under fire

Chapter 328 Distress

Chapter 328 Distress
The village was getting darker and darker. Lao Zhou had already received news that the village clearing team had entered the village. The comrades in the village went out to inquire about the news. These traitors had already sent people around the village and guarded the intersection.

Can't get out now!Holding the pistol tightly in his hand, and the two magazines on his body, it was given to him by that girl.

The traitors habitually imitated the devils, lit two piles of fires in the square in the south of the village, knocked on doors from house to house, and drove the people to the square.

No one resisted the simple people, but fortunately they were all bastards, so the women and girls were relieved.

The traitors with torches were rampant in the village. Uncle Sun asked Lao Zhou to go up to the roof. Seeing that the traitors who came in and rummaged through boxes and cabinets found nothing, they were pushed out of the yard. go.

Lao Zhou lay on the roof and watched the villagers' families being driven to the square in the south of the village by the traitors. He felt indescribably useless, and he felt indescribably grateful to Lao Suntou's family.

I carefully thought about my whereabouts after entering the village. Because I entered the village in broad daylight, I must have fallen into the eyes of those who are interested. It is not safe to stay here. After most of the people went to the square, Lao Zhou observed After a while, he jumped down from the house, walked out of the courtyard door, and entered the broken courtyard on the opposite side where the door was not locked in time. He climbed up to the roof along the ladder on the wall, and could barely see the scene on the square.

The traitors are not stupid, knowing that it is difficult to get words out of the mouths of some ordinary people, they directly pulled the group of children aside.

He kicked the young women who wanted to take their children. Facing the black hole of the gun, the women kept trembling and sobbing, and the men only dared to stare at each other.

This kind of thing has gone through several times, and the villagers know that these dog traitors are playing tricks from children's mouths again!

Both the traitors and the villagers knew that the two sons of Uncle Sun's family had joined the Eighth Route Army. The traitors did not dare to do anything to Uncle Sun and the two elders because the guerrillas were active in this area.

Now, the eight roads are almost finished, so let's give this old man surnamed Sun some color to see if he can't pay.

Yang Laizi didn't pay any attention to the security chief next to him who was delivering cigarettes and water, he was thinking about how to get money.

Facing the crowd, he sneered and asked, "Tell me, where is Balu hiding?"

More than a dozen traitors stood in a circle with torches, surrounding the forty or fifty ordinary people who were making a fuss and making noise. Because these guys who betrayed their ancestors had guns in their hands, all the surrounded villagers were silent and nervous. Watching the arrogant traitors yelling.

Even the weeping women stopped their voices and stood trembling in the crowd.

"Don't tell me, right? We have received the news a long time ago. If we don't say it, the detective team will find out that it will be different, and it will kill your whole family." Yang Laizi threatened, feeling unsatisfied, and added: " If the imperial army finds out, hehe, you all know the consequences, your family will be ruined!"

Others are not sure. He doesn't know how many of those eight roads have come, and he doesn't know whether he is in this village. His idea is very simple. If he can't find it in this village, he will look for it in the next village. Some cowards.

Yang Laizi tore off a bag from a traitor next to him who didn't know where he got it, patted the gray cloth bag containing millet, and said with a smile, "Whoever said it, this bag of millet will belong to him!"

The villagers still didn't respond. If anyone said anything, then the eighth road is not a good stubble, and it is guaranteed that one day they will settle their accounts after autumn.

"I already knew that you guys are stones in the latrine, smelly and hard, so, don't tell me, right? Wait for your family to be destroyed!" After finishing speaking, he turned his head and gestured to the two traitors next to him.

The two traitors smiled and walked towards the separated group of children.

The villagers immediately went into a commotion. No one wanted their children to be selected by the traitors. When the old Zhou of the democratic government entered the village, many villagers saw it. As for which children had seen it, no one knew.

"Tsk tsk, they are all good boys. Who can tell me where the people who entered the village yesterday are? I'll give you candy." A traitor conjured a candy wrapped in paper from his pocket.

A dozen half-grown children were looking at the candy wrapped in gray paper by the fire. It was delicious!

The children followed the candy with their eyes.

"I know!" A seven or eight-year-old child couldn't resist the temptation and opened his mouth to look at the man in black in front of him.

"Good boy, uncle knows that you are the best, well, this candy is yours." The traitor immediately smiled.

Two women in the crowd rushed forward crazily, an old woman and a young woman were ashen-faced, being pulled tightly by several black dogs.

"Son, Qiancheng can't say it, how can we hold our head up if you tell us."

"My mother said it, I can't say it!" The child hesitated for a moment, and reluctantly returned the candy to the traitor.

The traitor took the candy and weighed it in his hand twice, but he was not angry, and said with a smile: "Others know it too, if you don't tell me, if they do, you won't have your share of the candy, okay?"

"I know, that person is at Grandpa Sun's house." A child couldn't stand the temptation and shouted directly.

A woman in the crowd immediately fainted to the ground, and several aunts nearby hurried forward, picked up the woman, pinched the woman, and the woman was distraught.

"Old grandson, you are quite courageous, haha, your family is not bad, and your two sons voted for eight ways, I think you are not a good person, you dare to know eight ways, come on, go to his house and catch that eight way for me! "Yang Laizi was overjoyed, he was really the "richest man" in the village, old man Sun!


This traitor forgot that Er Gouzi came with a team of informants!

He can't manage so much, if he can catch one, he will get five yuan safely, and this old guy surnamed Sun will have to squeeze some more money out of his family.

His family's dozens of acres of land, hahaha, is in a happy mood.

It seems that the trip was worthwhile.

The two traitors walked towards the crowd, and the villagers around Uncle Sun and his wife automatically dispersed and kept their distance.

It's not difficult to catch people!

Two black dogs walked straight into the crowd.

No one noticed, a bayonet suddenly slipped from his sleeve.

The young militiaman brought by Lao Zhou entered the village separately from Lao Zhou. He doesn't care how many traitors you have, his mission is to protect Lao Zhou's safety.

Lao Zhou was still in the village, as long as he made any noise, Lao Zhou would probably move to another place, so he decided to do it.

In his heart, he was thinking about the desperate face of his wife who was killed by devils. The child should be adopted by someone from the organization. Since he joined the militia, he was going to fight the enemy for the first time.

He was a little excited, but his hand was steady, the tip of the bayonet was horizontal, and he took a step forward. Before the traitor could react, the bayonet directly stabbed into the stomach of the traitor who was squeezing in front of him.

The traitor's eyes are full of fear!despair
During training, an Eighth Route Army soldier said that a bayonet held in one hand cannot be stabbed in the chest, because the opponent may detect it face to face, and it will be caught by the opponent's bones.

He remembered the movement very clearly, the bayonet stably passed through the thin silk shirt, and the tip of the knife pierced upwards into the traitor's body.

He practiced this action many times on the straw man tied with straw.

Perhaps, I will never have the opportunity to learn how to use a gun.

The rifle of the guerrilla instructor is very bright.

Then, he yelled out loudly to embolden himself.

At this time, his tense heart began to tremble, he pulled out the bayonet, stabbed it down again, and then stabbed again. In a few seconds, he stabbed more than a dozen times!

He forgot that there was a traitor next to him.

The traitor was also frightened and stupid, forgot the shell gun he was still holding in his hand, turned around and ran away with a strange cry.

In an instant, the crowd immediately exploded: "Killed"

People are no longer afraid of the black holes around them, and they run around.
(End of this chapter)

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