under fire

Chapter 321

Chapter 321
In the east of Luoye Village, a village with no common people.

The village was crowded with people, and the camps were clearly defined. The soldiers of the Ninth Company and the Second Company prepared for battle.

In a dilapidated house in the village, Hu Yi opened the map and spread it under the oil lamp beside the dilapidated table. He ignored Gao Yidao who was standing beside him, and stood by the table by himself. The location of the shop, put your finger between Lushui shop and Luoye Village.

Gao Yidao's gaze followed Hu Yi's fingers on the spread map, and he saw Hu Yi pointing to a certain location between Lushuipu and Luoye Village, and he basically understood Hu Yi's thoughts.

Hu Yi looked up at Gao Yidao: "It's still the old rule, pretend to attack Lushuipu, and attract the security of Luoye Village to help!"

Gao Yidao looked back from the map: "Do you think the gun tower is easy to fight? With our strength, we can't take it down at all, so I don't think Luoye Village will even come to reinforce it."

Hu Yi ignored Gao Yidao: "The current location of Lushuipu, going west to Qingshan Village in the mountains, is no man's land. Since Wu Yan's company is stationed at the wine station, they will definitely guard against enemy activities in this area. It's full of steep mountains, we can't get out, devils can't enter the mountains, and the east is also no man's land."

Lao Qin, who was sitting on the other side, took a puff of cigarette, and slowly added: "Li Youde, the battalion commander of the public security army, never planned to leave this barren land with few people, precisely because it is very safe here, and there are so many nearby villages. Villagers from many villages went to Li Youde's defense area to settle down.

But these villagers couldn't leave their homeland. Taking advantage of the dark night, they went back to the original village wiped out by the devils and worked on the land around the village. The people settled down in the village. "

"As soon as the devil is wiped out, won't all these careless people be finished?" Gao Yidao was not in a happy mood: "What are you talking about, let's quickly talk about how to play."

"Waiting for help." Hu Yi just said a few words.

"Lvshuipu is the point, wait for the nearby gun towers to come to help? Are you done talking about the action now?"

"Do you have any other good ideas?"

"Just hand over the security forces of Luoye Village to Lianguo, why is it so complicated?" Gao Yidao felt that this was a bad idea for Hu Yi.

"Do you know how many troops there are in the artillery towers near Luoye Village?"

"Isn't it just one battalion?" Gao Yidao didn't like Hu Yi's half-spoken words very much, and his heart was suffocating.

"Can you guarantee that we can take Luoye Village in a short time?"

"At most half a night, if you have internal support, the time will be shorter."

"Our target is Li Yong, I should make it clear to you."

"What's the difference?"

"We want to fight Li Yong, not Li Youde. We want him to lead the team out of Luoye Village, and let him reinforce the gun towers in Lushuipu."

"What if he doesn't come out?"

"He has to come out."

"That's okay, you fight the artillery tower, and I fight the reinforcements."

"We don't fight the gun towers. Wu Yan will start the gun towers. The purpose of this battle is not to wipe out all the security forces in Lushuipu. We don't have that ability."

"Then what are you calling Guo for? Watching the excitement?"

"Again, our target is Li Yong, Li Youde's deputy battalion commander."

"I don't think you're good at this job. What good does it do us to beat him?"

"What benefits do you want?" A voice came from the door.

"Guns and ammunition belong to the Second Company, Commander, why are you here?" Gao Yidao turned his head and saw Commander Lu appearing at the door with a tired face.

"Start to divide the dirty before fighting? Then let my regiment leader drink the northwest wind?" The regiment leader Lu looked unhappy.

"How is it possible? What I mean is that the Ninth Company often seizes and fails to hand it in. If it belongs to the Second Company, it will definitely be handed in."

"Uh, yes, then, when was the last seizure in the north handed in?"

"" Gao Yidao was silent.

Seeing the head of the regiment who came in from the door looking at him, Hu Yi quickly stood at attention in a standard military posture: "Hello, head of the regiment."

Head Lu returned a salute and walked to the table: "All ready?"

Hu Yi asked in surprise: "It's almost done. Didn't the plan say that you would lead Company Commander Wu to attack Lushuipu in the mountains?"

