under fire

Chapter 339 How to Retreat

Chapter 339 How to Retreat
In the evening, the afterglow of the sun stretched out the creaking figures.

Twelve people on six bicycles scrambled crookedly on the bumpy road.

After solving the three traitors at noon, Park Buhuan came up with an idea, since the traitors can ambush us, why can't we ambush the traitors?

So the eight fake traitors stayed in the village, thinking about the traitors on the road, because there are quite a few traitors going to Xu's house by this road.

There were not many traitors passing by, and there were too many people pulling traitors, and ordinary people happened to pass by nearby, so it was difficult to start.

After waiting for more than an hour, I finally got three traitors riding bicycles. They simply and rudely borrowed the tricks of the traitors, and finally got together six bicycles.

So, in the hot afternoon, three more traitors were buried in the pit dug earlier outside the village.

In the eyes of passers-by, it was like three traitors entering the village to find someone. After more than ten minutes, three more people got on the back of the bicycle, and they left the village and started on the road again.

Not long after, another group appeared in the village, but unfortunately no one saw them.

Hu Yi had a girl in the back of the car, Pu Buhuan had a monkey in the back seat, and Lao Zhou had Er Niu in the back of the car.

Xu Xiao was sitting behind Tang Dagou, Li Xiang was leading Wu Nansheng, and Ma Liang was leading the soldier behind him.

Until the sun went down, the group finally circled half a circle around Xujiazhuang.

The whole team of traitors who looked like consumptive ghosts were wilted by the scorching sun in the afternoon. They rode for almost an afternoon, and there was one person on the back seat of each bicycle. Hu Yi felt a little overwhelmed at first.

Several generals of Jiulian can ride bicycles. Such high-speed mobility made a group of bumpkins full of confidence. When they first rode, they even had the confidence to hit the county town.

Unexpectedly, it took only one afternoon. After riding for dozens of miles in rotation, the confidence was gone. Hu Yi's group was even worse. The girl could ride. She tried it alone and almost fell into the ditch, let alone Take someone with you in the back of the car.

What shocked Lao Zhou the most was that he had seen a lot of troops in the mountains. Most of the troops who came out before had never seen anything in the world except for their poor equipment.

They never expected that the legendary poor jingling independent group would send out such a powerful team this time. Not only can everyone ride a bicycle, but they are also said to be able to swim.

On the road, I met several detective teams who rode fast and passed, security regiments and puppet troops who were walking under the scorching sun. The former despised them, while the latter envied them.

Except for being a little curious about the girl sitting behind one of the traitors, no one had any doubts.

No one believed that Balu, who was taken over by his old nest, dared to come out for activities in broad daylight!Unless the sun comes out from the west.

"We have to find a place to rest first." Seeing that there were still two or three miles to go, Lao Zhou arrived at the south gate of Xujiazhuang again, kicked a few times, rushed to Hu Yishen at the front of the team, and said something in a low voice, panting heavily.

"Go to the village to the south to rest." Hu Yi looked around and decided.

Along the way, the team occasionally stopped, and no one passed by nearby, and took out a map for marking.

A group of black dogs entered the village, and the common people hurriedly closed the door, jumping like chickens and dogs.

This group of traitors may have just rested their feet when they were tired, and the common people let go of their concerns.

Those traitors riding bicycles are all as tired as dogs. It seems that they drove a long way to celebrate the birthday of Xu's family, but what are you doing in our village instead of going to Xu's village, which is close at hand?
The common people secretly looked at it through the crack of the door.

Seven or eight traitors sat down by the grain threshing ground outside the village, and a few ran to the corners of nearby houses to release water.

Lao Zhou felt that the slate under his butt was too hot, so he quickly pulled some straw mats from the side, and stuffed a few for those around him.

The people in the car were not much better, equally tired, and their bones were almost shaken loose.

Lao Zhou endured his exhaustion, tore open the black traitor bag, and asked Er Niu to throw a piece of cake to each of the people who were drinking water from the kettle.

"What the hell, let's eat it now, it's too wasteful? We should save our stomachs and go to Xu's house..." Tang Dagou rolled the cake into a tube shape, and bit off half of it in one bite.

"You have to put some cushions first to restore some strength, otherwise you will still have the strength to ride to Xujiazhuang later?" Lao Zhou tore and bit the cake, eating carefully, picking up all the scum that fell on his clothes and throwing it into his mouth .

Park Buhuan next to him smiled: "The more you talk about it, the more hungry I feel?"

Lao Zhou gave him a hard look: This guy is a murderous devil, and he was the only one who did the six traitors.

After marking the map, Hu Yi stuffed the last piece of cake into his mouth, took the water bottle handed over by the girl and drank it in one gulp, and handed the water bottle to Er Niu: "Let's talk about the situation first."

Er Niu and Hou Zi carried a string of kettles to the village, planning to find a decent commoner's house to get boiling water. Su Qing made Jiu Lian develop the habit of not drinking raw water.

Lao Zhou pinched the traitor hat in his hands and fanned the hot air, frowned, and his face became serious: "There are six villages around Xujiazhuang, all of which are about three miles away. We circled half a circle in the afternoon, and everyone saw it. The Xu family's influence in this area is deeply rooted, so our work is basically impossible to do."

"Basically there is no way? The meaning is still there, right?" Park Buhuan keenly grasped the details in Lao Zhou's words.

Lao Zhou ignored him: "We have an insider in Xujiazhuang, but he is just a long-term worker, and he can only pass on some unimportant news to us. It can't be done during the day, so we can only wait after dark."

Hu Yi thought for a while: "We are going to Xujiazhuang. It is indeed a bit risky. In fact, the best time should be tomorrow!"

