under fire

Chapter 327

Chapter 327


Some soldiers dressed in common people's clothes fetched water and repaired houses for the villagers. More people leaned against the wall and worked under the sun for most of the day, exhausted and grinding their lips to exchange ideas.

The rifles were placed in clusters in the open space, looking from a distance like the guerrillas resting on the [-]th.

Although there are many people in the village, it is quite quiet, except for the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground.

The energetic ones are still climbing over the wall and touching the root of the wall.

Hu Yi had just arrived and didn't have a separate place to live, so he drove Luo Fugui to the ground and slept all afternoon by himself.

Awakened by the girl again, the two walked to Su Qing's office one after the other.

"Aren't you going over the wall?"

"If there is anything to turn over, I will already know it!"

"Pu Buhuan's tricks are not bad, you can learn from them."

"Oh, he took all of Ma Liang's clothes to bask in the sun, look I'm tanned!"

"Let me see, what happened to the scratch on your arm?"

"I didn't stand still when I jumped off the wall."

"Does it hurt?"

"What do you say?"

"Deserving it."


"Su, what did she call me?"

"What else can you do? The letter that the political commissar asked you to bring mentioned the matter of the sheep's head. She asked you to check the situation."

"Uh, are you still used to it here?"

"I'm not used to it. There is no river to swim in, and I can't shoot a gun. Last time, if the vixen hadn't reacted quickly, my aunt would have killed those black dogs!"

The two talked and laughed and turned to Su Qing's room.

The girl took the teacup in front of Su Qing and drank it.

"Why do you conclude that Li Yong is number three in the devil's plan?" Su Qing analyzed carefully.

"Li Youcai said it."

"It's unlikely. I have investigated this person, and with his thoughtfulness, he doesn't have that ability."

"Who knows? The plan was made by the dead devil Uehara." Hu Yi frowned.

"The biggest threat to the devils is the Independence Regiment and the Rape Removal Squad. The devils put people into the Eighth Route Army, and the Rape Removal Squad has no problem. It is reasonable to recruit Jin Baola, but Li Youde has changed from the president of the maintenance president to the battalion commander of the security army, so there is no threat at all. , According to Li Youcai, there should be four sheep heads, but he said that there are only three files, and the number is not right."

"At least Li Youde thinks he's unreliable, and it's our job to fight the stubborn security forces, er, that's what the political commissar said." Hu Yi thought for a while.

"I don't think you can dig out the sheep's head by doing this. The group leader brings the group of people brought back by Ma Liangliang into the mountain, which is too risky for any aspect." Su Qing thought for a while.

"We are active in this area, only the regiment leader, political commissar and Gao Yidao know!"

"Isn't that right? At least Lao Qin and Lao Meng know about it, and the identities of Lao Meng's guerrillas have not been fully investigated. There must be some problems among them!"

"They are on the west side of the blockade, and they don't know our exact location. Even if there are spies, what's the problem?"

"I have drawn up a plan, and the work on anti-enemy agents must be carried out immediately!"

"I'm not very good at this!"

"The division ordered to carry out the anti-revolutionary movement again, streamline the troops and streamline the administration, and carry out the mass production movement. We are short of manpower now. I am going to report to the regiment and transfer some well-educated soldiers with strong thinking and assign them to various villages to carry out work!"

Hu Yi also came with a special team. They were all women, led by Captain Liu of the guerrilla team. They were all dressed in linen and gray trousers.

The armed belts are all eight-way equipment, everyone is complete, and they have only been here for a day, and most of them are hanging out with fellow villagers in the village, except for the second girl, because she wants to pass on information and try not to show her face.

Because they are all women, they work more carefully. First, the sanitation in the village has been improved. Wang Xiaosan, who is in charge of cooking, is much more relaxed. Finally, she finds time to train with Ma Liang.

Luo Fugui sent the tree trunk on his shoulders to the roof. After Li Xiang and others who were repairing the roof pulled the tree trunk up, Luo Fugui walked to the next eaves panting heavily.

Lifting the earthen jar filled with water, sucking up the remaining half of the jar of cold water in one breath, he suggested with a loud voice: "Anyway, I can't finish today, so I can save it for tomorrow!"

