under fire

Chapter 343

Chapter 343
The Xu family has a bunch of traitors, and they know the details of the traitors.

Therefore, most of the other traitors who came to celebrate the birthday were arranged in the village, and the two sides of the outer courtyard square were originally the houses where long-term workers and tenants lived.

It also borrowed the dilapidated houses of the tenants outside the village to accommodate those partners in the business field who came from afar, and the shopkeeper who came back with the shopkeeper to protect the courtyard. Anyway, it is not cold in the hot weather.

The ghost soldiers went to the gun tower not far away.

Hou Zi stayed in the village to play money and drink with the casino opened by the traitors.

When Hu Yi went outside the village, a dozen or so people gathered, rode bicycles to the south, and went to stay in a village arranged by Lao Zhou.

Er Niu and Wu Nansheng went back to bring people over, and it took dozens of miles to and fro, and they expected to come here before dawn.

Xu Xiao, who was squatting on the ground, used stone tiles to lay out the layout of the inner courtyard, and piled up a circle of soil to fill the wall. Thanks to Gao Yidao's literary competition with Hu Yi, Jiulian learned how to use soil Heap terrain.

The seven people around frowned deeply, looking at the layout of the villa on the ground, it didn't look complicated, except that it occupied a much larger area, it was no different from ordinary Zhuangzi.

The biggest problem is that there are too many enemies in the village!
Hu Yi racked his brains to think, carefully calculated, assumed, judged, weighed, and came up with one battle plan after another.

Insufficient troops, no matter how good the plan is, it is useless!

"...Most of the traitors will leave tomorrow, but there will still be a lot of troops left behind! We have no chance." Ma Liang's eyes were red, and it was already early morning.

"It's no way to play, there are traitors everywhere, it's useless if all our people come." The girl yawned.

"I came here first today. I'm tired after running all day. Now, I'm going to sleep. I'll talk about things tomorrow." Hu Yi looked up and looked around.

"Uh okay!"

The girl went into the back room and jumped onto the bed.

Ma Liang went out of the house, woke up Tang Dagou who was sleeping at the door, and asked him to go out to change whistle with Wu Nansheng. Hu Yi and Lao Zhou found a place on the spot, fell down on the wheat straw spread on the ground and slept with their clothes on.

After riding a bicycle in the sun for an afternoon on a hot day, I was exhausted and my butt hurt.

"Hey, old Zhou, you said that the surname Xu has contact with the national army in the mountains?"

"That's right, we also did business with him, the guy surnamed Xu is black."

The Xu family is much worse than Li Youde.

It's not his fault. Li Youde is close to the mountainous area. If he doesn't cooperate with the Eighth Route Army, he will face disaster at any time. Therefore, Li Youde is a smart person, but this Xu family has a very different mind.

Ma Liang leaned against the wall, not falling asleep. He was thinking about how to deal with such a situation. He lit a cigarette and sat there like a stake for half an hour. After smoking several cigarettes, he lowered his head in the darkness. , crooked, fell asleep.

To the west of Xujiazhuang, in a village on the hills outside the mountain.

"The news is absolutely reliable. The Eighth Route has entered Xujiazhuang!" A man and a woman stood at the door and said to the national army officer sitting above him with his shirt open.

The woman's tall and thick figure didn't arouse the officer's interest at all: "How do you know it's eight ways?"

"I've seen one of these gangs before!" the woman replied through gritted teeth.

"But, what does this have to do with us? You want me to go through this muddy water?" The officer sneered.

"Cranes and clams fight, fisherman wins!" The middle-aged man next to the woman smiled obsequiously.

"Don't tell me that they want to move Xu's family. Now that Xu's family has gathered thousands of people with guns, the Eighth Route Army has eaten up their hearts and guts? This is not a battle between cranes and clams, it's called moths flying into the flames, understand?"

"Don't forget your identity, don't forget the order from above." The woman said sharply.

"Are you telling me this? If I didn't look at the surname Liu, do you have a place to talk here?" The officer's face turned cold.

"Liu, you are so blind that you actually believed him!" The woman glanced at the man next to her, and turned her head back: "Okay, you are cruel, let's leave it alone."

"Wait a minute, what was the result of what you were asked to do." The officer was not angry.

The woman took out a package from the pocket behind her and threw it on the table: "This is the devil's head you want!"

The officer yelled to the outside, and a young man came in, opened the package, and glanced at the lime-pickled head: "Commander, it's the Japanese from the special high school!"

"You go down first and bring over two hundred oceans." After the officer ordered, he turned his head and looked at the two people in front of him with a smile on his face: "Excellent, if I can take the head of a dozen traitors, I will definitely give it to Shangfeng." Lao Liu begs for credit, but then again, you two are really inferior to the anti-rape team, and now you don’t even have a contact person, why don’t you do it with me?”

"Don't talk about those useless things, we haven't taken a fancy to your little temple yet, so you just say whether you want to make a fuss about the Eight Routes sneaking into Xu's house."

