under fire

Chapter 334

Chapter 334

Before dawn, a detective team in black clothes and trousers gathered at the village. Hu Yi made arrangements in advance according to the map provided by Lao Zhou, and arranged the route to take, the situation that should be paid attention to and the mutual contact.

"Fox, where did you get this ID?" The girl flipped through the IDs of Hu Yi's detective team members.

"It was sent by the Meixian Gendarmerie!" Hu Yi replied blankly.

Luo Fugui rolled his ugly eyes and said, "Boss Hu, when did you become the enemy?"

Su Qing next to him was stunned. He had heard from Hu Yi before that he was captured by devils when he attacked Xinglong Town, but the Devils Gendarmerie issued a certificate for the detective team, and he forgot about it.

Unexpectedly, Hu Yi still carried it with her when she went out this time, so she said, "Since we have the certificate, let's go directly to Xu's house!"

"But we only have one, and the traitor will be sure to find out if he checks it."

"That's right, we don't have friendship with the Xu family. If we go there rashly, we will definitely show our flaws. Officer Su, you just stay in the village to be safe!" Lao Zhou suggested.

"What are you afraid of? This certificate is true. When you meet devils and traitors, you will be investigated. If you don't have a certificate, you will say that you are from the Returning Home Mission. We have a good citizen certificate. Can we go to the running water banquet opened by Xu's family!" Luo Fugui, who was excluded from the team to inquire Don't give up.

"Apart from eating, what the hell do you think about?" Tang Dagou grinned with his front teeth bared and looked at Luo Fugui sympathetically, because he was on the list of people who went out.

The candidates had been decided long ago, a total of twelve people were divided into three groups, and Su Qing should stay in the village even if he didn't want to show his face.

Hu Yi led the girl and old Zhou Jia Ma Liang platooned a soldier, Ma Liang led Li Xiang Xu Xiao and Wu Nansheng, Pu Buhuan and Tang Dagou plus Erniu and Houzi.

"Boss Hu, can't you bring one more?" Luo Fugui smiled uglier than crying.

"Your goal is too big. You were arrested by the Meixian police. You should have already registered with the detective team for your donkey face!" Tang Dagou smirked.

"I just think I can eat more and take advantage of the traitors!" The bear shrank his neck and smiled shyly at everyone.

"Haha, why don't you implicate us if you are recognized?"

"Your grandma's, you will be swallowed to death sooner or later! Your group is full of livestock!"

Pu Buhuan stared at Luo Fugui with black lines all over his head: "What are you talking about?"

"Now I'm going to investigate, why are you making trouble? Just stay in the village!" The girl rolled her eyes at Luo Fugui, and put away Hu Yi's ID. It seems that there are no women among the traitors, so she just went to the common people like that attire.

"Squad leader, I'll bring you chicken legs!" Xu Xiao said to Luo Fugui seriously.

"Do you really think you are going to visit relatives?" Su Qing's face darkened.

"Everyone, remember the name and village name on your certificate!" Hu Yi asked everyone to recite it again.

Don't tell me about it, I don't know that among the nine people who went out, everyone can read, although some people really don't know many characters.

Wu Nansheng spoke seriously to those who were about to leave: "The password of the devil's checkpoint is changed every day. Their password today is: open the skylight, big yard! I must remember it clearly."

I have to say that the underground work is really good, and even the enemy's password has been figured out, which shows that there should be people of our own in the blockhouse.

After leaving the village, the team divided into three groups and headed towards Xujiazhuang before looking at each other where they could barely see each other.

The boundless plain unfolded in front of people's eyes, a round and a half moon was still hanging in the sky in the west, and the sun in the east slowly showed its face.

"Hey fox, why are there so many grasshoppers in the field?" the girl said in surprise after catching a few grasshoppers and finding that they were everywhere in the field.

"After the drought, there is another plague of locusts. Can't you open your eyes, sir? How can you let the common people live!" Lao Zhou's complexion was ashen, and his spirit was like that of an eggplant that had been beaten by frost.

"Hey, we're so quiet, don't we lose the prestige of the detective team?" The girl looked around.

"What do you want?"

"Can I get a bicycle?"

"Ah? Where to do it?"

"Look, isn't there a group over there?" The girl's eyes are really good.

Hu Yi took out the telescope and looked eastward, there was indeed a wave of dust rushing here: "Not good, there is a situation!"

After Hu Yi finished speaking, he reached out and took out the shell gun on his back waist.

