under fire

Chapter 341

Chapter 341
Xujiazhuang is surrounded by walls about two feet high, which are slightly higher than the ground, and there are no trees around them. There are many trees inside the walls, so they can't see clearly in the dark.

About three or four times outside the wall, there are more than a hundred houses scattered around half a circle, and the outside is surrounded by endless land, and the terrain is fairly flat.

Inside and outside the courtyard walls, the lights were brightly lit, and it was very lively. There was a burst of firecrackers after a while. On the wall above the gate, several black-clothed guards carried guns on their backs, and a table was directly placed beside them.

When Hu Yi and his party arrived at the gate of Zhuangzi, the people who went in were still queuing up. Looking into the yard from the opening of the gate of Zhuangzi, there was a sound of drinking, punching and singing.

There are not many news from the inside line arranged by Lao Zhou. Now there are fifty or sixty devils in the village, more than 100 security teams, and a lot of people from the black-clothed detective team. It seems that one or two hundred people are indispensable. There were more than 100 people, plus there were more than 1000 people with guns who came to celebrate Xu's birthday, and there were quite a few shopkeepers who had business dealings with Xu's family.

Fu has distant relatives in the mountains, plus the people nearby, there are only 4000 or [-] people inside and outside the compound!A dark patch.

Maybe there are too many guests, and the banquets are placed outside the courtyard wall. The nearby villagers consciously seek seats outside the courtyard wall, and the status of being able to enter the courtyard naturally feels higher.

For the three people who were riding high-end bicycles, the two nurses hurried forward, ready to take the bicycles from Hu Yi and Ma Liang.

One stepped forward and grabbed Ma Liang's handlebar, smiling at Ma Liang.

Seeing that someone came to snatch the bicycle in broad daylight, Ma Liang was startled, and quickly grabbed hold of it.

The two sides just stared at each other.

"Master, let go, I'll park the car for you!"

Ma Liang turned his head and glanced at Hu Yi, who was looking back. Seeing Hu Yi nodding, he let go.

The nursing home pushed the car to the wall, and there were already densely parked bicycles there. After a while, the two nursing homes took out a wooden sign one by one: "Master, when you want to use the car, take this wooden sign." Just take it!"

The Xu family arranged someone outside the courtyard to receive distinguished guests with cars!There was a long row of bicycles parked by the courtyard wall, which dazzled Ma Liang's eyes.

Hu Yi led the girl and Ma Liang into the majestic gate, holding a gift box that had been opened before, and inside was a root of wild ginseng.

The recipient was right next to the gate, watching the two traitors bring a girl to the front, a nurse took the gift box, opened it, looked at it and sang: "A box of good wild ginseng!"

Hu Yi reported the name of a traitor according to the situation given by Lao Zhou, gave the gift, and recorded it by himself.

Then I was led by a nursing home in charge of reception to find a seat.

Hu Yi carefully looked at the noisy scene around him.

The steamer on the row of earthen stoves is higher than people, and there is a row of people cutting vegetables and washing dishes against the courtyard wall, and there are people who carry water and do odd jobs to and fro.

Only honored guests are accepted in the Xu Family Courtyard. On the temporary stage set up outside the courtyard, there is currently a stage of playing golden branches with high voice, agitation, generosity, and compassion. You can see clearly that there is a table in front of the stage, with melon seeds, peanuts, and jujubes on the table. , teacups, wine bowls, everything is available, there are no empty seats behind the table, and there is a lot of pornography, all devils!There were dozens of them, and their rifles were leaning against the table, occupying the best viewing position, watching the rare Bangzi opera there.

Xu's old man had a big birthday, and even acted in a tragic scene. This traitor of the Xu family really has a different mind.

The audience listening to the play was enthusiastic, applauding one after another.

Hundreds of tables are placed in the yard, and the air is filled with the smell of meat, vegetables and wine.

There are people in every corner, even the stone steps of the aisle, the courtyard wall, and the trees. The enthusiasm they radiate is floating, and the sound is repeated. I tried my best.

The girl stared wide-eyed and wanted to move forward, but Hu Yi dragged her to an empty table, which was still greasy.

Xu's running water banquet has already been eaten for a round, and when we were done, we ran to the stage and shouted happily.

The three Pu Buhuan who followed closely behind gathered at Hu Yi's table, and there was still an empty seat on the table. Lao Zhou, Er Niu, Li Xiang, Wu Nansheng, and Ma Liang's platoon fighters did not enter the village, and there were seven people gathered together. .

