under fire

Chapter 333 Binding Area

Chapter 333 Binding Area

The sun had just set, and under the fiery red fish-scale sky, a sparse team was marching north.

A team of 60 people, all dressed in black.

The pioneers at the front pulled back four or five miles, walked around the village from time to time, went to the side of the road of the dilapidated villages they passed, and carefully looked at the dust thickness on the dust on the ground where there were footprints, so as to judge whether they had entered and exited these villages The size of the people.

At the end of the line, there were three figures walking. A petite figure walked in front. The young and beautiful woman in the middle had a towel wrapped around her head. If she hadn't had a straight chest, she would have thought she was an ordinary traitor. The last one was tall and straight, with her head held high.

The petite figure stopped from time to time to catch grasshoppers flying around by the side of the road. The woman walking in the middle occasionally yelled a few words, but the people behind remained silent.

A crescent moon loomed over the head, and the team kept walking, and from time to time someone pulled a towel to wipe off their sweat.

The petite figure walked with the woman, talking occasionally.

The light was dim, but the team did not light torches, and clusters of faint shadows kept moving under their feet.

The air on the ground began to cool, and the team walked into the edge of a village to rest.

Lao Zhou brought a few men in black into the village to find a contact person. There was a mess of chickens flying and dogs jumping in the village, and the child just cried before being covered by adults.

Hu Yi sat under a tree, untied the rifle he was carrying across his back and leaned against the tree, pulled out the rifle on his back and put it to one side, and then put the other rifle on the other side.

"Hey, fox, what kind of public trial do you think we're going to hold, it's not worth the fart, is it interesting?" The girl took a sip of water and muttered.

"You ask me, how do I know?" Hu Yi glanced at Su Qing beside him.

"Isn't it just to kill a few traitors, how many people can we do here?" The girl raised her hand to wipe the water stains from her mouth.

"Don't underestimate it. The order was sent by the regiment. It's not that simple. It's also the first mission we take. If we fail to complete the mission, we will be laughed at when we go back." Hu Yi was looking at the map, and Luo Fugui next to him was holding a flashlight .

Anyway, now that the detective team is dressed up, no one dares to ask without opening their eyes.

Not long after, two dark shadows came out of the village.

"This is Captain Hu. Captain Hu is in charge of this operation!" Lao Zhou came to Hu Yi's side: "This is Comrade Wu Nansheng."

The middle-aged man named Wu Nansheng stretched out his hands and shook hands with Hu Yi who got up: "Hello Captain Hu, let's go to the village and talk."

Seeing that Hu Yi was hesitant, Wu Nansheng hurriedly told the truth: "Don't worry, the village is all our own people, even the eyeliner planted by the devil is ours!"

When the group entered the village, Wu Nansheng was a little displeased when he saw that a girl came in behind Hu Yi.

Lao Zhou quickly explained: "Don't underestimate Chang girl, she has been in the army much longer than you and me!"

When Wu Nansheng heard the words, he was dubious: "Really?"

Lao Zhou smiled and said, "She killed more devils by herself than our entire team!"

Wu Nansheng was dumbfounded, he was just a half-grown girl, but Lao Zhou never told nonsense, he was a straightforward person.

Turning to look at Su Qing: "What should I call this person?"

"Chang Qing, director of the task force!" Su Qing didn't use his real name.

"Okay, let's not talk about this for now. Lao Zhou should have told you about the situation here? Our place is not the same as the south. Apart from devils and traitors, there are national army guerrillas in the west, not far from the provincial capital. Well, this time we asked our superiors to send someone here, because we are going to attack the big traitor Xu's family here.

We have already found out that the day after tomorrow is the [-]th birthday of the big traitor Xu Jinsen's father, and it should be a big event. We think Xu Jinsen will definitely come back, so we plan to do something at his father's birthday banquet. The traitor who will come will definitely Quite a lot, just for a pot to stew! "

Wu Nansheng gritted his teeth when he said this.

Lao Zhou knew that Hu Yi didn't talk much, and seeing that Su Qing didn't express his opinion, he hurriedly added so that Hu Yi could understand in more detail: "Tomorrow, we will send people in to find out the situation. Our main target is Xu Jinsen, the traitorous leader. , We originally had a team here, and Sun Fu, the leader of the team, died at his hands, so this traitor must be eradicated, and this revenge must be avenged."

"The mountainous area to the west of this place is the actual occupation area of ​​the remnants of the national army. We must be careful when we move here." Old Zhou reminded.

"National Army? There is still the National Army here?" Hu Yi was startled.

Lao Zhou began to think about the national army unit that was wiped out by the devils here before: "Of course there are, because this area in the north is mountainous, and the devils often come out to raid. Originally, a brigade of the national army was fighting guerrillas. During the encirclement and suppression, most of the troops moved southward, but they still didn’t seem to have escaped from the devil’s siege, and were eventually incorporated into the security force by the devil, which was located in Xinglong Town outside the mountain of the independent regiment’s defense area.”