"Hey, you can't say that. We are allies with the Eighth Route Army now. How could we do stabbing in the back?"

"The eight-way old nest has been taken away, what are you afraid of?"

"You don't understand this. Without the restraint of the Eighth Route Army, do you think we can still stay here? If you don't understand the truth of the cold lips, I dare not forget it!"

"Don't talk about those useless ones. At the end of the year before last, the superiors fought against the Eighth Route Army in the south of the Yangtze River. Do you think you can be called a friendly army?"

"That's because the New Fourth Army didn't listen to the order, and it's their own fault."

"Hey, you seem to be afraid that if the Eight Routes are gone, you will be wiped out by the Japanese army sooner or later?"

"Even if it is, I'm surprised. Do you have any grudges against the Eighth Route? Now that the national crisis is at the head of the national crisis, the whole people are fighting the war, everyone is responsible! Brothers can't afford to destroy the title of the war of resistance."

"Of course we have a grudge against the Eighth Route Army. As for why? You are a dignified commander, so you don't have to worry about these things."

"That's right, old Liu, you worked so hard to get into the Mei County Police Force. You did a good job at first. Why did you come to my mountain? I think, there is something to do with it, right?"

"I said, this has nothing to do with you."

"Why doesn't it matter? You ran to Li Youde in Luoye Village to try to instigate the security forces to usurp power, but in the end, you almost got yourself into it without losing money. Is it because of this?"

"so what?"

"Let me tell you, that Li Yong has something to do with devils, you know? If he really succeeded in seizing power, he will be the first to take your head and claim credit from the Japanese!"

The middle-aged man surnamed Liu changed color: "How do you know?"

"Do you think I have stayed here for so many years, and I have no way out?"

"Are you related to Li Youde?" The woman responded quickly.

"This is not what you should know!" The officer was noncommittal: "Now, the Eighth Route Army is going to attack the Xu family. Do you think I haven't received the news?"

"Then what do you want to do?" The woman didn't give up.

"Let's just watch the fun. We don't need to dip into some muddy water. Eight roads will kill us. That's what they asked for, understand?"

"What do you mean?"

"Several Eight Routes, if you die, you will die. If the two of you are interested in this small temple of brother, the position of deputy commander is waiting for you!"

"You mean that if we don't join the gang, you won't do anything?"

"Hey, they're all my own people, don't say it's so special."

"You have to make it clear that our current identity is the anti-rape team of the military command. You have hundreds of crooked melons and cracked dates, and you are not even as good as the eight-way mud legs." The woman's face darkened.

"Don't worry, the entire Meixian Ranger was annihilated, and you two escaped, what do you think your superiors will think? Besides, you can do it wherever you are. As for your identities, I have the final say."

"You threaten us?"

"Hey, I also see that the two of you have extraordinary skills, so it's kind of good intentions to seek talent, how about it?"

The two looked at each other, and the woman said, "How many people can you produce this time?"

Old Liu is the one who guards the armory in the police force. This thief woman is naturally his best friend.

Lao Liu followed Li Yong to reinforce Lushuipu that day, and was almost killed on the spot by the Eighth Route Army. Fortunately, he was experienced in the world, and he raised his gun and surrendered immediately. Later, he became a prisoner. It was Li Youde's character that made him escape. He turned around and joined the guerrillas of the national army in the north.

The officers didn't know their identities very well, and it was two different things to seek refuge and work with them. Of course, they had to accept the certificates. The first task they took was to assassinate an officer who was out of the An County Devil's Special High School, and they succeeded.

The pair of thieves went around a lot, and when they got the news that the old man of the Xu family had passed his birthday, people from all walks of life gathered together, and of course they mixed in, planning to see if they could get some money at night, but Lao Liu found out that the ambush Li The life-and-death enemy of the brave Eighth Route Army is also there.

Both couples have met Hu Yi. When Hu Yi was looking for Su Qing, the woman met Hu Yi. She thought Hu Yi was a traitor and was about to create some chaos so that he could take advantage of the chaos and kill the traitor. The dog-like guy next to him just walked over there twice and took a few extra glances, which attracted the guy's attention and was almost spotted!

He hurriedly sneaked out to meet his good friend Liu, only to find out that he had also discovered that fake traitor, who almost died at his hands. The impression was so deep that he would never forget it even if it was burned to ashes.

The thief woman finally realized that the traitor turned out to be a company commander of the Eighth Route Army!
It's not like friends don't get together. Fortunately, it was night, and the eight roads surnamed Hu didn't recognize him.

But their identities are also embarrassing. The two of them, who have always been cautious, did not dare to report in the den of the devil and the traitor. Together, they came out of the village at night, and hurried back to the mountain to find helpers at night, preparing to have a battle between cranes and clams. The fisherman benefits.

But I didn't expect that this broken guerrilla commander was so hypocritical that he didn't want to attack behind the Eighth Route Army.

 Brothers, come to a wave of comments to support it, so many typos make me blush
(End of this chapter)

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