under fire

Chapter 335: Whereabouts Leaked

Chapter 335: Whereabouts Leaked
On the plain, the sun shone fiercely on the ground, and it was not until noon or the hottest time of the day.

In broad daylight, it is impossible to sneak over the blockade ditch, even from a place far away from the blockhouse, it is easy to be discovered, and the devils have long considered this problem when repairing the blockhouse.

Even though the blockade ditch is not as deep and wide as dug in the non-security area in the west, the trees and weeds on both sides of the blockade ditch have been cleared away, and it can be seen several miles away at a glance from the gun tower.

After all, this is a safe area for devils, so the checkpoints are not strictly checked.

The traitors are naturally much more relaxed in guarding against it.

Hu Yi didn't plan to pass through the checkpoints at night, but mainly wanted to know whether these checkpoints were easy to pass. He had his documents and the password he got from an insider, so there should be some problems.

As for whether it is really a problem, you have to try it to know.

There are insiders in the blockhouses that pass by in the morning. If someone comes out, it will be a big deal.

There should be no major incidents if there is an inside line to respond, and the inside should cooperate with the outside.

There is a village far to the north, which is also the first foothold arranged by Hu Yi.

There were some passers-by on the road, walking in a hurry, carrying big bags and small bags, and depending on the situation, most of them were going to Xu's Village to celebrate the birthday of the old man of the Xu family.

"Fox, I heard that Xu's family is going to set up a flowing banquet for three days, why don't we go have a meal today?" The girl was under the scorching sun, her face stained with sweat.

"Let's go tomorrow. Let's find out the surrounding terrain today." Hu Yi was also soaked in sweat. The traitor's silk clothes were not comfortable to wear, and he didn't know why those traitors preferred to wear a shirt. Wearing a gown is also cooler than this black dress that attracts the sun.

"Can I have a meal first?" The girl looked regretful.

"Are you more greedy than Luo Fugui?" Hu Yi's hair was black.

"I'm hungry." The girl slowed down.

"I still have a piece of cake here, do you want it?" Hu Yi stopped, and pulled out a piece of cake from the bag that the traitor often carried.

The girl tore it in half and took a bite: "It's too dry, I can't eat it!"

Hu Yi had no choice but to hand over the kettle again.

"Someone is coming from behind." Li Xiang's voice came from behind.

Hu Yi turned his head and saw three men in black riding bicycles, lining up in a row, speeding over from the road behind.

A long distance away, the bell on the bicycle jingled.

"Hey, do we want to make a vote?" The girl raised her head and returned the kettle to Hu Yi, her eyes lit up immediately.

"In broad daylight, you can see clearly from the gun tower, so don't startle the snake." After observing around, Hu Yi cautiously rejected the girl's proposal.

"Isn't there a village in front? Let's set up an ambush in the village?"

"It's a pity that our two legs can't run as fast as the bicycles ridden by traitors." Hu Yi shook his head.

"What a pity, those are three bicycles!" The girl looked disappointed.

The four of them, Lao Zhou, were in front, Hu Yi and the girl were in the middle, and the soldier in Ma Liang's platoon was behind with a heavy bag on his back, advancing slowly.

The three black dogs quickly rushed up from behind on bicycles, and when they reached Hu Yi and the others, the traitors stopped.

A traitor asked friendlyly: "Brother, are you going to drink at Captain Xu's too?"

After all, Hu Yi's accent was not so authentic. Lao Zhou looked at the black dogs saying hello, and replied with a smile: "Yes, are you going too?"

"Yeah, it's a pity that there are four of you, otherwise I can give you a ride." A traitor is completely out of good intentions.

"Then there's no need, let's go slowly, don't drink up all the wine, haha." Old Zhou laughed heartily.

"Uh, Captain Xu's house has a lot of wine. We may not be able to finish it even in ten and a half months. Why are you in a hurry? Let's go first." The three traitors felt that there was no need to bother.

After saying these words, he pushed on the bicycle and slid forward, stepped on the pedal with his left foot, lifted his right leg, and pedaled away beautifully.

A few traitors rode at a much faster speed, and didn't run very far.

When he was about to reach the edge of the village, a traitor suddenly slapped his leg: "Captain, the situation is not good, I think that guy looks familiar just now?"

"Which one are you talking about?" The captain of the three said in surprise, he no longer exerted any force on his feet, and the speed of the bicycle changed to coasting.

