under fire

Chapter 323 Cooperation

Chapter 323 Cooperation
The sky in the east is a little white.

Dozens of people outside the yard slept in the yard, on the roof.

The militiamen from all directions outside the village and the special agent platoon soldiers brought by platoon leader Wang were on duty.

In a dilapidated room in the yard, four people discussed together at the table.

One of them was a soy sauce girl, a girl in gray cloth, sitting on a stool with her back against the window, her braids swaying back and forth in the night wind, dozing off like a chicken pecking at rice.

"Probably the situation is like this. I think the only way to complete your mission is to enter the city." Su Qing said while closing a broken notebook in front of her.

"According to what you said, it's not impossible. It's just that we just came out of the mountains, and we don't have much experience. We really gained insight."

"Let me talk about my opinion. First of all, you must first determine a target. Most of the devils who are officials stay in the gendarmerie or barracks. We have figured out their rules long ago, but our main work direction is not This one, so I haven’t done anything, of course, it’s also due to the shortage of manpower.” Lao Zhou also understood that the mission assigned by the secret agents was to engage in assassination, which was completely different from the work direction of the task force.

"It's really great. I didn't expect you to do such a good job." Platoon Leader Wang smiled after hearing the introduction from Lao Zhou and Su Qing.

"About the situation of the advance team, the division has confirmed through the Devil's newspaper that the No.30 Sixth Division of the Devil, also known as the Snow Corps, has organized two special advance teams. The squadron leader, Lieutenant Mashiko Shigeo, and the squadron leader of the [-]th Regiment, Lieutenant Okawa Momoyoshi, led the operation." Su Qing took out a document from the briefcase next to him.

Platoon Leader Wang took the document and read it carefully for a while: "It seems that we ran for nothing this time!"

"Why?" Lao Zhou asked suspiciously.

"This group of devils is stationed in the XZ area in the north of Taiyuan. The information from the headquarters is accurate. This time, it's time for them to show their talents."

"No, it's not that simple. We learned from inside sources that the devils have ordered all local troops to adopt this method of attack because they used the advance team to attack and achieved great results. Therefore, we can't just watch them continue to develop."

"That's right, the division also means the same thing. One is to take revenge, kill some of the devil's officers, and give a severe blow to the advancing team prepared by the devil."

"Did the teacher say anything else?" Su Qing thought for a while, "I mean is there anything else the teacher needs our cooperation."

"Don't be fooled. This was originally a secret mission. We are all acquaintances. It's nothing to tell you. I still have to count on your cooperation." Platoon Leader Wang thought for a while. It's hard to move: "The division's instructions are to attack the Devil's North China Command at all costs. However, the task is arranged by the headquarters special task force. We are just covering this place and bluffing."

"Is there a time limit for the task?" Su Qing frowned.

"Yes, before the Chinese New Year this year, we must complete the task of eliminating a part of the devil's advance team." Platoon Leader Wang said through gritted teeth.

"Then when do you plan to act?" Su Qing asked again.

"You are also aware of the current situation. It is difficult for us as a group to enter and leave the city. This matter needs your help from Lao Zhou." Platoon Leader Wang smiled wryly.

Lao Zhou responded immediately: "That's not a problem, but I don't think there's any rush for this matter. We have to figure out a way first. Don't kill a devil who is an official, and put us in it. We can't do business that loses money."

The little girl changed her posture and opened her sleepy eyes: "You guys are still open, are you finished?"

"No one asked you to attend the meeting. You are really sleepy. Find a place to sleep by yourself." Su Qing said angrily.

"Uh, then you go on, I'll continue to listen."

She told this girl to go to bed a long time ago, but she insisted on staying here, saying that she is now the highest military commander of the Ninth Company, so she will not be able to participate in this meeting. Within 10 minutes of the meeting, she was crawling on the table and snoring, and she was bleeding. Drooling.

Platoon Leader Wang looked away from the girl: "This girl is actually very pitiful."

