under fire

Chapter 326 Progress

Chapter 326 Progress
Ma Liang dragged Park Buhuan back to the training ground, and said to Wang Liujin, "Do you know? This is a master!"

Pu Buhuan was praised by Ma Liang, and immediately changed into a smiling face: "Where is there any master who can do three-legged cat kung fu twice!"

Platoon Leader Wang's eyes lit up: "Do you know kung fu?"

"Hey, a few years ago, I learned a few moves from the man who opened a martial arts gym in Shanghai."

"Don't listen to him, I heard he can dodge bullets!"

"Hahaha, blow, keep blowing!"

A few people were talking, when a braid suddenly appeared on the opposite wall, and then, with a bang, a girl fell down from above.

The landing was unstable and fell on a big horse.

He stood up, rubbed his calves and arms, grinned and shouted at the wall behind him: "This time, I used too much force. Don't you know how light I am? Still using so much force?"

Then, another head popped up from behind the wall, skillfully supported the top of the wall with its hand, and flew down from the wall.

Cross your legs and stand firmly on the ground.

Although the wall was not high, maybe less than three meters, these two could climb over the wall quickly, and Platoon Leader Wang was dumbfounded.

There are quite a few people in the Eighth Route Army who know how to use kung fu.

Pan Zhuzi's sword skills in Sanlianli are good.

"Report, the work team's method of going to the room is really good!" A squad leader of the secret service team turned out from behind the wall and ran to the platoon leader Wang, beaming with joy.

"What's the matter, can you still have fun in the last room?" Platoon Leader Wang asked subconsciously.

"It's really good, let me show you!" The soldier said, standing in a horse stance, with his arms drooping, his wrists turned up in front of his lower abdomen, and crossed: "Xu Xiao, come here and do a turn. "

Xu Xiao responded: "Success!"

He trotted two steps in front of the soldier, raised his leg and stepped on the soldier's crossed wrist, Xu Xiao jumped up, and pressed one hand on the soldier's head.

The soldier straightened his legs vigorously, raised his body, and at the same time exerted force with his arms, lifting Xu Xiao's foot that was stepping on his hand upwards, and sent Xu Xiaoshang upwards with a loud shout.

Xu Xiao used his hands and feet vigorously, and flew over the soldier's head with a bang!

Then he spread his legs firmly and landed on the ground, took out the shell gun at his waist, and made a shooting gesture!

There was applause and applause all around.

"Xu Xiao, yes, where did you learn this skill?" Platoon Leader Wang's eyes lit up.

"Hey, the big dog taught it." Xu Xiao was proud, but smirked awkwardly.

"Don Big Dog?" He knows how to do this, why don't I know?Ma Liang asked in surprise.

"He's really good at it, I'll show you one more."

After Xu finished his novel, he put the gun into the holster and ran quickly against a wall. When he was almost at the base of the wall, he lowered his body, made a vigorous jumping posture with his left foot on the ground, jumped up, and kicked his legs high towards the earth wall. , the body continues to rise, the left foot is lifted higher, and the body continues to go up with the push force. When the body is close to the wall, half of the body has passed the top of the wall, the right foot has already stepped on the top of the wall, and the hand is on the wall. With a push up, the body swung horizontally, and flew over the courtyard wall with a whoosh.

"Ouch, ah."

Two strange screams and howling ghosts and wolves came from the other side of the wall.

Everyone forgot to applaud, and hurriedly turned behind the wall.

The big dog had a piece of wheatgrass on its mouth, and was carrying a well-maintained horse Sihuan, followed by a few people, who turned out from the yard at some point.

Just happened to see that scene, and scolded: "What the hell have you never seen the world!"

Then he turned around and walked away with a few of his men.

The three people behind the wall fell to the ground and rolled into a ball. Fortunately, they were not injured.

Pulling each other to stand up.

A line of blood came out of one soldier's nose.

Xu Xiao sucked back the snot that came out, and stood by to apologize.

"Brother Ma Liang, hey, where is that Big Dog Tang? Let them teach us too?" Seeing that they were all fine, Platoon Leader Wang turned to discuss with Ma Liang.

"Here, that's the one with the hat crooked over there." Ma Liang stood by the wall and snarled at the big dog walking away.

"Ah! Do you all know how to do this?" Paichang Wang ran two steps, then came back and asked Xu Xiao.

Ma Liang looked uncomfortable. He never thought that the big dog he had always looked down upon was a guy who kept his secrets.

"That's not true. This guy has been hiding. If he wants to teach him, I think the company commander will come forward." Ma Liang is also a little eager to try.

