under fire

Chapter 325

Chapter 325

One morning a few days later, after breakfast.

The little girl left Su Qing's office, thinking whether to go to find Hu Yi who just came over last night, or to go back to her small room and have a good sleep.

There was a burst of shouting from the village.

The Eighth Route Army was not able to carry out blatant activities in every village. The common people hated the devils to the bone when they saw too many gangsters who killed, robbed and forcibly collected food.

There are a few educated old gentlemen in this village, and the villagers are united as one. Although the devils have strengthened the management of the occupied areas, the people in the village are obedient on the surface, and have been providing cover for the militia, work teams, and the Eighth Route Army.

The little girl went out, went to the door where Luo Fu slept in the next yard, called Xu Xiao, the follower who was guarding here, and walked carelessly to the noisy place in the village.

Wang Liujin and the girl are old acquaintances. At this time, they are wearing a small gown with patches on the shoulders; Full of dense mustaches.

At such a young age, several wrinkles showed on his forehead, and now he was dressed like a real farmer.

He looks thin and tall, but his body is full of muscles, full of strength.

He was dark-skinned, and he was watching the soldiers training for fighting on the plains. The soldiers climbed over the walls, jumped out of the windows, climbed into the houses and crawled forward, touching the roots of the walls and advancing alternately. It was very hot.

Seeing that, the girl's heart was burning, and she wondered if she should learn it too. She wouldn't know the unique skill of the young soldier who kicked on the wall twice and jumped up to the roof.

The troops that shot Li Youde disappeared on the plain after dawn.

Gao Yidao, who had distributed [-] guns, led his men to the east and left by himself.

According to the instructions of the head of the regiment, Hu Yide continued to enter the enemy-occupied area through the blockade, and cooperated with the underground organization to carry out the work of cracking down on traitors and opening up new base areas.

Facing the rising sun, Hu Yi dressed in common people's attire, followed by Ma Liang and Pu Buhuan in the same attire, the three of them had wandered around the village and got acquainted with the surrounding environment.

The sun was just out and the heat wave hadn't even started yet.

People in and out of the village gave them friendly smiles and even said hello. Hu Yi hadn't had such close contact with the villagers for a long time, so he still looked at them blankly and then turned and left.

The stares of several ordinary people were shocked, and they ran away quickly.

Common people have seen many cold Eighth Route Army soldiers like him. After fighting many battles, many soldiers have developed a cold and arrogant look, and the villagers don't care.

On the contrary, Ma Liang kept saying hello to the villagers watching from a distance.

There are basically no strong laborers in the village, and most of them are recruited by the devils to dig blockades or repair blockhouses.

The three of them stopped under a tree on a road outside the village. In midsummer, the field was not full of green, but patches of yellow land dotted with color.

With a depressed mood, Hu Yi took out the binoculars and glanced at the desolation all around him.

The situation in front of him made him return to the northeast plain, the same situation, just as bad.

With the flag flying on the top of the blockhouse in the distance, Hu Yi knew that there were not only traitors in the blockhouse, but also many compatriots who had no choice but to survive.

The three of them turned into the village from the east again. Looking at Wang Liujin's soldiers on the training ground, Hu Yi suddenly felt calm and comfortable.

The figures of Ya Tou and Xu Xiao flashed in sight, which made Hu Yi feel dazzled.

"Company Commander Hu, Old Pu, who is this?" Platoon Leader Wang saw the three of them coming in, but he didn't expect to get up so early after dawn.

Ma Liang looked at the unique training methods of the training soldiers, his eyes lit up, he turned his head, and immediately extended his hand first: "My name is Ma Liang, the first platoon leader of the Ninth Company of the Independent Regiment, hello!"

"I'm Wang Liujin from the division's special agent platoon." Wang platoon leader smiled brightly and shook hands with Ma Liang and the others one by one.

Hu Yi was an acquaintance with Park Buhuan and the platoon leader Wang. Hu Yi didn't speak, but Park Buhuan talked enthusiastically to the platoon leader Wang, giving pointers to the soldiers' training.

After Hu Yi arrived here with his troops before dawn, he met Su Qing and old Zhou first, and probably knew the current situation.

Turning around from the training soldiers: "I heard that you have been here for a few days, are you still used to it?"

"To fight in the plains, this is also the first time for me to get on the sedan chair. I heard that Company Commander Hu fought the advance team several times. I didn't hear you say it last time we were together. I can't hide it this time, haha."

Hu Yi evaluated objectively: "Your soldiers are of good quality."

