under fire

Chapter 337

Chapter 337
When the two traitors in the village were striding out to the main road, Hu Yi and his party, Park Buhuan and the others had already passed through the village.

Behind the traitor.

Park Buhuan held the shell gun with a large nose in his left hand, and the bayonet in his right hand was shining coldly. He was cautiously approaching behind the traitor captain, with a grin on his face.

Tang Dagou's ugly face, which has not been washed for 800 years, opened his mouth and made an ugly smile at the girl. For the first time, he hung a bayonet on the muzzle of his beautiful horse Sihuan rifle. He was only a few meters away from the traitor. A piercing bayonet can be pierced into the vest of a traitor.

Monkey pointed the gun at the traitor leaning against the tree, and did not forget to wink at the girl.

Hu Yi didn't speak, he could see very clearly that the leader of the traitor was obviously in the middle, and the rifle in his hand didn't even have the safety off.

"Tell me, believe it or not, I'll kill you with one shot!" The traitor captain thought that the other party was completely scared, and arrogantly shouted at Hu Yi, who seemed to be the most threatening.

The four people on the opposite side seem to be smiling at themselves!
Seeing that a few people didn't answer, the captain was furious: "Are you stupid? You are still laughing, I will make you cry soon! You don't look like a good person at first sight, tell me honestly, are you eight ways?"

"Balu is not a good person? Then you are all good people?" Lao Zhou was a little dumbfounded.

The traitor captain finally realized that something was wrong, and turned his head carefully.

A black muzzle almost hit the back of his head. When he turned his head and saw the muzzle, he was a little dumbfounded. They were all men in black. Did they come from reinforcements?

I don't seem to have called for reinforcements!Why does this guy still have a bayonet in his hand?

"Oh, which district are you from?" The traitor squad leader hurriedly asked subconsciously, he hadn't figured out the situation yet.

"Then what part do you belong to, how do you attack your own people?" The monkey next to him asked with a smile.

"We are from the plainclothes team in the county seat. Uh, we found that there is something wrong with these four guys! Maybe they are faked by Balu, and you have been in the village?" This guy hasn't figured out the situation yet.

Monkey sighed silently in his heart, and shook his head: "These people are so stupid, I don't know how the devils like you!"

The traitor was stunned: "Who are you calling stupid? Brother, I'm not talking about you. Let's be careful what we say. If we want to talk about the imperial army, we can't talk about devils!"

Several people around heard a black thread, and they all looked at Hu Yi, and Hu Yi turned his gaze to Lao Zhou.

"Fire their guns first, and find out how they saw our details." Hu Yi ordered calmly.

The traitor captain's eyes blurred, and the gun in his hand disappeared, and he asked, "Hey, hey, what are you doing?"

Park Buhuan held the bayonet against the traitor captain's chest, frightening the traitor who was about to collapse on the ground when he couldn't stand still: "Shut your beak, and to tell you the truth, I'm a badass. Don't you believe that Lao Tzu pierced two holes?"

Hu Yi worried about Ye Chang's dream: "Take them into the village first."

The three traitors who originally thought they could take advantage of the Eight Routes were pale and sweaty, and they were really Eight Routes!I didn't expect there to be more in the village!
This shouldn't be the case, stealing chickens won't save you money, and you might have to risk your life, the traitors immediately persuaded.

The traitors finally fell silent, and at this time they began to regret it.

Myself and I were too greedy, thinking that Balu was just like me, and would coax him when he saw a gun. I didn't expect that Balu not only saw his plan clearly, but also set up an ambush in the village. Just call some people, it's too late to say anything now.

A group of people pushed the traitors into the village, monkeys were watching the wind at the entrance of the village, and the few people in the village had already closed the gate when the traitors arrived at the entrance of the village, hiding in the house and shaking.

"We can't just enter common people's houses without permission." Lao Zhou frowned, watching Tang Dagou open a locked door in a few clicks.

"Ah? There's still this rule? But it's all in, I'll definitely pay attention next time." Big Dog thought, next time I won't go to the head office with you.

Lao Zhou didn't bother anymore, he followed into the house and sat down at a table.

"Tell me, what's your name?" asked the traitor leader with a pleasant face.

