under fire

Chapter 342 Unable to start

Chapter 342 Unable to start
"The one whose surname is Xu should be in the inner courtyard?" Ma Liang asked Hu Yi in a low voice when the wine was gone and the food was almost full.

"It must be full of close relatives of the Xu family. I asked someone just now, and the traitor Xu Jinsen is inside." The monkey is small and can't eat better than other people. He put down his chopsticks and walked around a few times. return.

"If there is no acquaintance to lead the way, I will definitely not be able to enter the inner courtyard of Xu's family!" Park Buhuan burped and looked at the entrance of the inner courtyard.

"There are so many ghosts watching the show outside, I think that Xu, no matter what, should come out to say hello." Ma Liang analyzed himself again.

"Anyway, if you don't do anything tonight, it doesn't matter if he comes out or not!" Or, let's go over there to watch a show first? After Tang Dagou finished speaking, he spat out a bone from his mouth.

"I think this battle is really impossible to fight, there are too many enemies!" Ma Liang thought for a while.

"Let's see if we can find a way to sneak into the inner courtyard." Hu Yi frowned as he looked at the dozen or so nursing homes at the entrance of the inner courtyard.

The inner courtyard of Xujiazhuang is not small, the place where the banquet is actually a square for drying grain, the inner courtyard occupies almost two-thirds.There were quite a few people who were drunk and smoked, and there were not many people who went to the inner courtyard, either to meet the old man who was close to him, or to the courtyard to deliver food.

It is impossible to pretend to be delivering food, it is all arranged by Xu himself.

The only possibility is to mix in with the detective team members who are more familiar with the Xu family.

There were not many people who were drunk, at least when those men in black walked towards the inner courtyard, few of them didn't fall overboard.

Asked clearly earlier, almost all the people who went to the inner courtyard were celebrating the birthday of Master Xu's face.

Hu Yi had noticed a long time ago that the traitors next door were almost drunk, and they lay down on the table.

A traitor got up, leaned crookedly on the table with one hand, and muttered to those who were still drinking: "I will return tomorrow. I still have something to do. I have to go back to the city tonight. I will go and talk to the captain. I have to leave you guys first." continue!"

"Your mother, it's not good to have a drink. If you're so drunk, can you go back? Can't you go back early tomorrow?" A traitor who was a little more sober cursed.

"No, I'm afraid I won't be able to wake up in the morning." The drunk moved away.

Ma Liang gave Xu Xiao a wink.

Xu Xiao got up, with the pistol hanging on his shoulder, and came to the side of the drunk traitor who walked away a few steps, and the traitor put his left hand on his small shoulder.

The traitor was dazed with drunken eyes: "Boy, you. That's right. When you arrive in the county some other day, you can report to the detective team. In the name of Cao Dapeng, I will guarantee you to walk sideways in the county!"

"Hey, it's kind of nice." Xu Xiao grinned.

Everyone likes this kind of atmosphere, no matter the common people or traitors or devils, they can eat, drink and watch shows, life is like this, what more can a husband ask for.

Therefore, both Pu Buhuan and Tang Dagou supported each other and ran towards the stage.

It's not because of drinking, but because Pu Buhuan and Tang Dagou are too full to eat, and they can't bear the temptation of beating gongs and drums on the stage.

Hu Yi and Ma Liang sat at the table and continued to eat slowly.

A canvas satchel wrapped in oiled paper was full of chickens and ducks.

The traitors are very generous, as long as they see that there are few dishes on the table, someone will bring them up immediately.

It's not that no one saw Ma Liang packing, and no one said anything.

Because there are not a few people who do this.

"Captain Hu, have you all eaten?" A handyman who cleaned up the dishes came to the two of them with a basket.

"Yang Laoshi, come and have a drink!" Ma Liang enthusiastically pulled the visitor onto the stool, and pushed the communal wine bowl on the table in front of the visitor.

"Captain Ma, I'm busy right now." The visitor didn't drink, and was busy putting the empty bowls on the table into the basket.

"What's the situation in the inner courtyard?" Hu Yi lowered his voice.

"I'm not sure. I just went in when I was clearing the tables. I passed through. There is an inner courtyard gate. The inside is similar to the outside, but the place is smaller. There are [-] tables inside. Xu Jinsen is accompanying a devil as a pawn." Officials drink in the inner hall, we mud-legged people rarely come to the village, and there is no chance to get in, wait a while, someone will arrange accommodation for you, and we will see the situation at that time." After finishing speaking turn around.

