under fire

Chapter 320 Wrestling

Chapter 320 Wrestling
The setting sun is muddy, and the world is solemn.

The plain land is magnificent and boundless, with great momentum.

It is completely different from the sky where there are thousands of ravines and mist in the mountains, and the sky is as big as a palm when you look up.

The girl likes to look at this open and boundless land!

Growing up in the independent group, she has vision, courage, perseverance and determination!

She has fought countless battles, big and small, and she knows that the key to the battle is the strength of troops, firepower, movement space, seizing the superior terrain, and the time difference between fighting the enemy!
I have always been at a disadvantage, and I am used to guerrilla warfare where I can't fight and turn around and run. Unless the enemy is small or the opponent is a security force, I will never go head-to-head.

With braids hanging high in the grove, he held up his binoculars and looked at the gun towers to the west. In just a few days, the gun towers in the distance blocked off the edge of the ditch, and a barbed wire fence was pulled up.

A few days ago, just after the transfer in the morning, a group of black dogs and plainclothes detectives surrounded the village, and the girl had a new understanding of Su Qing's feelings.

Fortunately, the eyeliner placed by the detective team at the entrance of the village was arranged by Lao Zhou. Otherwise, it would be useless even if they moved, and none of them would be able to escape.

The work of staying in the enemy-occupied area is not easy. The girl who is used to being wild is not used to it. She has been here for so long and has not fired a single shot. She is copying and writing leaflets all day long, and she is tired of finding cards!
The little braid was listless in the heat wave. She is now the highest commander of the team, because Su Qing said so, and no one objected, including Ma Liang, who was also holding a binoculars beside her.

Hu Yi didn't come back, Li Youcai's words made him understand that the battle on the plain was completely different from that in the mountains, so he sent Ma Liang over with a squad of reliable soldiers to increase the strength of Su Qing's work team.

A group of people were all dressed up as ordinary people. At this time, everyone had a certificate of good citizenship in their hands. The soldiers took a rest in the woods outside the village with hoes on their shoulders.

Su Qing sat not far from the girl, and ventured closer to the east of the blockade ditch to join forces with an army from the mountains, but seeing such a hot day, it was impossible to pass the blockade in broad daylight.

He took out his watch and looked at the time. It was still early than the agreed dark time. Seeing the girl holding the binoculars and Ma Liang observing, a smile appeared on his face.

Then he took off his hat, leaned against the tree and half-closed his eyes to take a nap.

The news came from the division that the Devils' advance team led the team to make meritorious service during the sweeping process, and was boasted by the devils. Various rewards were promoted to various local troops and were asked to promote them. exception.

The An County Devils Intelligence Agency learned from some sources that Mei County had set up a sheep head plan, which was also a great success. They called the files to check and found that although the plan had been leaked, the hidden clues hidden in the Eight Routes had not been exposed. .

In the plan that Uehara made unintentionally, a few medicines almost wiped out a regiment of the Eighth Route Army. Such a harvest immediately attracted great attention, and it was like a treasure.

The extra-high class started immediately and took over all the relevant planners.

The implementation of the plan was completed after investigation and evaluation. It was found out that in the sheep head plan, one of them entered the bandit gang to strengthen its strength, and sang against the Eighth Route Army, but was wiped out by the Eighth Route Army.

But the remnants were annexed by Li Youde!
Contact missing!
It is preliminarily judged that the insider may have died in that battle.

Since even the gangsters are gone, cutting off this part of the implementation of the plan will not affect the whole.

Su Qing knew from Hu Yi that one sheep head was the master of the gang, and the other might be with Li Youde.

Li Youde's army has become a security force, and the sheep's head is dispensable. For the independent regiment, the battalion commander of the security army is not simple. He has secretly helped the independent regiment many times and is an object of unity.

It is in their best interest to support a person who is loyal to the Imperial Army as the Super High School has always done. At present, this is not the most important part.

The devils were eager to re-establish contact with the Yangtou in the Eighth Route Army, and the person in charge who was familiar with the plan was Li Youcai, the deputy captain of the investigation team. As soon as the special high school found him, he understood what was going on.

Obviously, the super high class knew about the relationship between Li Youcai and Li Youde, but for some unknown reason, it deliberately ignored it. Maybe Li Youde was no longer important, and this infiltration plan was once again entrusted to Li Youcai to implement.

So after the plan restarted, Li Youcai had to find another candidate.

After careful screening, Li Youcai's successor, Li Youcai's successor, Li Youcai's successor, Lazy, came into the sight of the super high class.

The slacker is indeed lazy, but he is not a coward. After Li Youcai entered the city, he took over Captain Li's job.

Li Youcai was not afraid of his betrayal at all, but he didn't have the habit of using himself as a bargaining chip, so he decided to let the lazy man join the Eighth Route Army, and at the same time asked Hu Yi to kill the lazy man himself, and then find a reliable person to pretend to be the lazy man. Get out the sheep's head hidden in the Eighth Route Army.

On the surface, the devils have relaxed their sweeping efforts against the small groups of guerrillas who entered the plains for activities.

In fact, it was because the armed task force of the Eighth Route Army that appeared on the plains came out day and night and did not use force as a means to solve the problem. Instead, they took a psychological offensive against the Chinese who were loyal to the imperial army.

There was a lot of commotion and panic for a while, which is what the super high school doesn't want to see.

Thinking about these things, Su Qing closed her eyes and fell asleep.

The Eighth Route Army headquarters issued an order to retaliate against the assassination.

The spy company of the division headquarters also sent people out of the mountain.

The platoon leader Wang left the mountain for ten days, but he didn't even have a clue!

There are gun towers everywhere, his platoon can't afford to fight a big battle, and it doesn't make sense to kill a few traitors from the security regiment.

I kept thinking in my heart, reconnaissance and fighting are all right for me, but I haven't done a lot of things like rape and assassination, so I can't do anything.

After entering the plain from the supplementary regiment defense area, even the common people didn't see much, let alone the traitors and the detective team.

Taking advantage of the dark night, they crossed the blockade ditch and entered the enemy-occupied area, and found that they could not move. There were many gun towers everywhere on the plain, and the patrols of devils and traitors were everywhere, and it was impossible to start. in town.

Therefore, relying on his little armed force, he couldn't fight against the devils at all. If the underground personnel who led the way were not familiar with the terrain, it might be difficult to even march. Under such circumstances, what is the point of completing the task?
After a few days in the enemy-occupied area, due to food problems, they had to take advantage of the night to go back to the uninhabited area in the west through the blockade ditch.

I finally met the district team near Xiaowangzhuang and gave him a message: Going south along the blockade ditch, there are troops from the Eighth Route Army of the Independent Regiment in the enemy-occupied area.

After inquiring, I didn't expect that this unit was still an acquaintance, so I immediately sent someone to follow the liaison officer to contact Jiulian, and got a positive reply from the other party. More than 30 people in the special agent platoon, led by the traffic officer, went south overnight and arrived before dawn. Near the reception position, waiting for dark at this time.

Before he came out, he knew that for a team like his, in addition to leaving the necessary defense force at the headquarters, it mobilized elite forces to form dozens of teams with platoons as units, and they were active in the plains.

The headquarters did not have any special plans, and releasing people publicly was also a deterrent to the enemy. The head of the headquarters had a very simple goal, that is to find ways to eliminate the devils advancing team, and to assassinate the top leaders of the devils.

The pick-up location is just outside a village to the east of the blockhouse.

(End of this chapter)

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