under fire

Chapter 336 The moving ocean

Chapter 336 The moving ocean

After driving for half a day on a hot day, a few of them were already thirsty, and the water bottle they brought with them was already empty.

He couldn't take the devil's aluminum pot with him when he came out, it was too conspicuous, so Hu Yi planned to go to the village ahead to fill up the pot first.

He had already seen the three traitors in front of him enter the village but did not come out, which aroused his vigilance.

It is normal for traitors to enter the village, but the three traitors clearly said they would go to Xujiazhuang to celebrate their birthdays. With such a delay, they couldn't even get lunch, so something went wrong.

The sun hangs high in the sky, not many people would choose to continue on their way at this time.

Hu Yi stopped, pulled out the binoculars and looked left and right. From a distance, he could see the black shadows of Park Buhuan and Ma Liang moving slowly. After he stopped, the monkey who occasionally held the binoculars quickly An exception was found.

"Mr. Park, why did they stop?"

"let me see!"

Park Buhuan took the binoculars, looked carefully through the lens, swung around, saw Hu Yi and the others parked only two miles away from the village in front, and found no one around, he couldn't help muttering: "They What are you doing there?"

"Mr. Hu and the others have a village in front of them. Three black dogs on bicycles passed by just now. Could it be that there is something wrong in the village?" The monkey raised his hand to set up an awning, but couldn't see anything.

Park Buhuan slowly adjusted the focus of the telescope, and he could see more clearly. The figure in the distance was distorted near the horizon because the temperature of the ground had risen.

The two sides were looking at each other until he could barely see Hu Yi pointing at the village. Park Buhuan probably understood what Hu Yi meant, and quickly raised his hand over his head, waving his hand to make it clear.

Looking at Hu Yi in the distance, he seems to have closed his binoculars.

"Immediately approach the village. It is estimated that Company Commander Hu has discovered something in the village. Big dog, let's go around from the side first and pay attention to observe the situation in the village in turn!" After speaking, he continued to hold up the binoculars and carefully searched for suspicious targets at the edge of the village.

Tang Dagou casually responded, and swayed in the heel with a root of grass. Among the team that came out, he was the only one carrying a rifle on his back.

Mainly to see if there is any abnormality under those trees and on the edge of the house. After a long while, nothing was found.

The monkey took the lead, followed by Er Niu. The two set off first, along a small road, cutting diagonally towards the village in front of Hu Yi and next to the main road. The unknown situation makes people nervous. There are people watching behind him, so he just needs to move forward quickly. That's it.

Dou Da's sweat slid from his head to his face, the monkey wiped it off and continued to run, the dry air sucked into his lungs, it was so hot that it was hard to relieve the indescribable pain.

Tang Dagou and Park Buhuan kept observing the village with a telescope, and then moved forward alternately.

Ma Liang also found the movement of the company commander stopping and Hu Yi waving to Pu Buxi through the binoculars. Because Lao Zhou blocked it, Ma Liang could not see Hu Yi's movement, so he did not take any action, but slowed down his pace. Slightly moving towards the middle.

"Get out!" Hu Yi yelled lightly, and the four of them started on the road again.

"Great, those idiots stayed in the village, are they waiting for us?" The girl was so excited that she rubbed her little hands, and a few small black noodles slipped from her palms.

He stared nervously at the people in the village. The traitors never appeared again. They turned their heads occasionally to watch the four people running from the east field to the village. Although they were much farther away, they were much faster.

Hu Yi deliberately slowed down. There was still a mile away from the village. If he ran fast, it would only take two to three minutes.

Hu Yi habitually pulled out his rifle to check the bullets, and then took out his pocket watch carefully. The silver case was a bit glaring in the sun, so he closed the case and put it in his pocket.

He tore off the towel on his shoulders, took off the black hat and shook the hot air twice, but it didn't work. Wiping the sweat with the towel made him feel much more comfortable.

Taking a deep breath, I habitually tried to bend the brim of the traitor hat, but failed. I put on the traitor hat and put my right hand next to the holster of the pistol. Naturally, I started to raise my head up and stride forward habitually.

The effective range of the shell gun is only about 50 meters, so as long as it does not enter the range of 100 meters, there is basically no risk.

Seeing that the four monkeys had entered the village from the side, there were no dogs barking in the village.

After 3 minutes passed, his heart finally calmed down.

The soles of the cloth shoes stepped on the yellow sandy road, bringing up a small fluff of dust. I didn't wear leggings, so I walked for a long time, and my calves were a little sore. There was a lot of dust on the black clothes. Then swing in front of the right side.

Beads of sweat drenched the bronze-colored cheeks with thin eyebrows and big eyes again.


The traitor's bicycle leaned against the wall, and the two figures quietly looked at the three, one, and four figures slowly walking over at the corner of the house.

Looking at the tall and straight figure of the leading traitor through the gap in the woods outside the village, the three traitors had no choice but to say hello!

How about being a traitor who can't even get a bicycle, still standing tall and straight?It also shows that the possibility of eight routes has greatly increased.

"I heard that most of the eight roads are poor ghosts. I don't think they can get anything except the guns in their hands!"

"What's the matter, as long as it falls into the hands of the uncle and sent to the imperial army, hehe, that is the white ocean."

The leader of the traitor squad leaning against the wall smiled, very proudly and happily.

The four oceans are walking towards me, that girl, it seems that she is not too young.

"They are coming, how can I tell them?" The traitor leaning against a big tree turned his head and asked the captain.

"Damn, did you know to ask at this time? You just said it's too hot, rest here!" The traitor captain really wanted to kick this idiot to death.

"Uh, well, what if they just leave?"

"Let's go? Can they go? See it clearly. Whoever dares to draw their guns will be brought down first. It's better to bring down the one who walks awkwardly first. I don't think this guy is easy!"

"If they are really eight-way, I think, let's run first, and call more people to come and make meritorious deeds like us!"

"Hey, that's right, why didn't your mother say it earlier?"

"Uh, I didn't think of that just now."

"Now people are here, we are in the dark, they are in the light, afraid of a ball!"

"Yes, they don't know that we will ambush them, three against three, what are you afraid of?"

"Then why don't you come and bring them in?"

"The captain's wise arrangement, how can you bluff." Another traitor laughed.

"Why does the more I look at him, the more he looks like a soldier!" The traitor outside was a little worried.

"So what about soldiers? Let's do the math mentally but not carelessly. Even if he is a general, I can still make a few holes in him!" The traitor captain was also a little nervous, still cheering up his two subordinates.

The visitor had already arrived at the edge of the village along the main road, 30 meters away from the woods outside the village. It seemed that he had no intention of entering the village.

"Brothers, on such a hot day, will you leave without rest?" The traitor turned out from the side of the tree.

Hu Yi had seen this guy a long time ago. Although he was very thin, the tree was only thick as a calf. Could it cover his black clothes?

The girl turned half of her figure from Hu Yi's side and came out: "Hey, why are you still here?"

The traitor froze for a moment, the girl smiled brightly, as enthusiastic as seeing her natal relatives, what's the matter?
"Stop, put your hands up!"

The two traitors quickly ran out from the corner of the house at the entrance of the village with their guns raised.

The team leader shook his pistol up and down, overjoyed: "Don't move, watch out for my gun to go off!"

Seeing the surprised expressions of the four people, the captain looked excited.

"I told you to raise your hands, are you deaf?" He was confident that everything was under his control now.

"Didn't you tell me not to move?" The girl didn't seem nervous at all, and asked with a smile.

"Uh, put down the gun first!" The traitor wondered if he had caught the wrong person.

(End of this chapter)

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