Su Qing turned around and came back: "Let me take a look at the specific situation first. I will screen the targets according to the difficulty level tomorrow morning. You can see how to act when the time comes. Lao Zhou and I have to call the insiders in the city for details." Come over and analyze it carefully.

Platoon Leader Wang yawned: "That's fine, I'll leave this to the two of you."

"They're all on their own, so why do you see outsiders?" Old Zhou Zhou said with a serious face.

Li Youde led the team and walked in the middle of the team. Because of him, the team walked very slowly. This time, he didn't even ride his little donkey.

Behind him, Li Yong followed closely with a large group of people, surrounding the two of them. No one could guarantee whether Balu would hide in the pits on both sides of the road and shoot black guns.

I heard that the imperial cavalry suffered a loss.



"I think the Eighth Route Army has just encountered a catastrophe. How could they have the courage to come out and make trouble again!" Li Yong carefully expressed his doubts.

Li Youde said slowly: "Li Yong, no matter what we do, we have to use our brains more. Think about it, if you are Eighth Route, if even your old nest is taken away, can you swallow this breath?"

"That's true, but the imperial army has passed by for a while, should we speed up?"

"Oh, you're right, it's just that your uncle and I have trouble moving now, which has dragged down the brothers. Why don't you take a team and leave first, and I'll come later?"

Li Yong was a little stunned, what does this mean, sir: When will he ask his own opinion?

This shows that you are doing well.

"Then I'll take someone away first?"

"Well, pay attention to safety on the road, but be careful, don't be taken advantage of by Balu."

"That's okay, I'll take two platoons and leave first, and I'll leave one platoon to protect you, sir."

"Go, the main force of the Eighth Route is attacking the artillery towers. These places are small groups of troops, so it's okay."

When they came out this time, most of the troops from Luoye Village came out, and those who stayed in the barracks were part of the troops that had just been drawn from other artillery towers to guard. It seemed that the goal of the Eighth Road was to open up the communication line into the mountain.

"Three, you arrange two to pull away from both sides of the road. Be careful, don't get in the way of the eight roads."

After Li Youde finished speaking, a confidant next to him agreed: "Yes!"

Then several black shadows, including the security forces named San, pulled away two or 300 meters to both sides, and pulled away from both sides of the army into the moonlight.

The distance traveled by San may be farther, and soon disappeared into the dim night.

"Reporting to the head of the regiment, Li Yong is in the team in the middle, with two platoons, about 70 people, and two machine guns."

"One platoon goes three miles to the south and cuts off the road to prevent the devils from returning to help. The others are ready to fight and deal with the incoming enemy within 10 minutes!" Commander Lu waved his hand and looked at the devil's car heading south, feeling relieved Not a lot.

To the north, a team trotted south, and the lights of cars five or six miles away were faintly visible.

Li Yong trotted in the middle of the team, these eight roads are really worry-free, can't you just stay in the mountains?
Da da da... da da da The sudden sound of machine guns shook the moonlit night.

The bullets were whistling, and a swarm of machine gun bullets swayed over arrogantly, with the sound of bullets plunging into the flesh.

The security forces reacted very quickly. As soon as the gun fired, many people immediately jumped into the ditch beside the road and stuck their heads directly into the hard soil on the side of the road, with their mouths covered in mud and blood.

"There is an ambush!" A platoon leader yelled out his throat, pulled the bolt of his rifle and fired a shot at the place where the fire was fired.

Do you still need to shout? A fool also knows that there is an ambush.

"Fight back, fight back quickly!"

The fan-shaped rifle shots on both sides of the road sounded rhythmically. After five rounds of bullets passed, a bright bayonet flashed coldly, forming a line from the gunpowder smoke, and suddenly appeared from the moonlit night beside the road.

The shouts of killing all over the place made the security forces terrified, and some of them subconsciously pulled their rifles and shot at the rushing shadow.

More people couldn't bear to put their heads directly into the soil, and the lying team behind got up and ran back directly.

(End of this chapter)

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