Hu Yi finally figured out the origin of the national army guerrillas in that brigade, so Tang Dagou should be familiar with this area.

Wu Nansheng continued: "Grandpa Xu is the president of the Maintenance Association. He was the head of the Baozhang during the Nationalist Government. Their family is the richest in several nearby villages. In addition, three out of ten shops in the town are opened by his family. Grain shops, cloth shops, money houses, pawnshops, whatever you want to do for money, the whole family is full of traitors, his family used to have a coal mine, and later the devils came and were requisitioned, and most of the coal miners were organized by his family. Take the hard-earned money of the workers!"

Lao Zhou thought for a while: "Xu Jinsen must be suppressed. We all know that this year's drought has caused the wheat harvest in the fields to be less than half of what it used to be. jin, [-] jin in the field, but the land rent of Mrs. Xu’s family here is a lot, and all these are spread on the heads of the tenant farmers, and the common people have no way of living!"

"How many fields does his family have?" Su Qing, who was next to him, frowned and finally asked.

Wu Nansheng is like a few treasures: "Two thousand and eight hundred acres! Half of the land in the village belongs to his family, and there are more than 200 nursing homes in his family. One of his youngest sons is the captain of the security team, and his second son is the chief of the police force in the city." , and the other is Xu Jinsen, who works as the deputy captain of the detective in the provincial capital, and he is ruthless, with the blood of his comrades and the old Bai on his hands."

Lao Zhou immediately became angry when he heard this: "As soon as the devils came, their family all turned to the devils, and even led the devils to set up an ambush, and almost killed the anti-Japanese guerrilla No. 40 organized by a group of young people. Comrade Sun Fu was lured and sacrificed by them pretending to resist Japan."

"Why haven't you dealt with this traitor before?" Su Qing asked again.

Lao Zhou had a bitter expression on his face: "It's not that we don't do anything, it's that we can't fight. Our team here is not strong in combat effectiveness. The Xu family's high-walled compound and the ancestral house in the village usually have a company stationed there. There are four or five hundred of them, scattered all over the place, and after taking refuge in the devils, a security team was formed with excellent weapons. There are also many deceived tenant farmers and long-term laborers living in the village. After receiving small favors from his family, they are also of one mind with their family, and usually oppress them The common people ran rampant in the village, beat devils and built gun towers to block the ditches, and the security captain of their family set up cards on the edge of the town to collect taxes, doing all kinds of evil."

Wu Nansheng was a little lonely: "Our side is better. I heard that there was a plague of locusts in the west. There were no crops in many fields. Several families hanged themselves directly under the old locust tree."

Lao Zhou also continued to talk about the suffering of the common people: "We originally organized some people to hide the food, originally because we were afraid that the devil's security team would rob it, but this time the devil didn't steal it, but asked for it clearly, but who would dare not give it? Those who couldn't hand it over were directly tied up and sent to the town, either as a house or a son or a daughter. Therefore, several villagers felt that they couldn't live on, so they had to sell their ancestral land to the Xu family, and then took them with them. The whole family fled to the west!"

"We can't do anything now. The devil sent food, but we want to organize the common people not to give it, but most of the security team's detective team will send people to grab the food. If they can't get it, they will arrest them. Look, what should we do?" Wu Nansheng also had a miserable expression on his face.

The girl next to him suddenly thought of Li Youde, and rolled her eyes: "It's not easy, just kill those bastards in his family, and then let the common people rob his family's food, wouldn't that be enough?"

"This is a good way. His old man's birthday is his birthday. Most of the nursing homes are coming back, and it's only a few hundred. Can we fight?" Wu Nansheng said angrily.

"Why don't we cut off the food that the devil took away?" The girl didn't give up.

"Don't you look at this place? There are devils' strongholds everywhere!"

"I don't think it's really complicated. Don't all the Devil's Paolou strongholds be communicated by phone? Let's cut off their electric poles, cut off the wires, and dig the road for him. What else can he do?"

"Hey, this is a good idea." Lao Zhou and Wu Nansheng's eyes lit up.

"We don't have enough troops, and we can't allocate so many people to cut down utility poles and dig roads." Hu Yi gave the girl a hard look and frowned.

"You don't have to worry about that, we still have a team hidden here!" Lao Zhou hesitated for a moment, and told what he knew.

"You mean the Water Conservancy Self-Defense Corps?" Wu Nansheng's eyes lit up.

"After we cooperated with the national government, we stopped hunting local tyrants to divide the land. We also organized some armed forces in the enemy-occupied areas. However, the combat effectiveness of the self-defense regiment is really not very good, but if you cut the wires and dig the roads, it should be fine." Lao Zhou knew that the Self-Defense Corps was actually organized by the poor and ordinary people, and it still used the banner of devils to the outside world.

"What kind of local tyrant is he? They are enemies and traitors!" Wu Nansheng stood up and said through gritted teeth.

"Then we have to transfer people here." Hu Yi thought for a while, the situation is unclear now, and this time the mission was an order from the regiment, but he did not expect the enemy to be so powerful.

(End of this chapter)

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