"Didn't it mean that his family opened the running water table, we have to give this old man some face, don't we?" The girl was not happy.

"There are too many of us, and we are too conspicuous. If we don't know anyone when we enter the village, it will be easy to be suspected."

"That's not easy. We are divided into several groups, pretending not to know each other, and just enter the village one after another." The girl is also very concerned about food, although it is not as good as Luo Fugui.

"This method is fine. If we want to get rid of the traitor Xu Jinsen, we can only enter the village. If he comes out in broad daylight in the plains, he will bring many people with him. It is impossible for us to lay an ambush like this afternoon." Lao Zhou felt that the removal was complete. The task of rape is really not easy.

"Jianjin Village is familiar with the terrain, so we won't have this chance in the future. We will sneak in tonight to find out the news, come out after dawn, and then find a place to wait until dark to create chaos." Hu Yi decided resolutely.

"Xujiazhuang is different from ordinary villages. The whole village has been built into a compound with high walls, and ditches have been dug outside the courtyard wall, and it has become a small independent stronghold. There is a telephone in the village. If you attack by force, there is basically no chance. It is very difficult to fight hard. Big." Old Zhou thought for a while.

"Telephone? Wouldn't it be enough to cut the phone line?" Park Buhuan didn't think it was a problem.

"It's not that simple. There is a gun tower more than a mile to the east of the village. There is a squad of devils and dozens of security teams stationed there. This is the deployment of troops that I heard before. Once the gun is fired, the gun tower will definitely listen. What's more, there are too many traitors in the village." Lao Zhou felt confident.

"The Xu family is engaged in such a big battle, and people from outside will definitely come back to celebrate their birthdays. I think there is no harm to us if there are many traitors." Ma Liang spoke for the first time, and thought for a while: "Fishing in troubled waters is a good opportunity. Sometimes when the lights are dark and the fire is dark, just a few torches are used to light up, so many traitors, it is impossible to know all of them."

Hu Yi thought for a while, and the situation was indeed a little tricky. When he single-handedly started killing the Zhao family, there were actually not many people in the Zhao family, and there were similarities. It's not the same thing.

Pu Buhuan frowned: "We are all thinking that there are too many traitors, but I have an idea. It is best to wait until the Xu family's birthday for this operation. Think about it, those traitors may just stay in the Xu family forever." Isn't it? Once they leave, wouldn't it be much easier? Our target is Xu Jinsen. According to common sense, he should drink on his father's birthday, so he will definitely not leave that night. Let’s just wait until the next day to do it.”

"The idea is good, but the f*cking problem is that we are all strangers, how can we find an excuse to stay in the Xu family?" Tang Dagou was not optimistic about Pu Buhuan's suggestion.

"That's right, it's impossible. We are not familiar with the Xu family at all. If there are too many people, we can still get along. If most of the traitors are gone, we will all be unfamiliar faces, too conspicuous to be seen. It’s possible to recognize it.” After thinking about it, Lao Zhou felt that the risk was too great.

Hu Yi thought for a while and said: "Under the current situation, Lao Zhou, you can't enter the village. There is a portrait of you on the detective team, and it is possible to be recognized."

After Hu Yi finished speaking, the scene around fell silent, and no one said a word.

Hu Yi turned to look at Ma Liang: "When do you think Gao Yidao will arrive?"

"I arranged for people to notify yesterday. They can't move during the day. It is estimated that the morning after tomorrow will be the soonest."

"What about the platoon leader Wang?"

"He took a squad and went to the county seat by taking the opportunity to deliver food. It is estimated that he will come back tomorrow during the day. If they rush over, they can arrive at our station early tomorrow morning."

"Forget about Gao Yidao, but Platoon Leader Wang and the others can almost catch up."

Hu Yi looked at the map again, and after a while, he raised his head suddenly: "Old Zhou, when will the inside line come out?"

"At least wait until dark." Lao Zhou said immediately.

Hu Yi raised his pen again and drew a picture of the village on a single piece of paper. The surrounding villages were clearly marked, but a large blank was left in the middle.

Lao Zhou looked at the map with some embarrassment: "We really couldn't get the map in Zhuangzi, mainly because our insiders were illiterate, and we didn't prepare in the early stage."

"It's not important. Let's go in tonight and try to find a way to stay there for one night. In fact, it's not difficult to fight this Zhuangzi. The difficult thing is to retreat after the fight." Military Hu Yi has the final say, and he doesn't I don't want to do things I'm not sure about.

"According to the information you provided, Lao Zhou, there are usually more than 100 people in Xujiazhuang, so let's assume that there should be the most traitors on the day of the birthday banquet, and some of them will leave tomorrow night, so it is relatively easy to fight at night."

"But even so, there will always be some left, including the people in the devil's gun tower, at least two companies." Ma Liang analyzed.

"Well, I'm really not an expert in fighting. I'll arrange someone to do what I said yesterday about destroying the phone line." Lao Zhou said shyly.

"Forget it, those people you mentioned are not reliable. We can just cut a few wires by ourselves." Hu Yi rejected Lao Zhou's proposal.

Lao Zhou thought for a while, squeezed his rough chin with his hands, and said to Hu Yi: "Actually, our main target is Xu Jinsen. Whether we can kill him or not is not the most important thing. Our real purpose is to let the traitors die." We know that our Eighth Route Army is still on this land, so they have to think about the consequences in their actions, the devils have no such minions as traitors, and in this vast land, we have the final say in the countryside."

"Then, there is only one problem now. After the battle starts, the nearby devils and traitors will reinforce them. There is not much time. Now we have to consider how to retreat."

After going around for a long time, I went back to the issue of retreat.

(End of this chapter)

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