"It's the one who talked to us!" The traitor held the handle with one hand and scratched his head with the other hand.

"Huh?" The traitor captain looked twice, as long as he can catch someone, that's money, regardless of whether he belongs to the detective team or not.

"Look at my brain, why can't I remember it for a while!" The traitor thought hard.

"Did you bitch sleep too much a day, what's wrong?"

At this time, another traitor raised his voice and said: "Captain, I feel a little uncomfortable in my stomach, you wait for me, I have to go to the village to relieve myself."

"As long as you have a lot of things to do, go and come back quickly, we just happen to have a rest."

The two traitors rode to the entrance of the village to find one. They hid from the sun under the shade of a tree, took out a cigarette and lit it.

The traitor who went to the toilet in the village also came out after a while, talking while arranging his clothes: "The people in this village are so weird, I didn't see a single person, where did they go?"

"What else can I do? Gather a few catties of food and go to Captain Xu's house to have a meal in the autumn wind. I heard that a theater troupe from the provincial capital has been invited over. Why don't you go and get a good seat early?" The captain was thinking that he would be able to watch the theater tonight. He answered the subordinate's questions smoothly.

"Fart's good position, even if there is, can you still get these mud legs?"

"That's true. They can hear it from a distance."

"Ha ha."

"Let's go." The captain waved his hand, ready to continue on his way, there are still more than ten miles to go, don't even miss lunch if you go late.

"I remember!" The traitor slapped his forehead.

"What do you remember?" The captain, who was pushing the cart to slide, stopped again.

"Do you still remember that portrait?" The traitor asked triumphantly.

"What portrait?"

"It's the eight-way spy who was caught. Didn't the military police draw a portrait based on his dictation?"

"Didn't the spy get killed by Eighth Route?" the captain asked suspiciously.

"It's that portrait. I think it looks very similar to the man just now!" The traitor looked down upon the unresponsive captain in front of him. If it wasn't for his brother-in-law, it would be his turn to be the captain?
"Well, I think about the traitor captain and think carefully: "You don't say that I haven't noticed yet, but it's really a bit like it. "

"Yes, captain, I think they are probably fake. I just think that none of the members of the detective team know each other, so there must be something wrong with them."

"I also feel a little unfamiliar. How many colleagues from all over the world do I not know?" The captain became interested.

"Then what should we do?" The traitors have nothing to do with it, most of those Eight Routes are desperate guys.

"In this way, let's advance to the village and find a way to bring them into the village. If we can catch them, we will arrest them, and if we can't, we will kill them directly." The captain thought of the white-flowered ocean, and his heart was full of joy.

"But there are only three of us, and there are four of them, what should we do?" The traitor, who had been silent all this time, finally asked the key point.

"What four, can that girl count? We are three against three, just like the eight roads in the city. They are all soft bastards. They resist with guns. They can't even grasp the gun. Are you afraid of a ball?" disdain.

"Well, that's true. It's too late to call someone now. Secondly, it's not worthwhile. Maybe these people will go to some corner." The captain decided to find a way to hack these people.

"Captain, I think we can also do ambushes like Balu. We hide in the dark and they are in the light. Didn't the instructor say that as long as we find a place to hide, if they don't surrender after a while, we will shoot and shoot?" Later, people from the blockhouse will definitely be sent over." The traitor not only analyzed the situation, but also made suggestions.

"Okay, let's do this, what are you afraid of, isn't it three eights, no, four eights!" The captain's adrenaline rose, his face was excited, and he felt that he had seen Dayang waving to him, and he could even go to the provincial capital. I had a great time in the book apartment.

"It makes sense, you kid has a lot of crooked intestines." The captain praised happily.

"Thank you for the compliment, brother. If it can be confirmed that that guy is the leader of the Eighth Route, then the three of us will make a fortune this time." The traitor winked and smiled sinisterly.

"Then let's go into the village to find a place now."

"What if the four of them don't enter the village." The one who went to the hut was not a fuel-efficient lamp either.

The captain turned his attention to the other traitor: "Since you recognized them, it will be your fault, and you will be responsible for bringing them into the village later.

"Ah?" The traitor was dumbfounded. It would not be a good job if the person came here to be honest.

The one with a stomach ache stood aside and became excited.


(End of this chapter)

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