongying found this opportunity so rarely, she found it interesting.

"You're done writing, you can go out now!"

"Did I tell you?"

After finishing speaking, he reached out and pulled out a towel from his pocket, which seemed to contain something, and gently pushed it from the table to the paper Su Qing was writing on.

Su Qing subconsciously took it, opened it and saw it was a watch.

"What do you mean?"

"Don't the leaders of the division have to give a gift when they get married?"

"You damn girl."

The wicked girl jumped directly onto the table from the stool, pressed her hands on the window, and rolled over with a whoosh, leaving a string of silver bell-like laughter behind her.

Su Qing, who just stood up and was about to fight, was left alone in the room.

Seeing the girl running away, Su Qing breathed a sigh of relief, Xiao Hongying suddenly made a fuss, causing Su Qing, who was a little flushed, to fall into deep thought again.


Base area.

Shaking his head, he said to himself: "Maybe, this is fate!"

Outside the village, a middle-aged militiaman led a middle-aged man dressed as a wealthy businessman into the village.

Then he handed the person over to Lao Zhou, and the man who looked like a wealthy businessman followed Lao Zhou into Su Qing's house.

"Officer Su, there is news from the city that the situation is very bad. This is Lao Qian." Old Zhou said nervously to Su Qing.

"What's the situation? If I remember correctly, you shouldn't come here in person." Su Qing sorted out her thoughts, and looked up and down the strange middle-aged man who came in.

"The devils have arrested many of our underground personnel again, and there are traitors among us." Old Qian looked anxious.

"How could this be?" Su Qing asked with a frown.

"The thing is like this: one of our traffic officers was targeted by the detective team's eyeliner, and the devils didn't act immediately. They followed the traffic officer's line and arrested eight people in total."

"Didn't we require one-way contact?" Su Qing was speechless.

"We have already fulfilled this requirement. It is not easy to change our identity in the city, and it is not so fast to change, so something happened in the south of the city. As a result, because of the accident with the trafficman, the people in the south of the city, All of them were arrested, the bad thing is that our people know each other," Lao Qian's face was livid.

Su Qing thought nervously, then: "Which part are you in charge of?"

"I'm in charge of the north of the city, and before I could complete the arrangement according to Lao Zhou's request, something happened in the south."

Su Qing looked at the middle-aged man carefully with his eyes: "Are you sure you haven't exposed yourself?"

"I'm sure there is a risk. As for whether I was exposed, I can't confirm it, so I had to go out of the city. My downline has a total of nine people. I went to three places and found traitors guarding them, so I couldn't contact them at all. It's just that I Order to retreat."

"I'm talking about whether you have been exposed here, whether there is a tail behind you, you first talk about your offline situation."

"The two of me walked and stopped alternately, observing all the way, so there must be no problem!

There are four fixed positions in the city, two of them are restaurant waiters, one sells food, the other runs a grocery store, and the other four mobile personnel, one is in the investigation team, one is mixed with the puppet army guarding the city gate, and one is guarding the devils. There is a shoes repairer outside the gendarmerie, and there are two other vegetable sellers. Each of the activists develops independently. "Middle-aged people are like countless treasures.

"You also know each other?"

"Yes, the vegetable seller got the news from the detective team and immediately informed everyone to hide. The situation is serious now and I have been exposed, but I'm not sure about the nine of them. If there is no problem, then none of them will have a problem. But once something goes wrong, none of them can escape.”

"Why are you the only one here?"

"Because the leaders of our four districts often hold meetings together, we are very familiar with each other, and the traitor is the traffic officer. The devil first attacked the underground personnel in the south of the city. He hid, and later found out that Yang Changsheng, the person in charge of Chengnan District, was fighting with the devils, after the bullets ran out, the last bullet was a dud, and he failed to commit suicide, so he was arrested."

"You mean, there is no guarantee that he will defect now?"

"I believe him." The middle-aged man looked affirmative.

"We can't just rely on trust in our work." Su Qing's face was dark. If intelligence personnel have this quality, they will definitely have big problems in their work.

"I have notified the people in charge of the west and east districts to evacuate. I estimate that they may come over at night."

"No, we have to move immediately, there are also risks here." Su Qing ordered decisively.

(End of this chapter)

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