"The villain Han Caiwang." The traitor squatted on the ground, raised his head, and answered nervously.

"Tell me, how did you recognize us?"

"I didn't recognize it. It was Sanyazi who said that you look a bit like the person in the portrait in our team." The traitor captain raised his finger and pointed to another traitor squatting next to him, and replied with a mournful face.

"Uh, you still have a portrait, which is me?" Lao Zhou's heart sank.

The traitor next to him hurriedly said tremblingly: "Some time ago, the team caught an eight-way man. I don't know what kind of trick the military police used. They drew a few portraits. One of them is very similar to you. We have no choice. I have an old man, and I have no choice." Little one, the imperial army is coming, dare not disobey."

"What's your name?" Lao Zhou frowned.

"Wu Sangui!" The traitor trembled in his heart, and the top of his head was sweating profusely in the hot weather.

"Ah? What a traitor, a traitor who sells money for glory!" Tang Dagou next to him was shocked: "Are you still alive?"

"Ah, you know him?" Pu Buhuan was surprised.

"Isn't it often sung in the play, the guy who turned to Qinggou for Chen Yuanyuan?" Big Dog thought for a while.

"Let you read a few more words, you are lazy all day long!" Old Zhou Yi slapped the big dog on the head.

"What's your captain's name?" Old Zhou was very patient.

"Xu Jinsen." The traitor is a little baffled, who doesn't know Captain Xu in this area?

"How many deputy captains are there? Who are the people in charge of each township? If you make it clear, I can consider letting you live!"

The questioning took a long time, and Lao Zhou asked very carefully, recording while asking.

I have to say that it is much faster to catch a traitor for questioning than to find out the news by yourself.

Lao Zhou was very careful, and asked the questions he had asked again. The traitors' answers were basically the same, and he had basically figured out the situation in An County. , The maintenance committee, the police, even the names and positions of the people are clear.

Seeing that the questions were almost finished, Hu Yi pulled the girl who was playing with the big-eyed pistol with the big eyes beside her: "Let's go out first."

"The trial is over?" the girl raised her head.

Hu Yi didn't answer, but just gave Park Buhuan a wink when he went out.

half an hour.

When Pu Buhuan and Lao Zhou came to the entrance of the village, Pu Buhuan's clothes were stained with a lot of blood.

"Is it all buried?" Hu Yi asked lightly.

Lao Zhou said with anger on his face, "How can you kill as soon as you say, that's three lives, not animals!"

Hu Yi said lightly: "If you are caught by them, do you think you are going to surrender to the enemy, or are you going to sacrifice?"

Lao Zhou glared at Hu Yi: "They are not on the eradication list! If you do this, you will make a mistake."

Hu Yi didn't want to get entangled with Lao Zhou: "Being kind to the enemy means being irresponsible to yourself."

"That's right, is it possible that we can still take them around?" Park Buhuan turned to a tree after speaking, carefully wiped the blood that was not wiped off the bayonet, and wiped vigorously on the tree trunk a few times.

The big dog added fuel and vinegar to the side: "I said Lao Zhou, some f*cking traitors, kill them as soon as they are killed, and keep them for harm.

"You are disorganized and undisciplined!"

The girl saw that Lao Zhou's elm head was not clear: "Hey, they want to arrest the person in charge of our underground organization, just relying on this one, it is a capital offense!"

Old Zhou is silent.

The girl continued to frown: "You have to paint your face black now."

"I didn't expect the traitor to recognize me. It seems that it will be troublesome to travel and communicate in the future." Lao Zhou was a little sad, and no longer entangled with Hu Yi about killing the traitor.

Bang, there was a sound of something heavy falling to the ground.

Hu Yi turned his head, and the monkey and the soldier in Ma Liang's platoon with him fell to the ground, and a bicycle wheel was still spinning between them.

"If you don't let go, I will kill you." The monkey was furious.

"Your mother, I don't like you a long time ago, and you dare to grab what the girl likes?" The soldier was not afraid at all, and there was someone behind him to back him up.

The monkey let go of his hand abruptly: "It's my bad luck."

 Thank you against the flow, the first snow in the cold river
(End of this chapter)

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