under fire

Chapter 331 Do I Agree?

Chapter 331 Do I Agree?

"Brother, this guy said 21, but the result seems to be one more! Two of them died and one was knocked out." Ma Liang reported proudly.

"Tell me, why is there one more?" Hu Yi squatted in front of Yang Manizi.

No matter how stupid Yang Laizi was, he could see the problem. This group of detectives was all pretended by the Eighth Route Army, and there were still people coming from the east of the village. There were hundreds of people carrying rifles and machine guns.

If I want to run now, I definitely can't run. The gang that Er Gouzi said is probably this gang.

He has corns and eyes, and he can't even count the number of them. He wished he could skin Er Gouzi.

Fortunately, I didn't really do anything, the villagers were not dead, maybe there is still room for movement.

"Sir, I have an old man and a young man, and I was forced to do nothing." Yang Laizi hurriedly begged for mercy with a mournful face.

"I'll ask you again, how many people are here?" Hu Yi drew a bayonet from Luo Fugui's waist.

"21 [-], absolutely can't be wrong." Yang Laizi answered very simply this time.

"So, where did the extra one come from?"

"Sir, I don't know either!" Yang Manizi looked at the bayonet with fear in his eyes.

"You don't know anything, so what are you doing alive?" Hu Yi's bayonet gleamed coldly.

Lao Zhou, who was knocked unconscious and thrown on the ground, was slowly waking up, the surrounding light was dim, and there were densely packed people in black!
Have you been arrested?Lao Zhou became ruthless and prepared to bite his tongue and commit suicide.

"Fox, why did you catch so many traitors?" The little girl's clear voice was filled with excitement, and came from the crowd.

Lao Zhou was stunned: The Eighth Route Army is still here, and now it's all over.

Suddenly, he felt something was wrong, he quickly shook his head, raised his hand and slammed his eyes, and saw clearly that the people around him seemed to be all his own people, and the ones squatting on the ground were those villains from the Returning Home Mission, and he was overjoyed , Immediately prepare to get up from the ground.

Poof, another gun butt hit him on the shoulder.

A cursing voice came from the side: "I tell you not to move, you still dare to move!"

Lao Zhou was knocked down to the ground again, and there was a heart-rending pain in his shoulder.

A soldier ran from the north of the village: "Report to the company commander, another group of people came from the north, five motorcycles, and bicycles! Three NO.40!"

After speaking in front of Hu Yi, he turned around and ran away.

Ma Liang heard it from the side, thought for a while, and hurried forward: "Brother, leave this matter to me!"

"Okay, you take a squad!" Hu Yi looked at Ma Liang, and told Luo Fugui who was beside him: "Mule, you also follow. If you really can't do it, you have to force it."

Hu Yi still felt uneasy: "Take the common people to retreat to the east, others, prepare for battle!"

"Company Commander Hu, Company Commander Hu" the traitor on the ground muttered.

Hu Yi was taken aback for a moment, the voice was a bit familiar, it seemed a bit like Lao Zhou, after all, they had been together for so long before.

He hurried forward and helped the man in black who lay in the middle of the corpses and was knocked unconscious.

Lao Zhou's face turned pale: "Really, what are you doing here? Now you have to retreat to the east before they find out!"

"What are you worried about? Ma Liang has gone. Who knows the black lights? Let's take two more traitors and send them away!" Have done it several times.

"Ah?" Old Zhou was taken aback, can he still do this?

"Ah, what, this is just pretending to be a tiger, you know?" The girl continued to tremble.

"Does that mean that a fox pretends to be a tiger? Eldest sister!" Hu Yi's hair was black.

"Can you control it?" The girl took out her big-eyed gun, pulled the trigger, and the bullet was loaded.

Su Qing next to her heard it so hard that she couldn't find a way to get in. This girl is ignorant, but she has a good idea.

The Devil's motorcycle drove directly to the square, followed by the authentic detective team on bicycles, led by Ma Liang with a shy smile, and turned into the village from the road.

