under fire

Chapter 330 Black Eat Black

Chapter 330 Black Eat Black

The night is not deep, the moon is high, the sky is full of stars, the village is in a mess, there are footsteps running, the sound of rummaging everywhere, mixed with the fire in the village.

On the square in the south of the village, a large number of ordinary people stared at the movement in the village with fear.

A team swayed rapidly under the moon, the gray figure was not clear, and it was all gray.

When the shadowy figures approached the entrance of the village, the soldiers divided into three groups. Judging from the posture, it was sure to encircle the village.

In the east of the village, a traitor guarding the intersection was lying behind a tree, holding a pistol and watching the approaching team vigilantly. He was hesitating whether to go up and report his number, or go back to the village to report to Captain Yang.

The traitor thought about it for a while, and thought that the gunshots should have attracted the detective teams from other places. If they were allowed to enter the village, wouldn't the credit be divided in half?

So he decided to stop the people outside the village first.

"Stop, the Home Returning Group will handle the case, and the unrelated people will be diverted."

No one in the team walking in the dark spoke, and the leader walked directly in front of him.

Finally, two people in the line stopped.

The traitor finally saw clearly that the people who came were all detective teams in black.

"Hey, I tell you to stop, which part are you from? This is the Zhaozhuang defense area"

"We are from the An County Investigative Team. What happened to you when you fired the gun just now?" A young man with a scar on his face standing in front of him said seriously.

Looking at the young man standing in front of him: "Uh, we got news that there are eight road activities in the village, hey hey hey, I told you to stop, didn't you hear?"

Those people didn't stop, they were still walking towards the village, and they were going faster and faster.

The village under the moonlight was full of dark shadows, and these men in black followed those shadows and quickly disappeared into the village.

The traitor felt that something was wrong, so he raised his pistol and pointed at the young man who was talking in front of him: "What are you trying to do?"

On the opposite side, the man in black with a scar on his face calmly took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, tapped twice, pulled out two cigarettes, lit one, and handed another to the traitor. In front of him: "Hey, do you want to have one too?"

"Uh, okay."

The traitor saw that the other party didn't raise his gun at all, so he slowly put the gun away, put it in his waist, and took the cigarette: "This is our defense zone. It's not appropriate for you to come here again to claim credit?"

"If you have money, everyone distributes it together, don't you think?"

"We're the ones who found the news, and we're the ones who caught the people. It's against the rules for you to stick a bar in the sideways, right?"

"Who told you to shoot? Didn't I say that when there is a gunshot, everyone should support each other, have you forgotten?"

"Okay, we have more than 20 people, I think you have more people than us, don't you say you didn't even get one of the eight roads?" The traitor despises these people who can't catch the eight roads, but only know to grab credit.

"Uh, that's not true. There are [-] or [-] people over there!" The man in black is Ma Liang, and it's not the first time he has done something like this.

"You caught so many? We only caught one. With so many, don't you make a lot of money?" The traitor was startled, and immediately said enviously.

"But those poor people!" Ma Liang puffed out a puff of smoke.

"So you came here from us? Brother, have you crossed the line?" The traitor had a black line.

"Hey, how many did you catch?"

"I caught one now, there should be another one, and we are searching. This village is completely surrounded by us, and he can't escape on the eighth road." .

North of the village.

Seven or eight people surrounded the two traitors guarding the entrance of the village, and there was a brief mutual silence. Pu Buhuan pulled out his bayonet from the traitor's abdomen, and the traitor was still bouncing his legs on the ground. Do it yourself, when he finally figured it out, he swallowed his last breath unwillingly.

Yang Laizi, who was guarding the common people in the square in the south of the village, was stunned for a moment when he saw a group of detectives emerging from outside the village.

It took a long time to wake up, it was this group of eggless guys again!
He was so angry that he had a toothache, did he bump into it again?
These guys in the city were running around all day long, and they didn't do anything to do it. They just waited for any movement at night, and he regretted why he fired that shot and recruited these lingering guys.

It seems that the eight roads caught today can't be kept. Fortunately, his target is on Lao Suntou, and if he loses the eight roads he caught, he will lose them.

Yang Laizi looked at the slender-eyed and burly young man in front of him who was holding a pistol facing the ground under the swaying light of the fire: "Brother, the world is so big, why are you always there? Yes, yes, this time I admit it, I've given you the eight roads, but don't meddle in the affairs of the village!"

Hu Yi was stunned, and the muzzles of a few shelled guns behind him were raised high, and the traitors on the opposite side didn't even have their guns out. Ma Liang's idea was really good.

"Why do you have to be with me endlessly? Haven't you picked up enough bargains?" Yang Manzi burst into anger, and he also pulled out his gun domineeringly: "You always grab credit like this, and when I arrive The imperial army will sue you!"

"When are you going to sue?" Hu Yi smiled: "Give me his gun!"

Seven or eight pistols were pointed at him, Yang Laizi was stunned for a moment, and obediently asked a detective team to confiscate the guns in his hand.

Traitors kept coming out of the village, without exception, they were shot and squatted on the ground.

"How many of you are here?" Ma Liang asked Yang Manzi with a smile.

"It's none of your business, what do you want to do after taking the credit?" This guy still hasn't figured out the situation yet.

"Don't you say? When it's time to divide the money, don't say that I will give you less."

"21 including me." He had heard that the detective team in the city was so ruthless that the stones were scraped with oil. Maybe, things weren't that bad, and they would score a few oceans.

Lao Zhou looked around the village for a while, and found that several intersections outside the village were guarded, and there were more and more traitors, and he was even more anxious. If he couldn't get out, he would be in trouble.

So, he decided to put all his eggs in one basket and break through!

I stuffed everything on my body into a crack in the wall, leaving only one gun and two spare magazines on my body!
He spends most of his time in enemy-occupied areas and rarely uses them.

The troops of the Eighth Route Army were in the east, so it was meaningless to go west, and there were villagers in the square in the south, so he decided to go north.

With his waist down, he slipped silently from the shadow of the house to the entrance of the village. In front of him was the woods outside the village, and those traitors were in the woods.

No matter which direction you go out, you will be found.

So he decided to crawl out from the ground.

The sound in the village is noisy, it should be able to cover the sound.

"Stop, I saw you!" Park Buhuan felt a shadow flashing at the entrance of the village, and immediately shouted deceitfully.

Li Xiang had already entered the village with his people, and the villagers were in the south, so those who came out now must be traitors.

Lao Zhou didn't have much combat experience. He raised his hand to shoot at the shadow who was shouting, but he forgot to press the nose, so the gun shook a bit.

Bang, a gunshot, the bullet arrives after the flash.

Park Buhuan lowered his head subconsciously, but the bullet still knocked off the black hat on his head!
Scared to death, he quickly lay down on the ground not daring to move or fight back. Hu Yi said, try not to use a gun if you can.

"Didn't you say you can dodge bullets?" Xu Xiao who was next to him asked suspiciously.

 Thank you brothers for the cigarette money, haha, add one more

(End of this chapter)

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