under fire

Chapter 318

Chapter 318
In the evening, the sky was dark red, and the moon came out early.

The security army barracks outside Luoye Village, Li Yong, the deputy battalion commander, was dressed neatly, with a fast and slow machine gun holster on his waist, and led a squad of confidants out of the barracks.

Along the way, he said hello to the people who came home from work in the village, passed the villagers carrying buckets, and walked towards the Li family compound.

Li Youde's study room was already lit, and he was sitting in the study room with a book in his hand, occasionally turning a page.

There was a pot of tea on the table, steaming.

"Master!" Li Yong who entered the room walked to the bottom of the table, first refilled the teacup in front of Li Youde, then turned up the empty tea bowl turned upside down on the table, and poured water.

"Have all the brothers received the news?" Li Youde put down the book in his hand, looked up at Li Yong, and asked casually.

"I know." Li Yong glanced back at Li Youde, put down the empty tea bowl, and smacked his lips: "Master, the eight roads in the mountain suddenly came out of the mountain. I think they want revenge?"

"Has the county gendarmerie been notified?"

"Not yet. How many people can there be on the Eighth Road? Even if they want to go through the gun tower at the foot of the mountain, what waves can they make?" Li Yong replied nonchalantly.

Li Youde tilted his head and glanced at Li Yong, and suddenly smiled: "Li Yong, how do you think I treat you on this three-acre land?"

"Without my uncle, I wouldn't be where I am today." Li Yong was startled, and quickly got up.

"Very well, then let me tell you, Eighth Road sent a letter."

"Balu? Send a letter? What do you mean?"

"They're going to take our green water to shop the gun tower."

"Brave? Just relying on their broken guns? Deceiving people too much."

"You really see it that way?"

Li Yong froze for a moment, then quickly said: "Master, then, what do you mean..."

"Balu is really calling, what should we do?"

"If there are few people coming, we will let them come and go. If there are many people coming, don't we have a phone? There are many people in the blockhouse, and we can call to arrange reinforcements at any time!"

"Okay then, you can arrange it."

"Ah? It's the uncle. I'll go right away."

After Li Yong retreated, Li Youde stood up, walked to the window, looked at the darkened yard, and said to himself: "I didn't expect that, I raised a white-eyed wolf."

A group of people walked out of the village and headed for the barracks.

In the barracks, two people sat opposite each other at a table.

"Li Battalion Commander, I think this is a good opportunity." The middle-aged man opposite Li Yong suggested viciously.

"What a good opportunity?" Deputy Battalion Commander Li's expression darkened.

"Balu is calling, and we are fishing in troubled waters." After the middle-aged man finished speaking, he made a movement of wiping his neck.

Li Yong glared at him: "Fart!"

"Do you think Li Youde doesn't know about our small actions?" The man said nonchalantly.

"Don't play tricks, don't blame me for falling out!"

"Now that you are leaning on the big tree of the national army, can it still be his turn to give orders?"

"I think it's not as easy as you think for Eight Routes to call at this time." Li Yong was a little worried.

"As long as he's dead, it's up to you to get rid of Li Youcai." The middle-aged man said slowly.

"My surname is Liu, what good is it for you to do so many things?" Li Yong was furious.

"Because Li Youcai ruined my good deed, you have to remember clearly that our ranger can let you go because you are still useful." The middle-aged man is not afraid of Li Yong.

Li Yong sighed: "You have to make sure to get rid of Li Youcai, he has an affair with Eighth Road, if I remember correctly, you and Eighth Road are sworn enemies."

"It's on me. Seriously, I don't understand. Killing one is killing, and killing two is killing. Why don't you want to kill Li Youcai yourself?"

"It's none of your business. You have to remember what you said, or I'll never end with you."

"It's just you? I'm not done with me yet, just save yourself." The middle-aged man stared at his nose when he spoke.

Li Yong didn't even have the courage to resist.

Gao Yidao stood at the entrance of the village, the unfinished gun towers on the blockade were emitting smoke, and some light was shining from the shooting holes.

The soldiers who woke up came out from various places in the village, cheered up, and prepared to cross the blockade overnight.

"Company Commander, you haven't recovered from your injuries yet, Jiulian asked us to come here, what's the matter?"

"The advantage cannot be taken by a person surnamed Hu, an order from the regiment." Gao Yidao frowned as he watched the land slowly disappearing into darkness in the north.

"The devils are digging blockades in this section, I think, should we give them some color?" A platoon leader under his command tentatively suggested.

Gao Yidao shook his head: "The devils are pulling nets to repair roads and build artillery towers in the occupied area. We have few people, so it doesn't make much sense to fight."

"As long as we don't get bitten by devils, are we still afraid of those security forces?"

Gao Yidao raised his eyebrows, and stopped talking: "Get some food first, cross the blockade tonight, and join Hu Zai Sui."

In the woods not far from Hekou Camp in the north of Meixian County.

Gao Yidao stood opposite Hu Yi.

Both sides brought a lot of people, each with nearly a hundred guns, recruits and veterans, a lot of light and heavy weapons, and they slept together in the woods.

"Are you calling me here with the order of the political commissar, are you kidding me?" Gao Yidao leaned against a tree.

"This is an order from the political commissar." Hu Yi said lightly.

"What nonsense, the battle is ordered by the commander."

"Our target is the Li Youde Security Force barracks outside Luoye Village."

"Is there something wrong with your brain? Now Luoye Village is full of strongholds and blockhouses, all of which are equipped with telephones. I don't mind if you go to those blockhouses at the foot of the mountain. Even if you blockade, I can consider it and run to the middle of the surrounding blockhouses." Are you out of your mind to beat the Luoye Village barracks!" After speaking, he reached out to touch Hu Yi's forehead.

Hu Yi pulled Gao Yidao's hand away: "Li Yong is the person Maeda arranged to be next to Li Youde."

"You really know how to talk nonsense, so what?"

"He may be the third sheep head!"

"how is this possible?"


"Why do you know for sure? Well, which one of us?"

"You ask me, who am I going to ask?"

"It's probably your Jiulian gang of rotten garlic."

Gao Yidao received the news from the Ninth Company, and most of the entire company was dispatched. Although two-thirds of them were talented recruits and the training time was not long, he believed that the best training was to see the bayonet on the battlefield.

Hu Yi took a quiet look at Gao Yidao: "Now there is only one company of security forces in the barracks."

"how do you know?"

"Because the other troops are all in those surrounding gun towers."

"Do you think their phone is just for display, they won't come to reinforce?"

"will not."

"Why are you so sure?" Although Gao Yidao was skeptical, he believed half of Hu Yi's words: "What if it's a trap?"

Hu Yi didn't answer, but frowned and said, "So we have to take the initiative in our own hands."

"I'll direct, you cooperate." Gao Yidao didn't want to make another detour.

"Yes, but we don't really fight. We just want to get rid of the deputy battalion commander of the security barracks in Luoye Village."

"What are you doing? Why didn't you attack Li Youde?" Gao Yidao was puzzled.

"You can ask the political commissar, not only that, but also to ensure Li Youde's safety."

Gao Yidao finally understood Hu Yi's words: Li Youde must have something to do with the regiment.

His favorite way of fighting is charging. After seeing Hu Yi's way of playing for free with bullets, he went back and thought about it for a long time.

Anyway, the bullet came out of Hu Zhashi.

Because it was related to the sheep's head, he didn't talk about who was in command, and he didn't mind trying the prodigal style of feeding with bullets.

 Thank you brother tail number 203
(End of this chapter)

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