The car lights shone brightly on those ordinary people who were still squatting.

The soldiers mixed among the common people lowered their heads. It was the first time they encountered such a situation. It would be a lie to say that they were not nervous.

Two guns were placed on Yang Laizi's back, a circle of men in black surrounded the common people in the square, and there were two corpses dressed in common people's clothes on the ground.

"Hey, Yang Manzi, what's the matter with you firing guns in the middle of the night?" a traitor wiped off his sweat and asked arrogantly.

"Captain Liu, haha, we killed two [-]th Routers." Yang Manzi knew that in the darkness of the village, there were [-] or [-] [-]th Routers, and there were three machine guns alone, all of them killing people.

Right now, there is only one squad of the imperial army, plus a dozen or so members of the detective team. It seems that they can't beat eight groups.

What's more, there are still two guns on his back, so he dares to talk nonsense.

"You're not bad, we are on Weiba Road in the morning, but you like to do it in the middle of the night, hehe, you can do it!" Captain Liu leaned on the bicycle, pulled out a cigarette and lit it.

Yang Laizi hurriedly turned his head, and smiled coquettishly at a devil soldier Cao Cao who had a mustache under his nose and was sitting on a motorcycle: "Taijun, you have worked hard. We caught these two eighth roads. They want to resist, so they all fight." died."

The Devil Sergeant turned his eyes to the two corpses on the ground.

Yang Laizi quickly pointed to the corpses on the ground, and continued, "Just these two."

Juncao smiled happily: "Your work, you did a good job, Liu Sang, you should learn from Yang Sang's work."

This devil soldier Cao usually stays in the gun tower, but he knows two people from the returning home regiment here.

Another thumbs up to Yang Laizi: "You did a good job, bring the corpse to the gun tower tomorrow to collect the reward."

"Thank you Majesty!" Yang Manizi nodded and bowed to the devil.

The devil didn't want to waste time here, so he turned his head and told Captain Liu next to him: "Ours, open the way, go back and drink."

"Okay!" Captain Liu responded, turned the bicycle around smartly, followed behind the scooter after a turn, and ran on the road outside the village, eating the dust.

A dozen other traitors on bicycles also hurriedly followed, and ran away without making a sound.

The crowd in the center of the square suddenly let out a heart-piercing cry.

Everyone was taken aback, but fortunately, the traitors who left the village didn't care, and didn't care about the movement in the village at all.

"Ah, what happened to the tiger head?" an old man asked.

"Hurry up and help!" A middle-aged man put his hand close to the child's nostrils: "It's late, I'm out of breath."

The old men next to them shook their heads.

"What's going on?" Su Qing hurriedly ran out of the village.

"Hutou was strangled to death by his grandmother!" The middle-aged man turned pale.

"Tiger head? Who is the tiger head?"

The middle-aged man hurried away and told Hu Yi and Su Qing who was next to him about the matter.

Hutou was the child who later recognized Uncle Sun. His grandmother was afraid that he would talk nonsense, so when the devil's motorcycle drove over, she kept strangling the child's neck and strangled him to death.

The old lady's face was ashen, and she sat on the ground silently. Behind her, a group of villagers surrounded her in a fan shape, wiping away their tears.

Yang Laizi's face turned pale, and things seemed to be getting worse.

He looked around, as if no one was paying attention to him!
He decided to run away, he slammed his feet hard, turned around, blocked by the back and forth figures of the common people, spread his legs, and ran frantically to the south.

He was about to run out of the light of the fire.

Bang, there was a gunshot, and the fleeing Yang Manzi tilted his body and fell to the ground, and the two soldiers ran over.

The gunfire once again caused everyone to be nervous, and Hu Yi immediately ordered the evacuation of the crowd.

Tang Dagou came out of the darkness with his hat tilted: "Fuck, run, do I agree?"

(End of this chapter)

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