under fire

Chapter 332 Public Trial

Chapter 332 Public Trial
The common people also feared the coming of the Eighth Route Army. The imperial army publicized every day that if anyone took in the Eighth Route Army, they would go bankrupt at least, or die at worst!
Hutou was not rescued after all, people gathered in the square, discussing in low voices, the eighteen traitors who were tied up were all frightened to death, and they were shivering in the hot weather.

If the villagers don't die, they can talk about anything, but now one died, although the common people killed it themselves, but it was a small return to the hometown Tuanguan, and an eighth road was also arrested!
But now, the body of the captain Yang Laizi is placed in the square, no one wants to run away, and all the traitors are confused!

It's not clear how the Eighth Route Association will deal with it, so they can only wait in fear, thinking about it one by one, and some even regret that they didn't seize the opportunity to stand up when the imperial army came just now!
Speaking dirty words, swearing at mothers, beating captives, taking them into their bags, is this the Eighth Route Army?

Lao Zhou was dumbfounded!

Although the Eighth Route Army pretended to be a detective team, it really managed to confuse the real with the fake!
He is still in a dream until now, facing dozens of devils and traitors, his face does not change.

Lao Zhou still had lingering fears. The devil didn't even bother to ask about Tang Dagou's shot. He finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Quietly staring in the square for a while, he raised his legs and walked towards Hu Yi and Su Qing who were next to him.

"...I think we should withdraw now!" Hu Yi felt that safety was the most important thing.

"It's safe for the time being, let's hold a public trial first!" Su Qing refused to budge.

"Yang Laizi is dead, is there any need?" The girl was busy at the side.

"Grandma, why don't these traitors be killed, or keep them and continue to harm the common people?" Luo Fugui was rummaging through the things he found from the traitors.

"If they lay down their weapons, they are prisoners, and the Eighth Route Army should treat prisoners preferentially!" Lao Zhou came just in time.

"Devils enter the mountains, murder and set fire like hemp, and unarmed women and children will not be spared. You told me to treat prisoners preferentially?" Park Buhuan stood next to Hu Yi and asked angrily.

The soldiers heard nearby had a simple idea. Anyway, the company commander did what he said, and they were jealous of the rifles on the ground.

The girl is in a good mood, she likes the feeling of being in control, because another twenty guns have been seized!
There are also two original speed machines, squatting next to Luo Fugui, unloading bullets, looking up from time to time to watch Hu Yi and Su Qing arguing, and occasionally interjecting.

Although there was no real battle, because the opponent's returning home group was originally a gang of mobs.

The reconnaissance team is the official spy under the devil's military police. The occupied area is too large and they don't have enough people, so they contacted some suppressed landlord Lao Cai from the maintenance committee. They are some ruffians who came from nursing homes, so they don't have any fighting power.

Those with skills were recruited into the security forces and security regiments, and those who could read a few words went to the city and became pseudo-policemen.

In fact, the Home Returning Corps was to catch thieves, suppress bandits, and hunt down some anti-Japanese elements with little combat effectiveness in order to maintain law and order in the village.

Usually they clamored fiercely, but when they encountered regular troops, they were completely vulnerable.

But these people caused a major obstacle to the work of the Eighth Route Army, because they went deep into the countryside and villages, and their main method was to inquire about news, and they penetrated everywhere.

Facing Su Qing's insistence, Hu Yi was finally defeated.

With a dark face, he had to let the soldiers in black put the whistle far away.

Watching Su Qing and Lao Zhou leading some soldiers preparing for a public trial.

The common people stood in the front row, and the soldiers behind. The small body of the tiger head was carried to the front next to the fire, and beside it were the corpses of the three returning home regiments.

Common people are different from ordinary people. Most of them respect ghosts and gods, so children are taken behind by adults.

Seeing the traitors of the returning home group tied up in a row, kneeling on the ground in a row, all of them had fear on their faces, but the common people were not excited or happy, because they also had fear. If these evil spirits were released, they might bring people revenge.

It wasn't until the mother of the victim, the little tiger head, with blood-red eyes, rushed to the traitor who tempted the child with candy, tearing, scratching, biting, and crying, that the crowd of onlookers began to show a trace of anger.

The traitors kneeling on the ground trembled in their hearts, because they didn't know their fate next.

Lao Zhou has rich work experience, and he has no experience in hosting public trial meetings, so he has no idea. Fortunately, he has participated in other places before.

I remember the general process, but there is a problem that I didn't expect, because I didn't find the victim!

The information on these traitors is not comprehensive, the only information he has is the biggest traitor leader, Yang Manzi, but this traitor has already been beaten to death by Tang Dagou.

The difficulty is that these traitors don't know the details, how to judge has become a headache.

The traitors don't know what their fate is about to come. Although the villagers hate these traitors to the bone, there is not a single household in this village who has a blood feud with the dozen or so traitors. Now that they have the opportunity to take revenge, the villagers dare not say anything .

Nuo Da's public trial meeting has reached a stalemate!

Lao Zhou was the same, and Su Qing had never encountered such a situation. She analyzed the enemy's intelligence and judged that she was very good at it, but how to deal with it was difficult.

Therefore, the work team had to change the way to hold a meeting!
"Talk about how to deal with these traitors!" Su Qing was a little helpless, his face pale and livid under the oil lamp.

The seven or eight backbones of the Nine Companies were all around the scene, watching their noses and noses, and their noses watching their hearts, and there was silence.

Lao Zhou didn't know how long he had discussed with Uncle Sun. He didn't know what to do when he returned to the eaves next to the square. According to the requirements of the anti-Japanese democratic government, we must first find out how bad these traitors are before punishing them."

"I think they are all enemies. We can kill them all. If you dare to bring people to arrest us, you will have to bear the consequences." Park Buhuan is also qualified to participate in the meeting. Thinking of the cruelty of the devils, he immediately suggested.

Lao Zhou shook his head: "Our Eighth Route Army is a team of ordinary people. Although these traitors in the fish and meat villages have harmed the people and worked for tigers, according to the strict orders of the anti-Japanese democratic government, no matter why they were traitors before, as long as they help the Eighth Route Army or the people do good deeds, we will Write it down, and write it down if you do something bad, except that the dead Yang Manzi is indeed a traitor, the other traitors are not recorded, so this matter is really difficult to deal with!"

"Didn't they all issue certificates to him? If they have certificates, let's warn them. For others, just kill them all?"

"I have a suggestion." Luo Fugui was playing with a gold chain found from a traitor, and said with ugly eyes.

"Hurry up!" Su Qing looked at Luo Fugui expectantly.

"Let their family take money to redeem!" Luo Fugui said proudly.

"Do you think we are bandits?" Ma Liang kicked us.

"Your grandma, why are you kicking me? Oh, it would be great if Lao Qin was here."

The girl was also ordered to attend the meeting. During the Red Army period, I saw this situation a lot: "Oh, isn't it just that these traitors have done evil? It's not easy. Separate them and let them inform each other. ?”

Everyone suddenly realized that the wicked girl is not bragging!

(End of this chapter)
Insert a few sentences, add the big one, and it will be a thousand and ten chapters.

It is a dream to hope that a reader who can no longer read other books after entering the pit can write more brilliantly.

Fortunately, the monthly income is more than 300 meters after it was put on the shelves, at least half a month without having to pay for cigarettes, half of which was rewarded by brothers and sisters, thank you very much, let's make do with it and continue.

Please read and support the next starting point if you haven't read the genuine one.Thank you very much.

(End of this chapter)

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