under fire

Chapter 340 Decoy

Chapter 340 Decoy
An oil lamp was placed on the table, and the two sat opposite each other.

Under the light, Su Qing kept writing on the document until her head became dizzy.

Looking up at Xiao Liu opposite, for some reason, Captain Lu seconded her directly from the headquarters to the independent regiment. At this time, he was carefully copying the documents, and there were a few beads of sweat on his calm and pretty face under the light.

Su Qing couldn't help turning her head to look at the darkness outside the window.

"Sister Su, did you organize all these documents by yourself before?" Seeing Su Qing stop writing, Xiao Liu looked up and asked with a smile.

Su Qing came back to her senses: "Not many."

"Why not many? The task force has too many things to do. Now it's just a summary. There are so many things to do in the counting and registering of the village personnel. It is really not enough manpower to sort out all the details of these traitors." Xiao Liu was a little distressed.

"The regiment will arrange people, so let's persevere."

"Hey, I don't know when I will arrive, I have to do the urgent and important things first!"

"Rural grassroots organizations have also been severely damaged by devils and traitors. Your task is not light."

"The work of enemy workers is the most important thing now. How can you be so busy alone? You should also rest more, don't get tired!"

"It doesn't matter, with the help of Lao Zhou and the others, there is no problem for the time being."

"By the way, there are a lot of students in the regiment, why haven't some of them been arranged to help?"

"Their identities haven't been investigated yet, and the regiment plans to break them up and send them to Northwest Shanxi." Su Qing didn't hide anything, and now Xiao Liu has to work in the local area. Fortunately, she used to do this, and she is familiar with it.

"This is really a good way. Even if some of them have questionable identities, as long as they are sent to the base area and their names are changed according to the regulations, they will no longer be able to be contacted. They can only work honestly."

"Enemy workers, you should also pay attention!"

"By the way, I heard from people in the team that there was a rape in the independent regiment? Can you tell me what happened?"

Su Qing couldn't help but feel tight, this is a regret in her heart!He frowned and thought for a while, and briefly explained what had happened before, including the Sheep Head Project, to Captain Liu, who is now the deputy county magistrate of the Anti-Japanese Democratic Government.

Of course, there is also a county magistrate of the national army in the mountains to the west, and the county magistrate who maintains the government in the county town!In the past, the Anti-Japanese Democracy was composed of the Eighth Route Army, the National Army, and local anti-Japanese fighters.

In the past two years, the devils had completed their raid on the public security area, and most of the nationalist guerrillas withdrew to the south. In the anti-Japanese democratic government left behind, most of those anti-Japanese fighters directly became the Eighth Route Army!

In order to contain the Eighth Route Army, the Nationalist government deliberately created friction, which led to the death of the democratic government in name only, leaving only the Eighth Route Army in the enemy-occupied area!Everyone else ran away!

"You mean there are really traitors in our regiment?"

"Indeed! I've been checking." Su Qing calmed down.

"It hasn't been found out yet? Then, does everyone have to review it?"

"I didn't find out, it's just that the risk is not too great. There has always been an arrangement in the regiment. You entered the independent regiment after the poisoning incident, and you will not be reviewed."

"You mean the regiment is reviewing the first company?"

Su Qing was amazed at the quick response of this little girl, but she was a good candidate for an enemy worker.

"I have an idea." Xiao Liu thought for a while.

"What do you think?" Su Qing looked up at Director Liu.

"Since the spy came to the independent group, he must have a purpose. One is to collect information, the other is to assassinate. The independent group is so tightly guarded that even if they collect information, they will definitely not be able to send it out. Then, the role of a spy will not be effective at all. , regardless of whether it is in Dabeizhuang or in the wine station, it gives the spies the possibility to use the muddy water river to deliver information."

"The analysis is good, you continue." Su Qing picked up the water glass on the table and took a sip.

"Based on what you just said, the independent regiment's defense of the chief is not strict, but the spies have never carried out assassination operations, which means that the spies are either afraid of death, or the spies have no weapons. Isn't this a good judgment?"

"Then do you think the spy is afraid of death or a weapon?" Su Qing was shocked by her analysis.

"It's hard to say, but it's certain that spies don't have a high status in the regiment, and they basically have no chance to act independently."

"Why do you say that?" In fact, Su Qing already had a general direction in his mind, and he awakened the dreamer with one word.

"Since the spy chose to poison, and the spy has not acted for such a long time, of course, it is also possible that the spy is not in the regiment headquarters, but somewhere else!"

"I think the more you talk, the more you go back." Su Qing had a black line, didn't this drag the whole group together again, how can you narrow the scope?