It was late, the table was too far away from the stage, and the heads in front of her were shaking, so the girl climbed onto the table, stood up straight, stretched her neck and looked at the direction of the stage with relish.

A few people came in late, and after waiting for a while, I didn't see anyone coming here again. The ordinary people are not willing to sit with these detective teams. Who knows what will happen with them, let alone standing on the table. bit.

It wasn't until several people serving food came over with a large wooden tray that the girl reluctantly got off the table and stood on the stool to continue looking around.

Standing next to him was a nursing home, who had been waiting here after leading Park Buhuan and others in. After waiting for a long time, he didn't get a detective team member who matched their identities. He couldn't let the distinguished guests from the city wait too long. Well, after all, those who have cars are naturally VIPs!
So he sneered: "My lords, why don't you use it first?"

Then he stayed.

The few people at the table were like wind and clouds, and the six cold dishes that had just been served immediately bottomed out.

The nursing home hastened to leave, in order to keep out of sight and out of mind: these bastards are so virtuous, probably they didn't even eat yesterday's dinner!

Hu Yi casually looked at the tables around him. They were all traitors from the detective team. It seemed that they had drunk a lot, and they were all red-faced and thick-necked.

The traitors looked up at the new colleagues at Hu Yi's table, and found that they didn't recognize each other, so they ignored them at all.

The detective teams on the surrounding tables were hard at eating melon seeds, peeling peanuts, stuffing meat into their mouths, punching and booing, talking nonsense, bragging about their glorious history, drinking vigorously, and a group of people did not look at the stage at all. .

Looking around, Hu Yi observed the environment clearly. The yard is very large. The outside wall is high and the inside is low. The height of two people inside is almost half lower than the outside. There is no way to solve it all at once, let alone the people walking back and forth on the courtyard wall.

If you want to fight in the crowd of people in this courtyard, you will definitely be courting death!
After observing for half a day and looking back, my eyes fell on the table, and I found that there were only six dishes on the table, only the plate was left!

A black thread. Fortunately, I caught a handful of peanuts at the beginning and quickly peeled them off.

Amidst the commotion, a middle-aged man and two guards were carrying a large wine tank, adding wine to the table for homework.

"Hey, where are your wine bowls?" A middle-aged man who came to Hu Yi's table had a smile on his face, but he couldn't laugh anymore. It seemed that the guests had been sitting for a while, because the plates on the table were all empty. It was empty, and someone forgot to bring the bowl.

"What are you doing? The distinguished guests have been here for a long time, where are the wine bowls?" The middle-aged man angrily raged at the aunts not far away.

"They didn't have all the people at the table, so they didn't give wine bowls," a woman came over and said in a low voice.

The middle-aged man hurriedly turned his head to the table and smiled to accompany the offense: "Offend, offend, haha, I will teach these women a lesson later, hey, who is it, why are you still standing there? Hurry up and bring the bowl over!"

After the middle-aged man finished his orders, his mind cleared up a bit: If the wine bowl was not served, then it must be that the chopsticks were not served, right?

In principle, the opening of the flowing water table is to wait for everyone to serve before distributing chopsticks.

The middle-aged man took a closer look, only to realize that the six people sitting there were all staring at him. There were no chopsticks on the table, and their hands were empty. Dare you. They all grabbed it with their hands?
This kind of thing has been seen a lot, and there are quite a few people from the Sixiang Bali detective team to eat and drink, and they are all tourists!The middle-aged man hurriedly filled the wine bowls on the table, led the two guards who were carrying the wine, and carried the jars to the next table.

A table of people shared a big wine bowl, no cups, just two spoons in the bowl.

"Brother, can I drink this?" After a while, Ma Liang finally spoke.

"Pour it into the kettle." Hu Yi said lightly.

So one jug was empty and the ground was wet.

The dishes are being served non-stop. Since it is a distinguished guest, of course the dishes are more meat and less vegetarian.

"Brother, how much does it cost the Xu family to open such a table?" Ma Liang muttered after stuffing a large piece of fat into his mouth.

"How do I know, there must be a lot anyway." Hu Yi put a bone into his mouth, and spit out the bone in two or three.

Park Buhuan loosened his trouser belt twice, feeling that his stomach could no longer be filled.

(End of this chapter)

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