under fire

Chapter 317 The Third Sheep's Head

Chapter 317 The Third Sheep Head

Captain Shen of the investigative team believes that the deputy captain Li Youcai must have colluded with the Eighth Road. , obviously unusual.

However, with the lessons learned from the previous captain, he took this trouble to heart, as long as Maeda was in Meixian for a day, Li Youcai would not fail. He knew very well that Li Youcai was carrying out a secret mission, so there was no need to have the same knowledge as him.

This guy is obviously on two boats, but he lives more arrogantly than anyone else, and he gets mixed up with the woman from the anti-rape team. Maeda even turns a blind eye to him. Just because of this, he can't compare with him. What's more, he also has an older brother who works as a battalion commander in the mountain pass.

So he wisely put most of his energy on the east of the county seat, all the way to the collection of taxes at the various checkpoints of the second blockade line.

Everyone does not violate the water of the river, you make your money, and I take mine.

Li Youcai is indeed very busy during this period, but it is very regular. Whenever he has to go to the city to report to Shangchuan, he also has to report to the Gendarmerie Maeda. The money was squandered in the casino.

Maeda sent a line to the Eighth Route Army. As for how to communicate, he didn't know. Maeda was responsible for it himself, and he didn't care.

Because he knew that Maeda was far from being as simple as it appeared on the surface, the less he knew, the safer he would be.

Not long after dawn, he was riding a motorcycle and wearing dust-proof goggles. He was dressed in black with a white face, and the high-profile round sunglasses were shaking on his chest. From hundreds of miles away, he could be known to be arrogant.

After Shili Dang, seven or eight miles to the north, in a secluded village, Li Youcai jumped off the motorcycle, took off the dust-proof glasses, spit out the sand in his mouth, and pulled two round sunglasses on the bridge of his nose. Patting the dust all over his body, he looked at Hu Yi who was standing straight at the entrance of the village, his bronzed face showed no expression.

Hu Yi looked at Li Youcai expressionlessly for a while: "Speak."

The dog traitor who was stared at all the time felt terrified: "Didn't Ma Liang make it clear to you?"

"You asked us to fight Li Youde, what is the specific plan?"

"I'm only in charge of threading. How to fight is your business. This matter must be kept secret. Li Youde should have someone from Maeda by his side."

Hu Yi was taken aback: "Li Youde himself is from Maeda, what do you mean by that?"

Li Youcai responded: "Sheep's Head Project, remember?"

Hu Yi thought for a while and said, "The Sheep's Head Project? Isn't it already made public? What do you mean?"

Li Youcai took off his sunglasses and turned to the shade of the tree: "Maeda arranged for someone, among the people brought back by Ma Liang, I don't know who they are, but I must have one or a few, who should be there to meet or deliver news .”

This question was beyond Hu Yi's expectation, but his face remained unchanged: "You don't have to worry about that, the newcomers brought back by Ma Liang have no chance to enter the mountain now."

Li Youcai thought for a while: "Actually, you can pick out all of your people, and all the others."

"You mean get rid of them all?"

"As long as you know what I mean, I know you can't do it, but I want you to help me."

"What are you busy with?"

"About the sheep's head, there should be another one beside Li Youde."

"I can't help you." Hu Yi directly refused.

"I can exchange."

"tell me the story."

"Do you know where this is? This is no man's land. You can't keep quiet about your activities here. Even I know it. Why didn't the imperial army sweep it?"

"The devils are not strong enough." Hu Yi thought for a while.

"It's so naive."

"Then why did you say it?"

"Because of the drought, food for the imperial army cannot be provided here, so this land is reserved for you, while Maeda is waiting."

"What do you mean?"

"Maeda is waiting for you to come out of the mountains."

"His idea is good." Hu Yi's expression remained unchanged.

"The mountains are your world. Tens of thousands of people have taken your nest away, and there are not many of you missing. I even suspect that Maeda gave me false news." Li Youcai raised his head and smiled at Hu Yi.

"No, we have lost a lot, maybe even bigger than you imagined." Hu Yi frowned.

"What else is there to say?"

"You better not be so rampant."

"I have a special approval from Maeda to hold a certificate of returning to the war of resistance."

"Didn't we send that?"

"I handed it in, and then he stamped it and returned it to me."

"why are you doing this?"

"Don't underestimate Maeda, he may know more than you think."

"You're saying there's a problem among us?"

"I don't know, but I know a lot of people have passed through the blockade."

"Arranged by Maeda?"

"He can't reach that far."

"Then what do you mean?"

"It's best not to believe them, at least Maeda is very clear about the fact that you went to the occupied area, and is checking your number."

Not seeing each other for two months, Hu Yi didn't expect that the traitor's sources of information would be more extensive: "If there is anything else we don't know, let's talk about it together."

Why did Li Youcai suddenly tell Hu Yi so much? From the bottom of his heart, although he didn't like Li Youde, Li Youde helped him at the critical moment.

He did this with a deeper meaning, he is now with Lin Xiu even half openly, and Maeda is also a master of Tai Chi, he knows that the Eighth Route Army is not compatible with the national army, and he is happy to watch them fight each other.

If there is no enemy in the occupied area, then he, the captain, can only rely on time accumulation if he wants to go to the next level. Obviously he is not willing, and he is also responsible for the cavalry squadron being ambushed near his defense area, so he did it on purpose, a dog traitor Clearly grasped this point.

Li Youcai said again: "Li Youde won't contact you because he doesn't know who that person is, so this time it's a real fight."

"There's no need to think so much, as long as you know that Li Youde is dead, who can take the lead." Hu Yi was straightforward.

Li Youcai looked into Hu Yi's eyes: "Don't look at me, I'm not that material."

"You mean Li Yong?"

"I do not know."

"It can be considered." Hu Yi directly agreed.

Li Youcai was not confused, and thought silently: "Okay, what conditions do you have?"

"Help us get the sheep's head out."

"Yes, but I don't guarantee it, at least I have helped you get rid of one."

"The master of Jinsara? It doesn't count."

Li Youcai smiled, pulled down the sunglasses from the bridge of his nose again, and looked at Hu Yi's frowning brows from above.

"That's it."

Li Youcai found a stone in the shade and sat down, leaning against a small tree with only a few leaves, squinting slightly, watching the rising sun in the distance.

The sun also shone on Hu Yi next to him. A tall and straight Balu, bathed in the sun, and a traitor in the shade of a tree, both stared at the rising sun in the east in a daze.

Hu Yi was thinking about the sheep's head, and also thinking that Su Qing had entered the enemy-occupied area, and even Maeda knew that the Eighth Route Army was active.

Then, the situation is much more complicated than imagined, and I have to go back as soon as possible. Although that woman is good at intelligence, even the girl is much better than her when it comes to nodding.

And the place where Jiulian is staying now is a no-man's land deliberately arranged by the devils, which is even more of a headache.

"You don't even have enough to eat, is it really so exciting to be the Eighth Route Army?" the traitor finally looked away and asked.

"Energetic." Hu Yi was pulled back from his thoughts by the voice, and said lightly.

"I'm a dog traitor, so I can't do anything."

"You actually live a more comfortable life than me. You have no reason. Ideal, because I always think that killing devils is more interesting."

"Why is it interesting?" The dog traitor's tone became lighter.

"Because the devil killed many of my brothers." Hu Yi thought for a while.

"So it's because I don't have any brothers to kill, so I'm boring?" The dog traitor lost his interest.


"Can you guarantee Li Youde's safety?"

"No, but I can remove the danger that threatens him."

"Thank you."

"You thanked me for the first time."

"Not the first time."

(End of this chapter)

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