under fire

Chapter 338: Secret agents enter the city

Chapter 338: Secret agents enter the city

Wang Liujin, wearing a military uniform of the security regiment, passed the suspension bridge smoothly and arrived at the checkpoint outside the gate of the county seat.

Looking at the well-dressed soldier, the security guards guarding the city couldn't help but feel ashamed.
With a clean and straight figure, wearing dusty cloth shoes, leggings, and an armed belt, with one hand holding the [-] rifle strap, it looks like a battle-tested soldier.

The afternoon sun was scorching, and Wang Liujin's back was completely soaked. He carefully looked at the moat, which was three to four meters wide, and looked up at the gray city wall, which was more than two feet high. A person is determined not to be able to climb up.

The ordinary people who drove the grain carts in front of him, he is now a security regiment who protects and sends grain into the city, followed a group of people to the county town.

After successfully entering the city, there were almost no one on the street under the scorching sun. A few signboards hung listlessly in front of the shops on the street, and the outline of the city tower to the north could be seen from a distance.

There are also soldiers from the special agent platoon in the food delivery team. They haven't visited the county town for almost three or four years, and the soldiers are a little excited.

The platoon leader of the security force who led the team was one of his own. Lao Zhou and the others did a good job and successfully won the escort mission from the company commander of the security regiment.

Of course, Luo Fugui's ocean was also spent.

After part of the intelligence system in the city was destroyed by the devils, it was quickly reorganized.

The arrested traffic officer rebelled and took traitors to arrest the person in charge of the southern district. After being arrested, the person in charge committed suicide by biting his tongue in the devil's prison. He swallowed all the blood in his stomach, but the gendarmerie guards didn't notice.

It's really a tough guy, just the pain, it's impossible for ordinary people to do it!

One night, the traitor was beheaded and hung on a tree outside the city gate.

Platoon Leader Wang observed all the houses and streets that crossed the road.

Even the height of the house, the corners of the building at the junction of light and shade, turned around several street entrances.

He was paying attention to the house numbers, restaurants, and grocery stores, because most of these places had back doors.

On the street under the sun, amidst the creaking of mule carts, there are old ruined houses on the side of the road. When passing by those shops, the people in the house just cast their eyes on the crowd in the sun indifferently.

Most of the shops are dilapidated, old and ruined, including those sitting in the house, becoming a little blurred.

Outside the grain depot, there was more than one team delivering grain.

The grain carts were parked in the sun, and the crowd was all squatting and sitting at the base of the courtyard wall, and the unshackled mules were hiding far away from the sun.

The platoon leader of the security regiment got into the courtyard through the wooden gate.

"About 200 meters along this wall, you will find the Devils Barracks, where the Devils' arsenal is located, and beyond that is the Devils Gendarmerie, Police Station, Hospital, and County Maintenance Government." whispered next to him.

Platoon Leader Wang carefully looked at the street. The houses on the two sides were next to each other on the first floor, and there were five or six rooms apart, with a brick firewall in the middle.

There is a dark alley between a dozen or so houses, but I don't know where it leads.

"Did you see those alleys?" Wang Liujin said to the people next to him.

"Those alleys lead to the streets behind. Some places are very narrow. After paying the food later, I will take you for a walk while eating." The soldier of the security regiment next to him took out a cigarette, Handed one to Wang Liushou.

After the two clicked, Wang Liujin leaned against the courtyard wall and looked around at the nearby terrain.

It took a long time to deliver the grain, and tens of thousands of catties of grain went into the devil's warehouse.

Only a stack of paper slips with red stamps was taken out.

The common people carried a few bags from the grain carts and dispersed on their own. There was not much grain in the bags.

I have to go to those grain stores to sell some daily necessities, even oil, salt, sauce and vinegar.

The members of the Baotuan also let out a long sigh of relief, and then it was time for free activities, looking for their favorite places in twos and threes.

The shopkeepers of the nearby grain stores had been waiting for a long time, and several beautifully dressed girls also appeared under the sun.

Yingyan's voice was heard endlessly, and several members of the security team were quickly dragged away.

The rest of the people were a little embarrassed, even a little envious.

"That little Wang, come with me to get some things." The security platoon leader finished his instructions to Wang Liujin, and then turned his head to tell the rest of the people: "You go and fill up the wine first, don't wait for us."

"Okay, that platoon leader, don't forget that you can't leave the city after dark."

"Fuck the city, find a place to rest for the night, and come back tomorrow."

There are always a few people in the team who have relatives in the city, and they all know the way and go away in a group.

"Let's go." The platoon leader whispered to Wang Liujin.

The two raised their legs and disappeared into the distance along the wall into the setting sun, followed by a few people who had finished paying their food.

A small three-story building appeared inside the wall on the north side of the street in front of it. A plaster flag hung high on a pole on the roof, swaying in the breeze, like a menstrual scarf.

There was a sign hanging on the door, Devils Gendarmerie, the door was opened, horses were refused in front of the door, barbed wire, a devil stood in a sentry box, and looked vigilantly at the several security groups that came over.

"This is where the county government used to be. After the devils came, they occupied this place and kept the county government next door." The platoon leader of the security team spoke quietly to Wang Liujin.

Paichang Wang casually looked at the opposite, a restaurant, a brothel that hadn't opened yet, and a trading company selling Japanese goods that was open next to it. The Japanese signboard on the lintel should be opened by devils.

The hand holding the rifle trembled a little. The face of the devil standing guard in front of the gendarmerie was nothing unusual. Apart from being shorter and sturdier, he didn't feel how scary the devil was, but the military uniform made him feel a little uncomfortable.

Resisting the thought of stepping forward to break the devil's neck, with a smile, he walked slowly through the gate of the gendarmerie, and took the opportunity of smiling to glance at the buildings inside the gendarmerie.

A car and two motorcycles were parked in the yard.

There were still two devils with guns standing at the gate of the gendarmerie building.

The setting sun was blocked by their bodies, casting long shadows behind them.

Platoon Leader Wang quickly counted the windows of the building, estimated the distance, and judged how likely he was to shoot from the opposite building.

However, the result disappointed him. The distance exceeded 150 meters. With the gun in his hand, even if the opponent stood at the window, he was not at all sure that he could hit it.

"The gendarmerie captain's office is at the back, and the front is just some civilian staff, so there is no chance to shoot from the opposite side. The anti-rape team organized by the former national army carried out two attacks on the opposite side, even using artillery. As a result, No casualties were caused to the devils at all." The platoon leader of the security regiment knew what Wang Liujin was thinking, and warned carefully.

Wang Liujin raised his head and looked around, and took a closer look. There were countless bullet holes on the outer wall of the small building, and only a few pieces of glass were obviously old, indicating that the house had been repaired.

The gendarmerie building in the distance also has a few traces of smoke and fire.

There was a rumbling sound ahead, and a three-wheeled Mortor drove over with blue smoke, followed by a truck.

The two hurried to the side of the road and lowered their heads.

The devil on the tricycle took a few glances at the members of the security team, and rushed over without paying attention.

A machine gun was mounted on the roof of the car at the back, and there were more than a dozen devils standing in the car, followed the motorcycle, and turned into it quickly. After hearing the sound, the devil sentry moved the gate of the gendarmerie that refused to ride the horse.

Platoon leader Wang suddenly felt a sense of relief. I can't get into the gendarmerie, so I can hit your devil's convoy assembly, right?
Thinking of this, he quickened his pace differently.

 I used to think that spies are bad guys!It was later learned that a spy is a title for performing special missions.

  Capuchino, go to bed early
(End of this chapter)

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