"What's the rush? We are the detective team now, why are you nervous? Hahaha." The girl saw that Hu Yi and Lao Zhou had already jumped into the ditch by the roadside to find cover.

Hu Yi was dumbfounded, and rubbed up from the ditch with a smile: "Forgot."

Continue to pull the binoculars to observe. One by one, the gun towers in the distance are standing on the plain. After scanning the binoculars, there are about a dozen of them that can be seen. If they are too far away, they can’t be seen clearly. The dust should be the detective The black dogs of the team, not many in number, four, also headed north.

Ma Liang, who was closer to the other side, put up an awning and was also looking around.

"Should we lure him here?" The girl took out the big-eyed oar, and the small eyes stared round.

"Don't make extra trouble." Old Zhou said seriously, he had just recovered from his grief.

Hu Yi put down the binoculars: "There is an armored vehicle under the gun tower over there, do you want to get it too?"

The sun rose slowly, and the group of people stopped and went, but there was no one on the silent plain, and the land seemed extraordinarily quiet.

There is a blockade ditch between the blockades that can't be seen at a glance. It is only about one person deep and three meters wide.

Tang Dagou and Ma Liang led their people to prepare for the checkpoints!

Seeing someone coming, the two puppet soldiers hurried to the Juma that blocked the ditch, and Pu Buhuan took the lead: "Yo Xi, the dog cries for Nuoshan."

"Taijun said, very good, you have worked hard!" The monkey boldly greeted the security forces first, and the big dog next to him was very nervous, and Er Niu's head was sweating.

"It's not hard work, it's not hard work." The security team became nervous instead.

"Call your instructors to come out and speak!"

"The Taijun instructor went to Xujiazhuang, and he probably won't come back until the day after tomorrow."

Pu Buhuan was impatient, raised his hand and waved forward lightly: "Open the way!"

The security team with big guns on their backs hurriedly lifted the horse away, and the four swaggered across the checkpoint from the bridge.

The two security regiment soldiers smiled shyly and sent the four of them away

When the four of them walked away, a security soldier scolded: "What the hell, you are a dog."

"That's right, we didn't even ask for the password?" Another security soldier felt unwilling.

"I guess I went to the Xu family to have a drink again. Don't provoke them. You know that Cao Laosan just said something wrong and provoked the imperial army. The whole family was killed." The security soldier from before wiped his neck with a smile. Actions.

"That's right, let's stand guard and make a living."

Hu Yi took out the certificate and handed it to a detective team member who walked slowly from the blockhouse. The black dog took it and glanced at the familiar seal on the certificate. Handed it back: "Brother, I heard that your accent is not from the local area, uh. You are from Mei County, why are you here?"

"Come to Xu's house to pay homage to his birthday." Hu Yi told the truth, and the five words "official affairs of the investigation and editing team" that had been hidden in his mouth for a long time had not come out yet.

"Oh, you guys are going too. I'm so unlucky. I had the chance to go, but I happened to be assigned to my brother. What a pity. How about bringing a bottle of wine back to my brother?" No more doubts, but an embarrassing request.

"Okay, I'll try my best." Hu Yi looked at the traitor in front of him calmly. The other party didn't ask for the password, so there was no need to mention it.

"This is your sister? She's quite fresh, haha." The traitor winked at the girl next to Hu Yi, and said to Hu Yi while taking out a cigarette with a smile.

"None of your business!" The girl raised her pigtails and stared fiercely at the traitor.

"Haha, brother, you have to take good care of this girl, or you won't be able to marry her in the future." The traitor was stunned for a moment, and with a dark face, he took out a cigarette and handed it to Hu Yi.

"Say it again, how dare you say it again? My aunt told you to drink the northwest wind!"

"Okay, I won't say anything, I won't say anything." The traitor saw that Hu Yi took the cigarette, put it next to his ear, smiled and watched several people go away.

The traitor didn't notice that Hu Yi's hand was always next to the holster of the pistol.

"Password!" A few soldiers from the security regiment by the blockhouse watched four black dogs with box cannons approaching. They didn't even bother to move when they reached the checkpoint under the sun. The guy with the hat asked lazily.

"Open the skylight, return the order." Ma Liang, with a scar on his face, walked across the suspension bridge and came to the wooden refusal horse still wrapped with barbed wire, a little nervous.

"Move the horse away by yourself." The security team didn't even bother to answer the password.

"Hey, bring the rejecting horse back to me!" Seeing the four people lift the rejecting horse, pass the checkpoint, and leave immediately, the security team was not happy.

 Thank you Xiaoyue for your reward.Add one more.

(End of this chapter)

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