Li Xiang put the piece of wood on the roof in a safe place, put a small wooden stick on it and pressed an iron nail on it, and swung the hammer a few times: "It needs to be done quickly, the roof here is not repaired, and there will be tiles at any time." It might fall and hit someone, making it impossible to live, and we have to deal with it in the yard."

"You said... Since the roof is being repaired, can you open a few holes in the brick house?"

"Okay, do you want to shoot holes?" Li Xiang stopped what he was doing and asked.

"Well, let's open a few more holes that are half the height of a person!" Luo Fugui thought for a while, leaving a way out.

"Uh, no problem. You can dig a tunnel. You can go to Banxian. Aren't they busy digging holes at the entrance of the village?"

"Go find them later, uh, can you build a few more machine gun bunkers on the roof?"

"In this place?" Li Xiang looked at Luo Fugui, then looked around, building a bunker here?It's useless: "If you want to repair it, you have to build it at the entrance of the village, or the location must be right at the intersection of entering the village. What are you doing with the roof in the middle of the yard? There are obstacles all around, and there is no shooting circle?"

"Can't I go to watch on the top and sleep by the way?" The bear pouted.

"OK then!"

"and many more!"


"Go pick up two baskets of soil!"

"Forget it, uh, can you put a ladder on the roof?"

The last trace of the sun melted into the mountains, fading the excited figure of a team. The team was mixed with the maintenance team, the landlord, and the investigation team, and slowly walked into a village.

The tree people who got the news hurriedly closed the door, and gathered around the door to look out nervously.

The Qingxiang Squad was so vile that they ran around the villages all day long, searching for traces of the Eighth Route Army guerrillas.

The dogs and traitors of the investigation team are keen to do this. For one thing, there are old landlords who have been attacked by the Eighth Route Army or the guerrilla squad of the Armed Task Force. They are always looking for opportunities to retaliate. Execute extortion immediately.

For minor cases, a large sum of fines will be fined, and for those who are serious and unrepentant, they will be directly tied up and sent to the county police prison.

If you can't pay the fine, you don't want to repent!
And the staff who can catch the wounded or singled out of the Eighth Route Army can make a fortune. As for the established Eighth Route Army, I haven’t heard of it in the past two months anyway, so I became more courageous and contacted various parties in the dark. Eyeliner of the village.

The traitors and lackeys also found out their experience, and the best thing to check was the huts of ordinary people!Because as long as it is found that there is paper to wipe the buttocks after defecating in the latrine of the house, that house will be connected!
Nine out of ten checks are accurate!
Because ordinary people use thorns, wood chips, tiles, bricks, and stones to solve the problem!
Ordinary people can't afford to use straw paper at all!
Yang Lizi, the leader of the idle investigation team, uttered harsh words. The Eighth Route Army killed his brother. Now he wants revenge. He thinks that his brother did nothing wrong. He just led devils to arrest a few Eighth Route wounded, and then was suppressed by the Anti-Japanese Democracy up!

He couldn't swallow the breath.

Aren't the Eight Routes all bandits?
The national government used to publicize this way, and the imperial army also said the same thing when they came, and you can get five oceans if you catch an eighth road!Yang Laizi made an informant and arrested two Eight Routes, so he was able to join the detective team and even became the team leader of this area.

It's best to get in touch with those big households in the village, otherwise, just relying on the rewards for arresting people, it's not enough to dispatch so many people.

When it was almost dawn last night, one of his eyeliners found a group of people coming from the west. The group was very vigilant, their eyesight was not good, and they were timid, so they didn't dare to follow. He guessed that group of people should be nearby several villages.

When a stranger appeared in the village, but there was no other intelligence to report, Yang Mangzi was furious. As for whether it was the Eighth Route, who was still running around at night these days, there was probably something wrong with it.

"Captain Yang, there seems to be nothing wrong, is there a mistake in the news?" A subordinate came to report.

"Stay away from me. Er Gouzi said he saw a group of people coming over with his own eyes. He is absolutely right. You go and call Er Gouzi over!" Yang Laizi looked at the closed doors of every house: "Give all the doors to me." I knock it open!"

 Chapter Name, Homecoming Mission.

(End of this chapter)

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