under fire

Chapter 324

Chapter 324
It's already bright.

Captain Maeda sat behind his desk with a gloomy face, and a young officer with the same gloomy face stood beside him.

Li Youcai stood obediently in front of the desk.

Maeda took a careful look at Li Youcai, who was dressed neatly, and asked in a deep voice, "Do you know why I called you here?"

Li Youcai quickly bowed, and replied with a doubtful voice: "Taijun, I just woke up, please tell me clearly."

"You really don't know?" Captain Maeda's face became even more gloomy, revealing murderous intent.

Li Youcai's heart was trembling, he had no idea at all, and carefully thought about the possible situation. With Qiantian's expression, Balu probably made a move towards Li Youde: "Back to Taijun, I really don't know. I have been busy helping Shangchuan during this time." Taijun is digging a blockade, I don’t know if Taijun called me, what do you want to tell me?”

Now he could only deny that as long as Taiwei didn't betray him, then there would be no problem with this matter. He never thought of doubting Hu Yi.

And Maeda arranged for someone to invite him early in the morning, instead of arresting him, so the matter should not have been exposed.

Thinking of this, he heaved a sigh of relief, and swore in his heart that next time he did such a thing, he would never pretend to be someone else, otherwise there would be a loophole in the first ring, and there would be no chance of turning over.

If the guess is correct, the person next to him should be a newcomer from the extra-high class, and he didn't go to the detective team, so it means that they also want to make things more secretive.

The slacker is his hard-core confidant, but knowing people and faces, he made up his mind again, this hidden danger must be eliminated no matter what!

Captain Maeda didn't speak, but the devil next to him said, "Li Sang is a friend of the empire, so I want to ask you a few questions, don't you mind?"

Li Youcai quickly turned his head: "Don't dare, please tell me!"

After finishing speaking, he stood quietly and obediently, and looked at the officer flatteringly: "How much do you know about the Sheep's Head Project?"

Li Youcai's heart tightened: it wasn't because of the question, but the look in the officer's eyes.

The dog traitor didn't underestimate this simple problem. He was used to the big wind and waves, so he didn't know that he encountered a problem again.

He knew that every word he said next was crucial. He didn't know exactly what Maeda knew, but what he was sure of was that there shouldn't be any problems with the Eighth Road, otherwise, the officer wouldn't be so polite.

"I don't know the specific situation. I'm just the contact person of the master. Later, after the bandits were wiped out, Mr. Maeda arranged for me to find a way to contact the informant in the eighth road. I arranged, and it also caused a lot of casualties to the eighth road, but I don't even know who the sheep's head is."

"Do you know Li Yong?"

"He is Li Youde's deputy battalion commander." Li Youcai replied in a low voice, and then asked carefully, "What's wrong with him?"

"He was ambushed by the Eight Route Army yesterday morning and died?" Maeda said slowly, his face still gloomy.

"Then, is there something wrong with Li Youde?" Li Youcai felt a little trembling in his heart, and hurriedly moved the topic a little further.

"It's the fault here, Li Sang. Tell me, why did the eighth army attack the front team and the rear team instead of the middle team?" The officer next to him didn't seem to care much about Maeda's words. Opinion, directly ask the dog traitor.

"Ah, how do I know this? I have never fought a war. I admit that I am lazy and I like to gamble. I know nothing about wars! If you don't believe me, ask Maharaja Maeda." Li Youcai turned his head to Maeda with a sad face.

Maeda's complexion improved slightly, and he nodded: "Li Sang is considered a talent in the detective team. His gun may not have been fired for a year. We checked, and you have been on the construction site all this time."

The officer next to him was surprised, and he was silent for a while and said, "Let me ask you, how does your insider contact you now?"

Li Youcai is not stupid, and said in detail about unimportant things: "Uh, after I left Lvbupu, I arranged for people to sneak into the Eighth Route Army. Those news were sent by lazy people, and I sent them to Maeda Taijun’s here, I was taken care of by Taijun later, and because I have been in the detective team for a long time, so Taijun re-arranged people to enter the mountain, I don’t know the specific situation, what happened?"

"Okay, it's none of your business." Maeda waved his hand.

Li Youcai slowly retreated to the door step by step, turned around and opened the door to go out.

in the office.

"The person who contacted Li Yong was personally arranged by me, and has nothing to do with him." Maeda's expression was still not very good.

"I just want to know how Balu accurately killed the informant?" The officer had a murderous look on his face.

"It was a battle, and there were sixty or seventy casualties. I think it may be a normal battlefield casualty." Maeda didn't know the specific situation.

"No, I think there is a slight doubt, we have to find out." The officer did not intend to give up on finding out the reason.

"I understand what you mean. Now, Li Yong is actually not very useful. It doesn't really matter if he is there or not." Maeda thought for a while.

"I don't agree with your opinion. We should put intelligence personnel in all the places that are useful to consolidate the occupied areas."

"You have already taken over the intelligence work, and I will not interfere with your next work. I hope you can handle the affairs of the detective team by yourself, and don't waste your energy on setting up cards for profit."

"Maeda-kun, your work is very effective. You are a candidate for a model county of law and order. Maybe you will be promoted and leave after a while, but please don't forget that everything we should do is to put the interests of the empire first."

"Are you teaching me what to do?"

"You shouldn't have reached a tacit agreement with the national government in private."

"Don't you know the base camp's plan to lure the government to surrender?"

"Please remember that the key work of the super high school is to infiltrate the non-occupied areas. Please pay more attention to the work in the occupied areas."

"Where you need my cooperation, just say it."

"We have to use that Lin Xiu, and it is in our interest to let the Chinese kill each other!"

"You can let go and do it." Maeda's face returned to calm.

"This Li Youcai is a very good breakthrough, but he holds our intelligence line, which is very bad." The officer was a little helpless.

"I understand what you mean, he knows too much." Maeda tapped his fingers on the table.

"The eight-mile line must be expanded into a network. There is news from the inside line in Jinshan that he can't contact Yangtou now. We can't put our hopes on him alone."

"This is the work you are going to carry out now!" Maeda has already received the news. If there is no accident, he will be promoted in a short time, and he will be transferred from this ordinary county without any disturbance.

"Because of this, Li Yong was suddenly killed shortly after our insider got in touch with him. I suspect that Li Youde had colluded with Eighth Route."

"No, no, no, you can't look at it this way. In the occupied areas, you can't guarantee that every Chinese is one-hearted with the empire. They take refuge in us, either by taking advantage of our power, or when they have nowhere to go. In general, interests, Benefits are the prerequisite for them to be with us, do you understand?"

"I understand, but as an occupied area, the schools in Meixian have not started teaching Japanese until now. This is your dereliction of duty. At the same time, the cavalry is broken in your defense area. You are also to blame."

"I'm a soldier, so I take on the responsibilities that should be borne by me. The cavalry is not under my command. And, please remember, my scope of work does not include cultural infiltration in the occupied areas." Maeda frowned.

"The empire is currently tense, I hope you can help solve this problem!"

(End of this chapter)

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