"He's gone crazy, Xu Xiao, go and call him over." The girl who watched the excitement next to her rubbed her reddened arm.

When the big dog came over, the girl was still rubbing her arms.

"What the hell, what's the matter?" He looked at the girl warily.

"Brother Big Dog, see if you can teach us these unique skills." Platoon Leader Wang next to him smiled and asked sincerely.

Tang Dagou turned his head and looked up and down the platoon leader Wang: "Hehe, isn't this Brother Liujin? When did you come here?"

Platoon Leader Wang tried his best to keep his words low-key: "We have a task, I think you taught Xu Xiao those two tricks are very powerful, we are all on our own, so teach me?"

Big Dog Tang stared: "What the hell, you don't want to learn?"

"Of course I want to learn!" Platoon Leader Wang said seriously.

"Fuck, I don't have time." Tang Dagou looked smug, looking at Wang Liujin deflated in front of him.

"Hey, your wings are stiff, didn't you see me here? Don't you want to save face?" The girl shook her arms twice.

Tang Dagou looked at the girl disdainfully: "Who the hell do you think you are? Why give you face?"

"Really don't give it, don't regret it!" The girl looked at Tang Dagou's complacent look.

"Whoever regrets is a dog!" The big dog didn't buy into the wicked girl's account at all.

"I heard from the fox that the militia from the bartending station should come over here. I see that the enemy-occupied area is so far away and dangerous. I have to tell the fox that it's better to stay in the mountains. It can also ensure the safety of Sister Osmanthus and the others. "The girl bared her teeth and muttered softly to herself.

Tang Dagou was dumbfounded.

"Okay, I'll teach, can't I teach, don't you think so, girl?" Tang Dagou immediately put on a flattering smile.

After finishing speaking, he immediately turned his head and gave an order to the unwashed men behind him who were wearing puppet military uniforms, hats slanted on their backs, and loose armed belts: "What the hell are you still doing in a daze? Give them to death Lilian, Lao Tzu who can't learn it will make him regret being a man!"

The sun was rising high, and the clothes of the trainees were all soaked. A few puppet soldiers with crooked hats were squatting at the base of the wall, smoking.

"Brother Big Dog, teach them that if a war starts, it won't be worthwhile for them to run faster than us!" A guy reminded softly when no one was paying attention.

"What the hell do you know? These guys are all hard bones. They are desperate to fight. In the future, they will stand in front of them, and the brothers will just slip away."

"Well, that's not bad. Let me ask you, when will the days of the eight roads end?"

"What the hell are you not enlightened at all? We are fighting for the common people now, and killing all the devils is a head!" Tang Dagou said nonchalantly.

"Haha, I gave you some color and you opened a dyeing room. Who do you think you are? After two days of learning ideas from the old man surnamed Ding, you think you are also a character?" The monkey next to him pulled his hat and fanned the wind, A look of disdain.

"What do you think of me now?"

"How about what?"

"Let me ask you, have I made progress now?"

"Progress? What is progress? You're an ass, you listen to what a girl says!" The monkey rolled his eyes.

"Monkey, what the hell are you kidding yourself, you... go out now and bring those idiots to the house!"

"Hey? Isn't it right? Your mother's Tang Dagou, you dare to avenge your own private revenge, and you can't even say you?"


"Okay, you're a man, there's nothing wrong with Miss Osmanthus." Monkey rolled his eyes.

Tang Dagou watched a soldier run by: "What are you looking at? Keep turning!"

Then he turned to the monkey and asked, "Is there really no problem?"

Pu Buhuan, who was watching the excitement not far away, was talking to Ma Liang with a look of disdain.

 The 35th Division of the Japanese Army, the First Independent Mixed Brigade, and the Japanese and puppet troops in 8 surrounding counties totaled more than 1.5 people.The second battalion of the fourth regiment contained the enemy, and the main force shifted to the outside.After the Second Battalion finished blocking the enemy, covering the party and government organs and the transfer of the masses, unfortunately it was surrounded and most of them died heroically.In this "mopping up", the devils carried out the inhumane "Three Alls Policy" of killing, burning, and robbing all, causing serious losses of life and property in Neihuang, Gaoling, Weihe, and Dunqiu.5 villages were robbed, more than 142 people were martyred, more than 3400 houses were burned, water wells were blown up, hundreds of thousands of trees were felled, and property was looted.

  After the anti-mopping up campaign, the Party, government, army and National Salvation Association of the Hebei, Shandong and Henan districts mobilized more than 120 people to form 5 work teams to condolence to the victims, distribute relief food, and organize production for self-help.

(End of this chapter)

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