"Hehe, I actually only have one squad here, and the others were only transferred from the troops near the division headquarters." Platoon Leader Wang gradually became a little lonely as he spoke: "It's a pity that I have been out for so long, and I haven't even beaten the devils, so I'm so depressed .”

Hu Yi didn't speak.

"Why, Captain Hu, isn't your team training?" Platoon Leader Wang asked again.

Hu Yi was taken aback, his old face flushed slightly: "I drove all night last night, let the brothers rest first."

The platoon leader Wang, who didn't know why, continued: "No matter how busy we are, we can't miss our training!"

Hu Yi smiled: "You guys train first, I have to leave beforehand."

After speaking, he turned around and left, Ma Liang followed behind Hu Yi, Pu Buhuan thought for a while, and then followed.

The platoon leader Wang was left at a loss.

The Ninth Company is currently divided into two parts. Most of the recruits stay in the west, and Lao Qin leads Tian Sanqi to train. Those recruits are more willing to train than to take ideological classes, so they are very motivated to train.

Among the group of recruits that Ma Liang brought back from the execution ground, someone must have a problem.

Hu Yi just told the truth to the head of the regiment. After thinking about it for a long time, the head of the regiment decided to take all the recruits away and go into the mountain.

The head of the regiment didn't say how to deal with it, and Hu Yi didn't ask either. It should be the political commissar who has a headache.

Old Du, the militia captain who came here not long ago, stayed with Lao Qin. He was born as a bandit, but it didn't matter. Those who escaped from the disaster had him to do the work, and it is estimated that they should be able to gain something.

Lao Meng's men all changed into ordinary people's clothes, scattered around the village where Lao Qin trained recruits, and selected many people from the escaped villagers to form a militia.

As for the screening of the identities of these escaped people, Hu Yi took the list and handed it over to Su Qing and Lao Zhou last night for them to conduct a secret investigation. There are too many people and the investigation is very difficult.

It is easy to develop troops on the plain, but it is too easy for the army to be mixed with sand by devils.

However, according to the political commissar of the head of the regiment, even if he is forced by the devils and traitors to be an internal response, as long as he joins the Eighth Route Army, sooner or later he will become a member of the resistance against the devils.

Not to mention, the next day, Lao Qin dragged the recruits and the ordinary people who had fled to the side of the hundreds of people's pits they discovered to do ideological work.

Not to mention anything else, just the stench emanating from the pit can make people want to skin the devil and cramp.

Through the window, Hu Yi looked at Su Qing writing with a calligraphy brush, with short hair covering his ears and his fair neck, and wanted to leave.

But before he knew it, he came to Su Qing's door, but the door was not closed.

"Are you here?" Su Qing was writing, and out of the corner of her eye, she saw Hu Yi coming in, without even raising her head, she asked lightly.

Hu Yi entered the room, and she was alone in the room. There was a pile of written notes on the table. It seemed that she should have been writing.

Lao Zhou should have been sent out to investigate the villagers, so he didn't come back so soon.

Park Buhuan, who was following behind, was dragged away by Ma Liang's excuse to learn some shooting skills.

Su Qing finished writing the last piece of paper, put down the pen, and rubbed his clear fingers: "The list of traitors approved by the division to carry out the suppression. Next, we will arrest these traitors one by one, or shoot them directly!"

Hu Yi didn't say a word, quietly looking at the words written by Su Qing on the table.

There are not many words, and they are all written on a note that is about a foot long and palm wide. The words are very large: heinous crimes, unrepentant, and enemies of the people.
"Why are you writing this?" Hu Yi regretted the words as soon as he uttered them. He was asking the question knowingly.

Su Qing didn't care: "The purpose of the task force's current policy towards the enemy is to clarify the target and specifically find the worst suppression, so as to try to educate more puppet soldiers and traitors to repent."

Hu Yi frowned: "Isn't it just to kill the chicken and show it to the monkey?"

"It can be understood that not everyone in the puppet army maintenance committee or even the detective team sincerely surrenders to the enemy. Maybe they are forced by life. We have to fight for it, but for those enemies who eat people and don't spit out their bones, we must give them Hang a knife over your head!"

"How to suppress it? Just kill it?"

"No, some of them will be arrested, and then a mass public trial will be held in secret, and then they will be executed by shooting!"

"Shot? Wouldn't it be better to stab with a bayonet? It also saves bullets." After Hu Yi finished speaking, he suddenly found that she seemed not as cold as before, and when he was with her, he seemed to speak a lot more quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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