Head Lu said angrily, "Do you think I can only feint as head?"

Hu Yi quickly changed the topic: "Uh, how could it be, by the way, how did you come out?"

Head Lu looked at the map: "It's not complicated. There are insiders in the gun tower. Now tell me how you plan to kill Deputy Battalion Commander Li."

"Surround the spot to fight for aid." Hu Yi replied again, equally clean and neat.

"What if it wasn't the security forces from Luoye Village who came to help?"

"It can only be the security forces of Luoye Village!"

"Why are you so sure?"

"We cut off all the telephone lines, and the phone in the blockhouse couldn't get through, so we had to send people to ask for help. On the way to the other blockhouses, we arranged for people, and only let the people from Lushuipu call for help to Luoye Village. "

Head Lu sighed: "What if Li Bude's security forces don't come to help?"

Gao Yidao quickly expressed his opinion: "Then let's pull out the blockhouse of Lushuipu by the way."

Head Lu was annoyed: "That's right, you won't suffer anyway."

Gao Yidao expressed his opinion again: "I don't think this idea is good."

Lu Chang really wanted to kick this sly guy: "Why?"

"Since we have an inside line, why are we still beating Li Youde? Wouldn't it be better to just pull out the Lushui shop to the gun tower?"

Hu Yi carried it with a dark face: "This is a good idea. After pulling it out, replace it with someone we are not familiar with to guard? Just trap the independent group to death in the mountains?"

"That's not bad. At most, we can leave Hao Ping and Wu Yan in the mountains to fight guerrillas. We've gotten used to it for so many years. Anyway, we're not in the mountains now." Gao Yidao got excited.

"Look at your virtue. To us, taking down the gun towers is of no benefit to us except for a few more guns. In the current battle, someone pays us to show it off."

Gao Yidao finally understood the ins and outs, the leader and Hu Zasuai pretended to be confused, no good, they pissed together.

Gritting his teeth, "Hu Zaisui, why didn't you say it earlier?"

"You didn't ask."

Gao Yidao hated his teeth so much that he had to fight back: "In my opinion, it's best to use a small group of troops to attack Luoye Village and the surrounding artillery towers, and then let Wu Yan attack Lushuipu, so that the security forces think Our goal is Lushuipu, and finally we will attract the security forces from Luoye Village to help us, and attack halfway across the river."

"It's not the troops who crossed the river, but half crossed? It's not bad, I've learned a lot." Captain Lu still praised Gao Yidao.

Gao Yidao triumphantly said, "Hey, there is an educated student in my company.

Head Lu nodded: "Okay, that's a good idea, arrange the messengers to prepare."

Hu Yi called in the soldiers who were in charge of delivering orders outside the door, and explained them one by one.

Head Lu did not speak, watching the generals under him busy.

At three o'clock in the morning, the recruits of the Second Company and the Ninth Company, led by their respective squad leaders and platoon leaders, entered the surrounding artillery towers centered on Luoye Village, and the battles started one after another.

After only a row of gunshots, outside several blockhouses, eight-way grenade launchers began to throw a wave of grenades at the blockhouses.

In the artillery building, the eight-way firepower of the siege was found to be fierce, and the machine guns in the artillery building immediately returned fire. The company platoon leaders in each artillery building grabbed their phones and reported to the battalion headquarters of Luoye Village.

The sound of guns from far away also reached Luoye Village.

It wasn't long before Li Youde came to Luoye Village's barracks, looking at the messy headquarters, the phone rang non-stop.

"All the dozens of blockhouses were attacked?" Li Yong kept picking up the phone and putting it down again. With his level of command, he couldn't figure out the direction at all.

Bang, after a gunshot, the sentinel guarding the gate of the barracks was killed.

The gunshots alarmed the security forces in the barracks. The security forces who came out of each room smashed up the guys and went up to the wall. The platoon leaders and squad leaders commanded their subordinates under the urging of the company commander. Fight back outside the barracks.

The devil instructor who lived in the barracks hiccupped, put on his clothes and came to the barracks headquarters.

Li Yong hurried to the instructor of the Imperial Army and told what happened in the surrounding gun towers.

"Where did the Tuba Road get so many troops?" After listening to the report, the devil instructor was confused.

(End of this chapter)

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