"Captain Hu, eat slowly. You must eat well and drink well." Yang Laoshi stacked the empty bowls on the table, put them in the basket, and walked straight to the next table.

Xu Xiao helped Cao Dapeng to the gate of the inner courtyard. Cao Dapeng and the gatekeeper should be acquaintances. After greeting each other, they staggered into the inner courtyard.

A semi-circular courtyard wall separates the front yard from the backyard. All the doors inside are open, and there is a courtyard inside. The front is a two-story wooden building, and there are large tile-roofed houses on both sides. Most of the houses are There is a light on.

A dozen or so torches that were oiled all around took a detailed view of the inner courtyard. There were more than a dozen tables, almost half of which were empty, and the remaining five or six tables were full. People with wine bowls were running around the field, gathered in a pile, and shouted loudly.

The lobby on the first floor of the small building was even more crowded with men and women, booing at the wine table, and a group of children running around.

The monkey went outside the village. After all, the common people and the Xu family were just fellow villagers. Most of the men finished their meal, packed their bags, and carried their baskets into the front yard to watch a show. There were hardly any young girls. After all, there were dozens of ghosts in the front yard. Who knows if those devils who drank alcohol will become wild.

Some people who lived not far away went home happily. Although there was nothing valuable in the house, there was food that was just recovered. If it was stolen, the life of the whole family would not be able to survive. You have to have that skill too.

Except for the nursing home, few people were outside the village after dark.

The monkey went out and took a look around, found a dark corner, and dropped a bag of food.

Finding that there was nothing wrong nearby, he quickly turned back.

Defeating everywhere, in the fields in the countryside, no one cares, the nursing home thought that there were too many people in the hut in the courtyard, the monkey went out to pee, and didn't care, recognized the somewhat thin traitor who had just left, smiled at the monkey, Just let the monkey into the village.

Hu Yi and Ma Liang had been sitting at the table for a long time, chatting in low voices without getting along.

"Brother, we have all gotten into the den of devils and traitors, how do you think we will fight?" Ma Liang asked in a low voice
"The situation at the scene is too complicated. It is estimated that there will be more people tomorrow, and there will be ordinary people, which will cause headaches."

"There is absolutely nothing to do during the day. There are traitors all around us. As soon as we raise our guns, we will be exposed. It is too conspicuous to do anything, and even at night, we feel that it is too embarrassing!"

"Let's figure out the terrain and the strength of the guards first, and we'll talk about it at night." Hu Yi was thinking carefully about how to get rid of that traitor surnamed Xu.

"If there are no accidents, the person surnamed Xu will definitely speak on the stage before the banquet at noon tomorrow. Shall we plant a few mines and blow him up to death?"

"Even if a landmine is planted, how to detonate it?" Hu Yi felt that it would not work at all.

There was still hustle and bustle around the stage, and Pu Buhuan's tall body was very conspicuous. This guy was sitting on the edge of the pile of traitors, hooking shoulders with Tang Dagou, and occasionally yelling at others.

Xiao Hongying was standing next to the two of them, and three rows ahead were the backs of the devil's heads. Her eyes would occasionally stay on the backs of the rows of heads, patrolling back and forth.

It didn't take long, a group of nurses came out of the courtyard, and called different names among the crowd watching the play. After a long time, more than a dozen people reluctantly came out of the crowd.

Led by the nursing yard waiting next to them, they went to the inner courtyard one by one.

Such a scene did not cause much commotion. How could the performance on the stage be so attractive?It's just that as soon as they left, the vacant seats were immediately filled.

Park Buhuan stabbed the traitor next to him with his hand: "Hey, what are they going to do?"

"They are all the security chiefs of the nearby village. It is estimated that Mr. Xu will take advantage of his birthday to give them some benefits." The traitor who was being questioned suddenly felt that something was wrong, and the person next to him seemed to have never seen him before: "Hey, brother, listen Your voice is not from the local area, is it?”

Park Buhuan was stunned for a while, there was no way to solve the accent problem, but he ignored it.

"@#¥%" A string of birdsong came out of Pu Buhuan's mouth in a low voice, stunned the idiot next to him.

"Huh? You can also speak birds?" The traitor's eyes lit up: "You are..."

"Attention, the less you know about some things, the better! You, understand?" Park Buhuan had a straight face.

The traitor quickly stood up and bowed politely: "Taijun calm down, I understand, I understand."

"Watch a play!" Park Buhuan ordered in a low voice.

Eat too much, if the sound is loud, it is not worthwhile to vomit.

(End of this chapter)

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