There are only a few departments in the independent regiment, and the spy who can kill Li Zhen must be a ruthless person.

The spy was also ready to do something to himself. It was not easy to dig that trap. From this, it can be inferred that the spy should often go to the river. Not everyone in the independent group can go to the river casually. The most likely is the cooking class. Or... the health team, of course there is another possibility, this spy is not a member of the Eighth Route Army at all, could it be ordinary people?
The scope has been reduced a lot at once!

And the spy must have taken over with Li Zhen. The reason why the spy killed Li Zhen was because Li Zhen was suspected and showed his feet. Don't attack Li Zhen.

However, Li Zhen wrote the information that was delivered by using Li Zhen's body, which is problematic in itself.

If you look at it from another angle, the devil is now in a strong military position, and there is no need for the spies to take extreme measures to attack Commander Lu or the political commissar. Then, the main task assigned by the spies must be to find a way to collect the collected information. Send out the mountain.

This year, even in the mountains, there has been no heavy rain. The water volume of the Muddy River is very small. On the river downstream of the wine station, the political commissar arranged for the militia to pull the net day and night to clean up all the floating objects on the river. stay home.

After thinking for a long time, I finally figured out a clue.

wine stand.

A soldier from the first company, holding a torch, hurried to the outside of the wine station. Under the leadership of a soldier, he personally handed over a letter to Xiao Bing, the guard platoon leader.

Xiao Bing didn't dare to be negligent, and entered the tent, the head of the regiment and the political commissar were there.

This letter has not been signed, but from the content, we can tell that it was sent by Li Youde. It roughly means to thank the independent regiment, etc., ten thousand catties of grain, thirty guns, and three thousand rounds of bullets will be delivered to Lushui shop the night after tomorrow. West of the gun tower.

Head Lu quickly read the letter by the light of the oil lamp, and he was in a good mood. This Li Youde was not stingy, and solved the food crisis caused by the drought this year in the independent regiment.

The political commissar took the letter handed over from head Lu, read it quickly, but fell into deep thought.

The last time the entire independent regiment was dispatched, they helped the Ninth Company set up a cover, and killed Li Yong, the deputy battalion commander. Li Youde sent food and guns. It seems that this security battalion commander can find a way to win.

It's just that he said in the letter that the devils planted spies in his place, and it was actually Li Yong. As for whether it was true, it actually had something to do with the independent group. After all, Li Youcai secretly supported the independent group a lot.

When it comes to spies, he can't help but think of the hidden sheep's head in the independent regiment.

This matter has almost become his heart disease, if he wants to find out the spies now, he doesn't know when it will be done.

Some time ago, I got the news that the devil was planning to activate the sheep head plan again. This time, the devil made it clear that it was a conspiracy!I won't come here with you this time, I will tell you that I have arranged people in your independent group!

If you rely solely on Li Youcai to investigate back, the possibility of success is indeed very high, but I don't know if the investigation will last until the year of the monkey.

There is only a thousand days to be a thief, so there is no reason to prevent a thief for a thousand days. Thinking of this, the political commissar feels guilty.

Head Lu had already seen what the political commissar was thinking: "Old Lu, don't worry, at least we have strict defenses now, even if they get the information and can't send it out, it's still useless!"

The political commissar put the letter he had read on the table, was silent for a while, and suddenly said: "I want to transfer Su Qing back!"

"What did you say?" Captain Lu was stunned for a moment, thinking he heard it wrong: "Our people have just entered the plains, and the work team has become prosperous again. You, the armed work leader, have become the shopkeeper, and you still have to Do you think it is appropriate to transfer Su Qing back?"

"If we don't get rid of the traitor, we live in fear. No matter how good a pot of soup is, it may be ruined by this mouse shit!"

Head Lu was also helpless, stood up and said, "Old Ding, there are some things that cannot be rushed. Think about it, why did we release both the Ninth Company and the First and Second Company? Isn't it just to put aside the good ones first. There are only so many people left, let's think of a way, and I can always find him out, you better bear with it!"

"Forbearance? How do you ask me to bear it? My hair is almost turning white? Huh?" The political commissar's eyes were red and his face was full of anger.

"Hey, don't get angry at me. People came up with the solution. I don't believe it. Going out to buy food this time is a big deal, right? You think the traitor can bear it? Let's let the wind out, how about it?" Lu The head of the group looked smug.

"It's not that good. There is absolutely no room for loss of food. You can't use this as a test."

 The name Li Zhen really can't be used, the only female general who founded the country is this name.

(End of this chapter)

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